[hider=Fritz/Kazumin Collab][h1][center][color=9354FF]The raven’s lantern[/color] [color=limegreen]illuminuates the puppet’s nightmare [/color][/center][/h1] [color=gray] [center]-The few minutes prior to Fritz’s interruption-[/center] A fretting Kazumin on the verge of breaking into a panting panicked fit as the two domineering, inescapable guards encroached upon him, a curse at letting his guard down. Now trapped like an ensnared monkey. a wide nervous chuckling smile and a hasty handful grab of the curtain.”[color=limegreen] If this is about the snot wiped on the curtain, I can clean that. Surely the king might not mind such a minor mess, my good two massive imposing guards with those *gulp*…gorilla built muscles.[/color]” Nervously attempts at guessing and disarming their need to fetch the cowlicked blonde, the amber of his eyes trembling with terrifying possibilities for King Edin’s reason to send some of his guards to fetch this meager farmhand nobody personally. * [color=00a651]The puppet stolen away amidst the audience’s cheers, their cover?[/color]* The harrowing thought went through his mind while anxiously patting at one of the guards stupidly broad shoulders, where stone-hard muscles promising deadly force against any foolish attempt at combat. “[color=limegreen] O-oh! Kazumin! No no no no. You actually just missed him, I’m his cousin, Chadumin. We get mistaken for each other a lot, but I keep telling people I’m the far more dashing and handsome one between us, thank you. And between you and me *whispers he smells like old pudding skins I hear*[/color]” A big flash of the most handsome model face he could manage, only amplifying the painful bruises and fresh marks marring it.” [color=limegreen]You’ll find that idiot schmucl. Kazu in the toilet…crazy fool downed a bucket of popcorn’s worth of coffee..extra large! Doing on a number on that toilet, I bet so might want to give it…oh an hour to air give or take to let it ai-[/color]” Kazumin rambled his bullshit story with slow, careful edging steps backwards his hands miming the bucket and drinking coffee then a rumble of the tummy ending with looking at a wristwatch (whatever those were) to distract and play up the act. An abrupt spinning charge in one final sprint to make a run for it. *[color=00a651] Hah! Suckers! Good luck catching Chadumin![/color]* Laughing manically in his head thinking he was making his escape, though strangely the world had gone black and…why were his feet not thudding across the stage? A slow fluttering of eyelashes, having seemed to have closed his eyes from the sudden haste and a painful squeeze to his arms at the base of his shoulders prompted Kazu to shoot his gaze at the two guards then down to his kicking legs in mid-air running motion as he was held a few inches in the air in place.* [color=00a651]Apparently very easiyl it seemed…damn it Chadumin you schmuck![/color]* [center]-Fritz arrived, discovering the caught puppet-[/center] Like a deer stuck frozen in torchlight, the familiar figure coming into view would find him ready to resign to his fate. A spark of hope in his fading amber brown eyes as a small pleading gasp for the man's amazingly timely apt appearance. There was mercy left for him yet. “[color=limegreen] Fritz![/color]” Kazu cried out with delighted relief, then shut his mouth; a safer bet to leave the persuading the release from his cruel capture.”[color=limegreen] Y-Yes! Curtains call! As you heard, my good gentlemen, the audience demands us fellow acts to give our moment of thanks and I sorely need a moment to freshen up. They deserve us only at our best, aye?[/color]” Laughing nervously in mental sobbing, pleading that this worked.” [color=limegreen]As immensely flattered and honored, surely the king may afford this puppet this meager moment of glory before relishing in his splendor?[/color]” Desperation in his whirling eyes; body trembling, legs weak, palms are sweaty and his stomach is rumbly from coffee, how he’d love some of his step-mom’s spaghetti even if his belly’s frothy. After a hellish eternity, his feet touched ground with a heaving victorious mental roar!