[indent][right][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY3ZDVhNS5TMmwwZEhsaGJpQkxaV3hzZVEuMA/fredericka-the-great.regular.webp[/img][/right][hr][right][sub][i][color=f7d5a5]Mentions:[/color] Alphard ([@SilverPaw]) [color=f7d5a5]Setting:[/color] 11:10 AM+, Ricky's[/i][/sub][/right][hr] [/indent] [indent][indent]While largely uneventful, the drive to their destination was not left unappreciated by Kittyan. The novelty of his beautiful creation, accompanied by the companionship of Alphard, ensured such. He happily answered any queries his blue-skinned demon might've had, while carefully maintaining a meticulous eye on any road-effects that might put a scratch on his new pride and joy - occasionally giving a mostly vain glare to any reckless drivers. Soon enough, they arrived at their objective, Randy's. And Randy's was, well.. it.. it had parking space! Kittyan had probably only ever passed through this part of the city - the area was really nothing of note, at least it seemed. It was a touch unusual for him, since he'd been to most places at least once in his journeys, but it made sense, from the look of the area. It was the sort of place he'd feel pretty uncomfortable leaving a quality piece of equipment like The Crime Mobile in, but he was pretty confident in the "deluxe security package" he had installed in the beast. He patted the keys into his jeans pocket as he entered Ricky's with his partner, leading the way. Surprisingly, the inside of Randy's was a lot more agreeable than the outside. Honestly, it was probably better than some places he'd drank at before himself. In fact, it seemed.. perhaps [i]oddly[/i] clean a place. Kittyan scrunched up his nose as Alphard and Sato traded a greeting, stand-offish as one side of it might've been. The place certainly didn't [i]smell[/i] much like a bar. Kelly stood a pace or two in front of Alphard, and was far more relaxed, the awkward tension seemingly lost on him. His eye hovered over the dilapidated Sato very briefly, before shifting to the demon next to him for a while longer, then back to him. He took the silence as opportunity to scan them and their surroundings, his instincts subconsciously searching for anything that might alert him to any potential dangers, as unwarranted as such a concern might be at the moment. He rested his right hand lightly on his hip as he looked over Sato again. Yeah, he seemed like the surly type. [color=f7d5a5]"Oh, come now, no need to be so prickly, Mr. Kurodoji.."[/color] Kittyan spoke almost warmly, his one visible eye shifting easily away from Sato and towards the area behind the bar. As he spoke he began to slowly stroll forward diagonally towards the bar - in a way that almost [i]approached[/i] approaching, but not quite. His pacing wasn't a slow creep, but more a lackadaisical step, like how a child might toddle with kicking up puddles as they walked. [color=f7d5a5]"My friend here didn't mean to imply that you knew anything you shouldn't, of course.."[/color] He continued, his eye shifting back to the duo with a placating smile. He paused very briefly. [color=f7d5a5]"I'm just tryna help him tie together one of his little cases, you see."[/color] He offered, his left hand moving to gesture at Alphard in a 'look at him' fashion, as if it was self-evident that the blue-skinned demon was a cop. [color=f7d5a5]"Given the nature of what he's chasing, I thought a man with the history and connections erst you had [i]might[/i] be able to help him out a little."[/color] Kittyan played it as if he weren't a cop himself, undiscussed as his little ploy was with Alphard. He stopped no closer than maybe 10 feet from the strangers, his relaxed air having not changed as he cruised just about into arm's reach of the bar. He had no way of knowing if the older guy knew him just by appearance - many could tell relatively easily even without ever having met him, as he was not difficult to describe - but he hoped his reputation preceded him in this instance. If Alphard weren't in the blindspot of his left side, he might've flashed him a reassuring smile. [/indent][/indent]