[color=lightgray][h3][center][color=f26522]Roman[/color], [color=D0B4EC]Charlotte[/color]. [color=firebrick]Violet[/color], and [Color=gold]Alexander[/color][/center][/h3] [color=D0B4EC]Time:[/color] Noon [color=f26522]Location:[/color] The Lounge at the Art Gallery [hr] Charlotte’s heart gave a small, unexpected flutter of relief at the sight of Roman and Violet approaching. However, that relief was tangled with fresh worry. The memory of Alexander’s words still echoed in her mind. [color=gold][i]“Assistant”[/i][/color] Nonetheless, she straightened her posture and offered a warm, sincere smile that softened her features. [color=D0B4EC]“Lord Roman, Lady Violet… It’s so lovely to see you both.”[/color] She greeted, [color=D0B4EC]“I hope the morning has been kind to you so far?”[/color] Roman’s attention was elsewhere, he hadn't noticed he was paying far too much attention to Mina and the interactions she was having with those men. He was aware of why she had her fainting spells, from the few things she had told him but he couldn't quite discern what her trigger might be. He was so engrossed with his thoughts he almost didn't notice him and Violet approaching the pair. Scarlett's eyes moved to look square at Alexander in his as they narrowed into him for a moment. as Roman had approached her side she hooked her arm around his, resting her hand on his forearm. [color=firebrick]“So kind. Thank you for asking. I hope we aren't intruding on something here.”[/color] she responded with a half smile, her attention turning to Charlotte, the tone in her voice and change in her gaze piercing her. Violet's attention then shifted to Roman as she noticed him looking over his shoulder. Following his gaze for a moment, she spotted Mina, still in the distance with two other men. Noting Roman’s curiosity her hands fell from his arm clasping her hands together in front of her. Charlotte shook her head and parted her lips to reply, but Alexander was faster. [Color=gold]“Intruding?”[/color] Alexander smiled happily while slightly shaking his head. His eyes locked onto Violet's. [Color=gold]“Of course not, Lady Damien. I was actually just mentioning your new employment to Lady Vikena as you and your…”[/color] Alexander leaned slightly to get a better look at Roman. [Color=gold]“...companion entered the lounge.”[/color] Alexander held a puzzled look on his face as if he was trying to discern who the man was but, oh, he knew. [color=firebrick]“Yes, I am very excited about my new position as Mr. Deacon’s assistant.”[/color] She smiled. [Color=gold]“You must be, [I]Roman Ravenwood[/I]. Alexander Deacon. A pleasure.”[/color] Alexander finally said after some feigned pondering. [color=firebrick]“Lord Ravenwood was gracious enough to be my escort to the event.”[/color] Violet added. Charlotte's voice had caught Roman’s notice first and as his eyes landed on the pair he had to quickly catch himself from glaring at the man before him. A clenched jaw quickly changed to a pleasant smile as he regarded the man. Alexander Deacon, he would have to be careful with this one, charming and charismatic on the surface but still a threat. [color=f26522]“A pleasure to meet you as well Alexander.”[/color] his gaze glanced at Charlotte wondering how she found herself in his company, [color=f26522]“it's good to see you as well Lady Charlotte.”[/color] Charlotte’s smile faltered, her fingers fidgeting at her waist. Violet's tone had stung in a way she hadn’t expected, leaving her feeling more anxious, if such a thing were possible. [color=D0B4EC]“Perhaps we should sit?”[/color] she offered gently, glancing between them with a flicker of hopeful warmth. [color=D0B4EC]“I can beckon a staff member if either of you would like something to eat or perhaps a drink.”[/color] She did unfortunately ramble her words a bit, revealing the intensity of her nerves. Her gaze drifted toward the bar just over her shoulder. [color=D0B4EC]“Or-Or I suppose I could go over myself as well. It’s no trouble.”[/color] [Color=gold]“Absolutely not, Charlotte.”[/color] Alexander leaned toward her with a furrowed brow. [Color=gold]“If anyone needs to remain seated and relax, it's you. Allow me to go in your stead. I owe you your choice of drink, anyhow.”[/color] He winked while Violet gave an eyeroll with a drawn-out sigh. [color=firebrick]“I wasn’t aware you were her keeper.”[/color] Her scarlett eyes landed on Alexander. [color=firebrick]“If Charlotte wishes to stand or fetch a drink for herself she has the ability to do so [b]without[/b] your approval.”