* [color=00a651]Land! Sweet sweet glorious land..don’t ever leave my feet again![/color]* As the wracked Kazu tried to stand, the moment he had been released from their grasp, instead his body momentarily numbed from the still fading paralyzed fear collapsed in a stumbling step onto his savior. “ [color=limegreen]*Sniff* You’re a godsend Fritzy, truly. Second time ya helped this caught puppet.[/color]” Whispered his trembling thanks; an appreciative hug hid in guise of the clumsy catch. The terror that nearly choked his lungs exhaled in every rapid drumming breath, trying to catch his breath, fearing it would be taken away at any moment. [color=9354FF]“Quite the fan club you’ve acquired.”[/color] The rest of Ryn’s attention shifted away from the king’s knights to fully focus on Mr. Kazumin. [color=9354FF]“Are you unharmed?”[/color] he asked as he rubbed the other man’s back in an attempt to help him calm his breathing. Of course, one look and anyone could tell the man was far from unharmed. Ryn was about to correct himself, [color=9354FF]“Apolo—”[/color] Kazumin, who was able to get some air into his numb body and distance from the guards, stood leaning against the nearby wall, legs still clacking like wooden legs.” [color=limegreen]Thanks, and I hate it. They serve great snacks though. You should see the Die farmboy die! Sign they had up. I find it tacky and- do I look bloody unharmed to ya?![/color]” His arms thrown up in utter panting exasperation. A quick spastic motioning over his body, the old costume stained in a myriad of snot, tears and possibly other unsavory fluids the cowlicked blonde would not wish to admit and a mixed number of bruises/marks both old and very recent riddling his tender body.” [color=limegreen]Did I mention the gorilla twins tryna take me to… our [b]*king?*[/b] [/color] ” The final word leaving his lips in a shuddering huff of disgust, fear momentarily glinting his eyes. Something darkened behind the count’s already dark eyes, though his expression remained carefully composed. He gave a quiet nod, his shoulders squaring almost imperceptibly beneath his tailored jacket. [color=9354FF]“I must offer my sincerest apologies for this ghastly business,”[/color] Ryn said. [color=9354FF]“The security arrangements were woefully inadequate—an oversight for which I bear full responsibility. I confess I hadn’t anticipated the royal knights would stoop to such... unseemly conduct.”[/color] Letting Fritz speak now that he let off some of his agrieved frustration at the rude, unjust, uncosting of his fragile person.” [color=limegreen]You got a way with words, anyone tell you that? And thanks for the concern…little of that in these parts.[/color]” Kazu chuckled with a pained smile of bitter acceptance while trying to wipe some of the mess from his face with a faint unpleasant sniffling sound. Ryn cast a glance about their surroundings and spotted the dressing room door. [color=9354FF]“Might I suggest we find somewhere for you to recuperate momentarily? I can fetch some water for you and see to those injuries.”[/color] Turned his head to the dressing room and like a doll letting his limbs finally relax of its taut strings.” [color=limegreen]What I’d do for a good hot bath of boiling coffee right now…but the audience awaits! Can’t keep them waiting. Uno momento, my good sir![/color]” An appreciative wincing thumbs up, the tired actor slipped into the dressing room. Sounds of splashing and muffled fits of sobbing and why me’s could be heard if any were curious to press close. A half-minute later, a flush, and out burst a cleaned and freshened up Kazu, his face palatable, and the costume already raggedy old made washing it easy enough..though did he change pants? ”[color=limegreen] Ahhhh….[/color]” A Sharp inhale following a stress cleansed exhaling sigh.” [color=limegreen]Nothing a quick sob scrub can’t fix.[/color]” Am unsettling cacophony of bone cracking and merry whistling stretching to loosen up his body, a small crick on his side.” [color=limegreen]Oh-hoo-hoo..that smarts… oh yeah..gonna be suffering that dance later alright *wincing sob*. [/color]” Wincing while using small rubbing motions to ease the stiffness wracking his body, ending with a loud neck twisting…. [b]*CRACK!