[quote=@PatientBean] [hider=Bronwyn Whytewood]Name: Bronwyn Whytewood Age: 24 Occupation: Busker/Barista Appearance: Bronwyn has long, dirty blonde hair and light gray eyes. She has some freckles on her nose and cheeks. She has light peach skin. Bronwyn is 5'6'' and has a slender build. Typical clothes range from darkwash jeans and off-shoulder tops to dresses. She wears darker colors in reds, pinks, purples, blues, and blacks. Her favorite pair of boots are her knee-length dark brown leather boots. She usually wears her hair down or tied up with a scarf. Make-up is lipstick and eyeliner and she normally wears a dark red color on her lips. She wears a silver locket with a picture in it though she hardly ever opens it. Personality: Bronwyn is not easily tied down. A free-spirit who prefers sticking it to authority versus following the rules. Bronwyn does not trust easily, having been bitten before, and she often meets people with a dry wit and a gallon of sarcasm. Underneath the somewhat prickly exterior beats a heart of someone who wants to be there for people but does not fully know how to do that. Bronwyn is not afraid to call someone out for being a jerk (just ask the coffee shop customers) nor is she afraid of getting her hands dirty in a squabble, especially if it is defending someone else. Background: Bronwyn is on the run. That sounds more dire than it is. Bronwyn isn't being chased, but what she knew back then is a powderkeg she would rather not be near. After losing her mother when she was very young it was just her and her father. He tried his best to raise a young girl, but admittedly mishandled a lot of situations, especially when Bronwyn came out to him when she was 15 years old. He claimed to be supportive but comments made growing up around him did not instill confidence in Bronwyn. Bronwyn did okay in school, passing her classes but not excelling in much apart from drama and music. The goal was to go to Broadway and audition for musicals. Then she met Chrissi. Chryssi seemed like she had everything Bronwyn was missing. She supported her endeavors. She came to Bronwyn's shows when she would sing at open-mic nights when her father couldn't be bothered. She made Bronwyn feel like she was the only person who mattered. So when she was 19 years old, she moved out of her father's house and in with Chryssi. It started well at first, as these things go. Soon, it became apparent the Chryssi Bronwyn met was not who she really was. Control took over: what Bronwyn could wear, who Bronwyn hung out with. It all came to a head when Chryssi laid hands on Bronwyn in a heated argument. With no place to call home and no place to go, Bronwyn moved around in her car, living in motels when she could. She worked odd jobs and would sing when she could. New York never seemed so far away. Havenwood seemed like a nice place to get lost so Bronwyn stuck around, hoping to never meet up with her past again. The Touch: Bronwyn has a feeling of dread that she is being watched at all times. While this can be played off during the day (she IS a performer after all) the feelings grow the darker it gets. She can never quite catch who or what it is, though there always seems to be a shadow present. Or what she thinks is a shadow. Weaknesses: Bronwyn has no real ties to the town. While she may recognize some people, like regulars, there is no one here she can claim support from if she needs it. Motivations: Bronwyn wants security, both internally and externally. She wants to make a name for herself and achieve the dreams she held on to from her youth. She wants to be surrounded by people who care for her and feel safe in her own skin.[/hider] [/quote] Accepted