[/color] Her words spit towards him like venom, causing him to turn from Charlotte and look at her with contempt. Her eyes then glanced over to Charlotte [color=firebrick]“And very kind of you to offer, I think a strong drink is on order.”[/color] She gave her a reassuring smile before turning her attention back to Alexander. The already existing tension had suddenly thickened twofold. He understood the disdain and tension Violet was throwing at the man before him and where it was coming from. The thought of cutting the man down did cross his mind but he had to wait and play the fool. That time would come, for now he would keep his inner demon restrained, [color=f26522]“A refreshment sounds wonderful, yet there are still plenty more of these marvelous works of art I have yet to see.”[/color] He said not addressing anyone in particular. [color=f26522]“Would the two of you like to walk and talk with us?”[/color] Charlotte’s gaze flickered between Violet and Alexander, uncertainty flashing in her eyes. [color=D0B4EC]“Oh, I appreciate the offer, truly, but… I’m not feeling particularly thirsty at the moment.”[/color] She softened her words with a polite smile before turning her attention to Roman, her hands gently clasping together tightly. [color=D0B4EC]“That sounds lovely.”[/color] [Color=gold]“I can agree with at least two of you, it seems.”[/color] Alexander made the backhanded comment with a neat smile as he stood up from the sofa. He casually brushed off his clothes despite not having a crumb or hair on them. [Color=gold]“And perhaps it's unwise for me to indulge in any more wine for the moment for the sake of ensuring everyone behaves and remains safe while we peruse the gallery.”[/color] Alexander looked amongst them as if what he said was a normal string of words. A wait staff member after making a few rounds found themselves approaching the small party with a tray of drinks. A few crystal glasses adorned the silver tray with various types of drinks ranging from whiskey to wine. [Color=silver]“Anyone care for a refreshment?”[/color] the gentlemen asked. Scarlett's eyes narrowed on Alexander with his backhanded remark holding his attention for a moment before she addressed the wait staff whose timing couldn’t be better. With a smile she greeted him, extending her hand to grab a glass of wine. [color=firebrick]“I have no plans on behaving.”[/color] she said with a grin, stepping away from the man as she sipped her wine, her deep eyes looking over the rim of her glass. Offering the party a smile as her fingers tapped the glass [color=firebrick]“Would anyone else like one?”[/color] she gestured to the tray. Roman had returned Charlotte's response with a smile and a nod before turning his attention toward Violet, [color=f26522]“I wouldn't mind a glass.”[/color] shifting his gaze with a smile so that only she could see the slight inflection of his eye like a subtle wink. He knew her reasons for being brash with the other man but this wasn't the place for it. Too many witnesses and he needed as much information as he could get. Being civil was what he wanted but it was becoming increasingly obvious that Violet was up to something. Taking the offered beverage, his attention on her didn't last long before it shifted again back to Alexander, [color=f26522]“So Mr. Deacon, how are you fairing with your new position?”[/color] he asked with genuine curiosity. [Color=gold]“Ah, you've heard?”[/color] His face was marked with disbelief in word traveling so quickly. [Color=gold]“Being a royal advisor has been quite the interesting venture so far but…”[/color] Alexander lazily presented his pointed hand to signal the group leaving the lounge area. [Color=gold]“... I believe we should partake in the venture before us. We can walk and talk Mr. Ravenwood,”[/color] Alexander replied smugly before offering his arm to Charlotte for her to take. He glanced at Violet, unable to simply keep her in his peripherals. Charlotte’s gaze flickered to his arm before drifting upward, as if the chandelier above had suddenly caught her interest. Her fingers brushed delicately against her throat as she slowed her steps. There was a slight smirk on Alexander's face. He wondered where the woman from before had gone. Where was the heroin from the novels? [color=D0B4EC]“Oh… I just remembered—I have an engagement I must attend to.”[/color] A soft breath followed as if she regretted the oversight. [color=D0B4EC]“Forgive me, but I must take my leave.”