*[/b] By the time Mr. Kazumin reappeared, Ryn had claimed one of the worn benches, medicine box balanced on his knees. His tentative smile crumpled into a wince at the alarming crack of bone. [color=9354FF]“Perhaps,”[/color] Ryn said, rising to guide the other man to the bench, [color=9354FF]“we should get you seated before you manage to snap something vital.”[/color] A final cracking pop of his head snapping back to place, an airy huff.”[color=limegreen] What, the pop? No need to worry about that, just shaking off the rust. Haven’t danced like that in a long time, was a blast honestly..[/color]” Twisting his hips, hiding a somber sigh in his tired stretching. The case’s metal clasp felt cool beneath his fingertips as Ryn flipped open the container. [color=9354FF]“I’ve procured some medical supplies, should you wish for treatment, but—... It might be worth considering your next move.”[/color] He studied Mr. Kazumin’s face for a pause. A few testing steps towards the bench, listening to Fritz speak with a promising sting of medical treatment on. A mixture of hesitant need as his body ached on every brush of air and cautious confusion.” [color=limegreen]Next move? Wish I could actually think of one..if ya got any tips…[/color]” A faux chuckling brave face [color=9354FF]“Although proper medical attention would be the sensible choice, if you intend to present yourself to the king it may serve you better to leave the wounds visible. So that everyone, not just His Majesty, can see them too.”[/color] Face wincing, taking a step closer, the mysterious raven who seemed an ally; a hard life of betrayals and survival kept him paused. How Kazu wished nothing more than to hibernate for a month and ignore Caesonia’s game, let his body slumber in shadowed solitude.”[color=limegreen]Ya know, think you might be on to something with the wounds thing. Heh, not like I can do much about this beaten mug anyway. Not unless you got some magical face cream. Should see the magic fingers Sa-[/color]” A halting icy chill shuddered through his body, harrowing flashes flickering like panicked static in his guilt-drowned amber weeping chocolate eyes. Calloused-battered hands twitchings in a nervous, invisible regretful grip beneath the gloves, their punitive cages. There was another pause. [color=9354FF]“Injuries tell their own story, don’t they? Nothing speaks more than wounds left unmasked.”[/color] The medicine case remained untouched between them—an offer without pressure. An unsettling glint off the cold clasp; mind pounding with a building tempo in a snowstorm flurry of scattered thoughts. A hand gently rubbed at his temple, his breathing growing heavier as shadows of the guards loomed over him in domineering threat. [color=9354FF]“It might be worth considering your next move.”[/color] Were that the cacophony in his mind to cease for a peaceful moment to afford such a simple respite. [color=9354FF]“It may serve you better to leave the wounds visible.”[/color] True, the wounds ever present and fading but never erased. Better to tell the story of this puppet in all its meager splendor towards its burning glory in its entirety before his body collapsed beneath their ever-hungry flames. [color=9354FF]“Injuries tell their own story, don’t they? Nothing speaks more than wounds left unmasked.”[/color] Stories told with injuries of the body and heart may fade, but the memories and emotions, they linger in life and death. Great guilty pains deeply held in that widening tooty grin glittering sugary wonder; a cracked mask of innocent joy, a friendly need in the cracked splinters. A resigned mad tweak to his eyes as he stood before Fritz; A leaf-shaky hand rubbing along his face, seeming to stifle a crackling chuckle, a wicked request the cowlicked blonde hesitated to ask. Then, he shot forward, his face leaning in inches away on a burst of desperate stupid abandon, hands wrapped around the med kit signaling to wait. “[color=limegreen]Hit me![/color]” Kazu, with an almost crazed wide grin; nearly giddy at the possible blow his thunder-storming head needed on this deadly crossroad. Two paths before him; every delaying tick crumbling his options. There was a moment or two where the two men simply stared at each other. [color=9354FF]“May I ask why?”[/color] Ryn finally asked as he placed the container to the side and stood up. An irritating twitch in his eyes, a slow bull rage slowly exhaling from flared nostrils.”