[center] [h1]Street Rat: Scotti[/h1] [/center] [hr] [color=808080] [indent]The movement into the stalls that were selling modified power cores and into tighter alleys seemed to delay the individual following her. Uncertainty. Anyone with half of a braincell would be reminded the deeper you went into the Gray Market the more dangers you were in. Inhaling deeply, he nodded, and continued to follow the woman into the depths of the Gray Market and he was finding himself in a place he had never been before. Maybe he should turn around, give the man in the trench coat his money back, and tell him to get lost – though there was a fear that the man might do something to him if he didn’t continue this path. He seemed weird. Pushing forward, the young man continued, and he kept following Selene at a good distance. Her sudden disappearance and reappearance caused him to jump out of his skin and he stepped back. She might not have been able to see his eyes through the long hair, but they were wide. “[color=white]I…[/color]” he started but he found himself at a loss for words. He didn’t expect her to jump, scare him like that or even interact. Shaking is head, “[color=white]I was just curious…[/color]” he was lying through his teeth but it was hard to tell if he was lying or not at first. He said it with so much natural conviction that most people would have shrugged him off. The young man took another step back so there was some distance between them, enough that she would have to move to try and grab him, and that meant he had a few seconds to try and get away. “[color=white]I’m not looking to lose my limbs.[/color]” These words sounded more confident than his last. He really didn’t want to lose anything in all honesty. He shook his head, not instantly wanting to give away that someone sent him at all or somewhat bullied him into this, “[color=white]No one,[/color]” he shrugged his shoulders. “[color=white]I was just curious. I saw you enter the Market and you looked interesting,[/color]” he spoke so plainly and uncaring that it was hard to tell if he was lying or not. Anyone that was familiar with the lower rings of Dominion would know that people had to lie out of their teeth daily to survive or become aggressive to live. It was like wild dogs fighting for the will to live. This kid was no different and being around his age, any other kid living at that age had probably perfected lying and pick-pocketing. [/indent] [/color] [hr] [b]Interaction(s)[/b] Selene Syn[@Qia] [b]Current situation[/b] Street Rat: Scotti is face-to-face with Selene