[/color] Alexander lowered his arm and gave Charlotte a single nod, accepting her request. Violet reached out gently touching Charlottes shoulder giving her a reassuring squeeze along with a smile [color=firebrick]“Non-sense”[/color] she hooked her arm around charlotte’s while holding her wine glass in the other.[color=firebrick]“You must stay, atleast for a little while.”[/color] Scarlett eyes glanced to Alexander. [color=firebrick]“[i]Lord[/i] Ravenwood is great company, you two men enjoy your conversation. I’m going to steal Charlotte for a few moments and have some girl talk. Hope you understand.”[/color] Catching the purposeful drop of title that Alexander left out, Violet looked up to Roman offering him a warm knowing smile before gently leading Charlotte in front of the pair only out of earshot. Her eyes looked at Charlotte noticing she was uncomfortable, hearing her heart nearly racing out of her chest. [color=firebrick]“You can take a breath Lottie,”[/color] Violet called her for the first time since they were children. Smiling softly she leaned in, [color=firebrick]“Any paintings catch your eye?”[/color] She asked, trying to give her a chance to regain herself. Roman sipped his glass watching the two ladies wandered off for a moment, the wine was quite good and complemented the exquisite art gallery rather well. Glancing to Alexander he felt that all too familiar pull in his chest, something at the back of his mind urging him to fight, hurt, kill. An urge he subdued without showing it on his face, or so he hoped. [color=f26522]“There are few who haven't heard. You have almost over shadowed myself in the rumors and whispers that travel through the streets of this city,”[/color] he began to slowly walk toward some of the other exhibits. Keeping his posture and tone comfortable and relaxed, [color=f26522]“Some rumors of charming your way into the position, others some kind of bribery, I find it all very humorous.”[/color] [Color=gold]“Charm and bribery?”[/color] Alexander let out a rich laughter. [Color=gold]“These rumors make me seem like quite the powerful man. I’d be careful, Roman.”[/color] His tone was playful but the way he looked at Roman had not matched. A challenging gaze that would have intimidated those bearing weaker constitutions. [Color=gold]“Also, I’m surprised my rumors are outdoing yours, Roman.”[/color] He shrugged while looking away, pretending he had spotted something eye-catching. —------ [color=D0B4EC]“Violet,”[/color] Charlotte’s voice trembled slightly, her fingertips shaky as she took hold of Violet’s sleeve instinctually. Violet's eyes softened dropping to look at her hand clutching onto her sleeve. Her breathing was uneven, and she swallowed hard, forcing a smile. [color=D0B4EC]“Could we...could we speak privately later? ... I would like to perhaps catch up with you." [/color] Taking a breath Violet nodded softly as she placed a hand over her friend's [color=firebrick]“That was why I pulled you over here actually, I’ve been meaning to speak with you as well. Not here, of course but…”[/color] Her eyes glanced over at Alexander and Roman for a moment before returning to Charlotte. Her voice dropped to a whisper as her fingers moved under Charlotte's chin, lifting her head gently so she would look her in the eye. [color=firebrick]“Lottie.”[/color] her voice said in a hushed tone [color=firebrick]“You are in a den full of wolves. Don't let them believe you are a sheep. Take a breath and relax, you’re safe with me.”[/color] Her hand moved back to comfort her offering her a warm smile. [color=firebrick]“How about tea served in my bedroom, like we used to do? This time with actual tea and not just water.”[/color] She let out a soft chuckle attempting to calm her. Charlotte’s eyes softened at Violet’s gentle reassurance. She took a deep, slow breath, visibly calmed. Her lips curled into a small but sincere smile at Violet’s nostalgic suggestion. [color=D0B4EC]“Tea in your room sounds perfect… just like old times.”[/color] Her voice remained quiet. [color=D0B4EC]“ I have much I’d like to share with you.”[/color] [Color=gold]“Excuse me,”[/color] Alexander spoke loud enough to get everyone's attention. [Color=gold]“I’m afraid I've lost track of time,”[/color] he lied. [Color=gold]“I have some business to attend to and it simply cannot wait.”[/color] Yet this was the truth. [Color=gold]“Violet. Roman. It was a pleasant surprise seeing you two… And Charlotte. I very much enjoyed our time together. We'll have to do it again and… remember your promise. Keep it [I]close to heart[/I].”[/color] He gave her a nod with a pleasant smile.[/color]