[color=limegreen] Fritzy, I appreciate the concern, truly, melts my heart. But, of all times… now and I heavily apologize for the taste of pent up drunk peasant rage I’m about to afford upon you…[/color]” Trailing off in an icy sigh. His hands rose from the moved kit to grab the neck hem of his fancy dress shirt in a clenched tight grip.”[color=limegreen] But I need you to man the fuck up and look at me like I’m the motherfucker that crowned your mother the fattest cow in the three kingdoms not even King Porky would pork! Quit being the pansy limp wrist sissy birthed by that queen sow and FUCKING..HIT..ME..IN..MY DUMB F-[/color]” Hands bunching up with every spitting harsh biting insult done with vehement faux rage to induce the quickest and rawest strike this bullish monkey all but throttling the kind gentleman for. Ryn contained the laughter that threatened to escape at Mr. Kazumin’s attempt at an insult. [color=9354FF]“Face?”[/color] He supplied. [color=9354FF]“Only if you say please.”[/color] “[color=limegreen] Please? Oh You teasing limp wristed fairy bastard! I’ll give you a ple-[/color]” No sooner had the magic words left Mr. Kazumin’s lips than Ryn’s fist connected with his face—a clean strike, calibrated with just enough force to snap the man’s head back without causing unnecessary damage. A flying fist smacked his face clean and square on the face. Flashes of lightning shot through his thundering head; lack of bracing and weak legs had his head rebound hard enough to have him fall back. A painful cracking [b]*THWACK* [/b] Kazu's collapsed body landed on a storm-shattering burst of vast inky black clouds clearing and soothing into the tranquil sunny day, the thundering of fear and guilt gave way to a mirror-glass Lake. Glittering stars across its surface; a glow split of two swirling of Golden orange and snowy blue as if the sun and sky were swirling in an eternal warming dance. A catching glow of the sun once drowned in the chaotic haze of drugs, booze, and grief, the painful blow of inferno tore through the dark thoughts till forced back to the shadowed recesses of his mind if only for a time. Ryn waited for Mr. Kazumin to reorient himself before asking, [color=9354FF]“Again?”[/color] His body lay there limp with no sign of movement; seeming to have pa- “[color=limegreen] FU-U-OW-OW-HOW! That smarts![/color]" Rubbing at his pained cheek that then sharply pointed at Fritz, the other hand now clenched, slammed floorboard.”[color=limegreen]Ye-e-s! That’s the stuff you teasing whore! I can hear myself think! For the first time in months! Hahahaha.[/color]” A sprout of blood spritzed from his mouth while throwing up his arms and legs in a victorious cheer, and a giddy guffaw in a fit of laughter, blood trickling down his face. A snorting sniff and unpleasant bloody spit to the side.*[color=00a651] Not bad, but only managed blood. Hold on to that and train up for a tooth, then we’ll talk.[/color]* Is what he thought he said when all that came out was… A mouth filled bloody [b][color=limegreen]grublwrigibirwering whore woibweroj train oweroboj tooth bowerbo[/color][/b] with some actual words slipping through. Ending on a bloody grinning thumbs up, his woozy head spinning stars. [color=9354FF]“I should point out,”[/color] Ryn said as he opened and closed his fist, [color=9354FF]“that calling me a whore isn’t quite the insult you imagine it to be. It’s among humanity’s most enduring trades, after all. One that’s provided comfort and pleasure to innumerable patrons throughout history.”[/color] Observing Mr. Kazumin’s ecstatic, bloodied grin, he added with a half-smile, [color=9354FF]“And judging by that reaction, it’s clearly a talent.”[/color] Blinking at a loss of what to say, a curious tilt of the head, and wheezy whistle of dislocated nostrils.”[color=limegreen] Thab’s one way ta puth ith. Donbt tis ith goo ta goh roun callin folth and ladieth wh-wh-whorses.[/color]” A wheezy attempt at a response, understanding the profession but hardly an endearing friendly term; ending on a coughing rattly laugh shifting into a hack. Ryn circled around and knelt beside Mr. Kazumin’s head. His fingers found the crooked bridge of the man’s nose. [color=9354FF]“This may sting,”[/color] he warned. In one swift flick of his wrist, the cartilage snapped back into place. The crack was muffled but distinct. Curious eyes followed the mysteriously mysterious gentleman circling about; fingers sliding into vision beneath trembling chocolate eyes cracking with realization.”[color=limegreen] Wait…is dis cuzzh of da ma qheen thow remarth? L-like ya saih.hores are a-..I’m so sobby…pleab beh gentah-[/color]” A whimpery plea in his eyes, forced to bite air wishing he had a mouth piece, undeserving after the near undeserved insult. *Snap* A gentle muffled shift to others, for Kazu the subtle twitch of fingers added that extra tinge of lightning erupting pain throughout every inch of his body and a single whimpered tear shed. The last kick to jolt his slovened lazy ass awake. [color=9354FF]“Now then,”[/color] he said, offering a gauze from the box, [color=9354FF]“what’s this business about months of muddled thinking? It’s not every day someone begs to be hit in the face for the sake of mental clarity.”[/color] He settled more comfortably on his haunches, prepared to wait for an answer. A slow peppermint fresh stinging exhale of his nose expelling a small spurt of blood. [i][color=9354FF]“what’s this business about months of muddled thinking?[/color][/i] Heated shadows licked his frantic skin.” [color=limegreen]Ash. The stink of curious looky-loos barring the puppet’s path filled its panting lungs.[/color]” A figure grits and shoves shouting.*[b] [color=00a651]Move it! Get- out of my way![/color][/b]* “ [color=limegreen]Roaring flames encompassed and deafened the desperate pleas or perhaps were silenced on his lips?[/color]” A fiery heat whipped at his terrified face, singed tears dried along his cheeks.*[b][color=00a651]Please..please don’t be too late..I’m…I’m trying![/color][/b]*” [color=limegreen]Victory came through but only punishing misery was its reward. Its most cherished friend lost drowned within the wicked inferno’s center. A fiery sanctuary once safe, now engulfed. Were the flames hers? Was an accident? Impossible to say; shadowed hands restrained, denied him following her deadly journey.[/color]” Thrashing and pulling, it resists, yet the cruel hands won’t relent even as he fights till his limbs splintered.* [b][color=00a651]Agh! Damn it! Get off..let me..she's in there...let me go![/color][/b]* The crackling of Mocking flames devoured its cries.” [color=limegreen]Helpless and uselessly spent, the puppet collapses within the dying embers where fracturing fingers dug in fierce abandon with boundless rage and no face to grasp its blame to throttle revenge. What was the puppet to do? Naught else but collapse and be burned till hollow and empty.[/color]” The figure lay hunched by the sanctuary now coal and ash, its body singed in scroched black residue… Trailing off, his little story done; told in a gentle, snowy-brushed whisper, his breath an icy heat emulating a hint of the wide breadth of emotions felt that day. A deep hurt in every word, guilt swam in his eyes, a touch of the unbridled rage itching for an outlet lightly pressing against his curious friend’s Shoulder. [i][color=9354FF]“what’s this business about months of muddled thinking? It’s not every day someone begs to be hit in the face for the sake of mental clarity.”[/color][/i] A soft contented cleansing sigh as if saying it aloud reinvigorated his crumbling body.”[color=limegreen] How was that? Two can play the coy game, and if you want my secrets, though I tell through tales, the origin to your question lies there. Up to you if you want to investigate, whether you or your…whatever your group is about.[/color]” A test for the raven to see how curiously determined this secretive bird was. He then chuckled with a double pat of his shoulders, the cold chill masking his face melting back to his jolliest grin yet. ” [color=limegreen]And the answer, which I’m glad you asked, is a muddled mind adrift in a storm of reckless addictions to run from grief and bears with a dancing smile. Basically one long bender and that punch was just the clarity this woozy head’s been needing for a long time, and whew..heh..I really did…owww.[/color]” An impressed rub of his sore cheek.”[color=limegreen] Second time I've been knocked awake like that![/color]” Dropping the flowery storyteller angle, Kazu pulled Fritz into a genuine hug, amused doing so to the person who just decked him on his ass. The hug caught Ryn off guard, but he surrendered to it without struggle. His hand found its way to Mr. Kazumin’s back, fingers patted lightly against fabric that smelled of sweat and stage makeup and something burnt that might have been memory. [color=9354FF]“Glad to be of assistance.”[/color] After a moment, he whispered, [color=9354FF]“Also my condolences…”[/color] His body flinched at the unexpected returned touch, the bruised and singed flesh tender and unfamiliar, from another guy at least. An upbeat pat to the back and an awkward laugh.”[color=limegreen] Aye thanks. But, no need for she’s fine turns out..I think? So ya can imagine how that’s fucked with my head. Still working through it honestly, though what can ya do?[/color]” Shaking his head, chuckling bemused with a dismissive shrug; more tired than bothered by the whole ordeal at this point. [color=9354FF]“There’s only so much I can do to ease your torment,”[/color] Ryn continued, withdrawing slightly, [color=9354FF]“but should you need it, my ear, shoulder, or wicked right hook are at your service.”[/color] A faint smile ghosted across his lips. [color=9354FF]“Though perhaps it would be wise to go easy on that last option. Even the clearest mind needs a face to house it.”[/color] A queer expression on his face.”[color=limegreen] Ease my- ah..sorry if that’s what it felt like. You got your problems to worry about than hear some farmhand complain.[/color]” Tilting his head, a curious brow crease uncertain if he saw a phantom smile. A reminder ache of his cheek at the last remark, a stingy smirk.”[color=limegreen] Very true. Believe me though, my head has never been more clear.[/color]” An uproarious almost mad laugh in his eyes brimming with ideas. The embrace lingered a heartbeat longer before Ryn extricated himself, rising to his feet. His gaze drifted stageward, where shadows stretched and contracted in the dazzling light. The swelling music suggested the countdown to curtain call had begun in earnest. [color=9354FF]“We have a few more minutes left.”[/color] Ryn slid back to Mr. Kazumin’s battered form. [color=9354FF]“If you’d like those injuries sorted, now’s likely the only chance we’ll get before the knights drag you to the king or—”[/color] he paused, weighing options like coins in his palm, [color=9354FF]“—or we try to get you out of here before they have that chance.”[/color] A gentle turn of the head towards the stage; sounds of impatient anticipation and sounds of clapping, faint as if in the distant.”[b] [color=limegreen]~Yes…my fellow casts I can hear their frustrations ready to blow. Hurry we must go. An audience longing to offer adoration and let their emotions flow.~[/color][/b]” A giddy melody song overtaking his tone. Closing his eyes, offering his face in preparation of the inevitable sting as wicked flames crackled at his feet; burning his actions forward where rage melted his fingers like acid.”[b] [color=limegreen]~An honest puppet's face they need to see, but child friendly it must be. So make haste I request thee!~[/color][/b]” A sleeping song stirred in his heart, a pounding a hop to his step, gradual excitement bubbling in his pitch. A dusty body rusty with slumber rattling awake. Pausing in his singsongy manner with a raised finger more to stop himself before he let the story take hold.” [color=limegreen]Sorry about that best save the rest till later. Our audience and dear Po- King beckons! Oh! And uh..heh about the whole bar language.. mind keeping that between us? I’d rather the group and our lady friends didn’t know about my… *ahem* sailor mouth…though to be fair I picked it up from a friend, she can be a bad influence so you know![/color]” A dismissive wag of the finger and pouty puff of his cheeks trying to pass part of the blame off of himself; heated shame and dread knowing the bucket of soap Momma Naga would have him eat were she to learn of it. Ryn did as much as he could to make the man presentable for the audience, though up close it was obvious someone—several someones—had taken liberties with Mr. Kazumin’s features. A twinge of guilt needled at Ryn’s conscience. True, the royal knights had done most of the damage, but he could not deny his own contribution to the man’s battered state. [color=9354FF]“I think it was rather entertaining. Such colorful language brings a refreshing variety to our group vocabulary.”[/color] Ryn chuckled. [color=9354FF]“But if you insist. I promise not to tell anyone that you called me a ‘teasing whore of a pansy limp-wristed fairy bastard whose mother is the fattest cow in the three kingdoms, not even King Porky would pork’ just to get me to hit you…”[/color] Ryn winked, patting Mr. Kazumin's shoulder to signal the end of his ministrations. [color=9354FF]“...Or how you enjoyed it.”[/color] Kazu was grateful for Fritz’s mending touch and resentful for the cruel reminder of his..lapse of unsavory language. Every word a vindictive dagger far harsher than the stinging medicine balming his battered face. Biting back a pained whimper.” [color=limegreen]Agh! You wound me…no fair, ya know I meant in jest like among friends…obviously….[/color]” An awkward chuckling shrug.” [color=limegreen]Curse you and your impeccable line memorization![/color]” A frantic, angry, wagging finger warningly.” [color=limegreen] And you think so? I admit I’ve noticed the meeting was…nice but far too drab.[/color]” A slight turn of his head and a reminding chin scratch.” [color=limegreen]Course I wasn’t my colorful self as you’ve put it..but no more![/color]” Nearly pulling his face away disrupted Fritz’s patching as his body was practically bubbling with excitement, no longer trapped in murky nightmare. The humor faded from his face as he considered what came next. [color=9354FF]“Are you certain you wish to meet with the king?”[/color] A cold yet heated breath brushed the pair as if uttering the question drained the color from the air, a stern, deep-thinking expression suppressing the humor from his gaze.” [color=limegreen] Certain? No? Terrified? For sure, my instinct and your repeated concerns upset the rumbling in my gut that I sorely hope is from the bucket of coffee.[/color]” A brief disarming playful remark; a studying gaze probed Fritz for deception in his generosity.”[color=limegreen] Something tells me that’s not the real question you wanted to ask?[/color]” A sly accusing glint in his sad grin. Puzzled, Ryn tilted his head. What question did Mr. Kazumin suspect he wanted to ask? A friendly pat on the shoulder showing no hard feelings.”[color=limegreen] But I get it. Considering the groups at play…and now thanks to you rattling this mad puppet from its nightmare…something..clicked.[/color]” A snap of his fingers picturing a chess board, the game.”[color=limegreen] Chess! And I will admit now, I don’t know how to play much, not without trying, mind.[/color]” A shameless admit.” [color=limegreen]But, one thing that seems clear is that *cult* and our dear Dukes are likely some of the big players.[/color]” Pausing in his vocal musing, pondering on which piece he knew.” [color=limegreen]So..I’ve been wondering about Calby and the rose group…they been doing their underground shit for a good while yeah?[/color]” Tilting his head at the likely fact, he said it was good to learn as much as he could, as he shared and continued without waiting.” [color=limegreen]Hard to imagine they could manage and hide it all seemingly right under the king’s nose….the warehouse parties…oooh…the magic cocktails….[/color]” Tapping his muttering his lips as his breathing picked up, remembering the king’s sloven showboating at the ball, all the repeated grand festivities to show off or… “ [color=limegreen]The king![/color]” Grabbing Fritz excitedly by the shoulders with an eureka moment like barking laugh, soon muted by the overpowering single clapping. A glimmering path shines behind illuminating the impossibly dark expanse; in the distance a single shimmering glow calling.”[color=limegreen] Do you see it Fritzy?![/color]” Hugging his confused friend to his side, pointing off in the audience’s direction.”[b][color=limegreen] ~The curtain call is about to begin, an audience left in impatient chagrin, an agrieved princess song whos heart breaks within…~[/color][/b]” A slow steadying relishing inhale, a bop to his foot, a drumming clang to his tone, pulling away with a wide sweeping spin; raging flames once crackling his way forward doused, a second spin following in one fluid motion, betraying the undignified spinning only prior. A quick dusting fluff of the dusty old shirt.”[b][color=limegreen] ~ A grudge held, a villain none to be felled.~[/color][/b] A harsh shake of aching hands forever marked with a cruel reminder; a promise here made never again.”[b][color=limegreen] ~A perilous path enshrouded in shadows awaits. The body quakes, the bones shakes…every part of me screams grave mistaaaaaake~[/color][/b]” A low spin, the swipe of the discarded blue hat giving it a nice tap tap as he spun to a halt facing stageward, seeing the audience as if they were before him; a wall of hands clapping in a furious wave of cacophany of applause banishing the expanse, an empire tumbling and burning upon itself. Figures forming around him; familiar faces all around, those on stage and without joining in clapping and dancing. A gloved hand extends reaching towards the shimmering, the shadows dissipating till only a lone blackened tree stood, shadowy figures too far to yet make out, yet there in the center lie the glowing opportunity. A hesitant step as sharp strings circled his hands like wicked shadowy vipers restraining. A choked gasp from the chain around his neck, one wrong step; a noose the other. A razor wire thin path where one misstep led either way to ruin. His heart once gripped with fear now pounding fervor anew, his friends and family needed him, he knew. “[color=limegreen] I’m tired of dancing for nothing with fire in my veins.[/color]” He whispered, tilting his head downward as if saying the comforting statement to a nonexistent child. A satisfied sigh followed into a playful laugh as he spun on the spot with a sharp noodly flop of his arms and a stuffing of the hat on his head.”[color=limegreen] Ah screw it! Come on Fritzy..it’s showtime![/color]” A confidant jubilant skyward pointing cheer; a hand punching through the strings, a puppet that foolishly struts off on his merry way with a giddy whistling. Showing no doubt of his decision and a clear idea in mind.* Might as well and try and get some fun outta it while I’m at it...besides, any chance to mess with Calby is worth it after fucking with my *apple tree*…ehehehehehehehehe!*” A cheeky snickering of promised payback as he skipped along. Ryn watched with a mixture of curiosity and concern as Mr. Kazumin underwent a metamorphosis from his earlier defeated state to someone possessed by near-manic determination. Though he could not begin to guess what plan raced behind those newly brightened eyes, Ryn thought it prudent to remind the other man. [color=9354FF]“The curtain call should buy you some time to consider your options.”[/color] He squeezed the man’s shoulder once, a quick pressure and release. [color=9354FF]“Whatever you decide, I’ll help however I can.”[/color] Pausing in his bouncy stroll when hearing Fritz speak up, a curious tilt of the ear though his feet fidgeted with anticipation.” [color=limegreen]Oh-ho! I love that calm moxy, you continue to impress me, and here I feared my… little..manic performance there would have ya running.[/color]” A grateful chuckle with a fleeting check of the hand squeezing his shoulder following the man’s strange continued support, almost feeling the slightest nudge. Spinning abruptly to lean close, playfully pressing a finger against Fritz’s chest.”[color=limegreen] I appreciate it all the same, truly, which I will happily accept..after a more proper conversation later..that is if you wish for this..*friendship?* to continue, my sneaky birdy.[/color]” Each warning jesting jab. Preparing to pull away only to halt mid-way suddenly remembering.” [color=limegreen]Ah, and if in the case I’m not seen by the day’s end, please go to any of the group except Lady Olivia..for last if possible.[/color]” a gentle tap against his friend’s cheek leaving a tingling sting promising chaos.”[color=limegreen] Trust me, ya don’t want that possible disaster.[/color]” A shuddering finger wag of horror; a wipe of a hovering hand over the face, wiping the stern frown replaced with a bright cheeky smile. A sharp turn on the heel he cobbled off on his way in a merry tune. [/color] [/hider]