[quote=@Expendable] [@The Savant] - So what are the reputations of safety officers? Are they like the Committee for State Security? People you wouldn't want to meet on a bright sunny day in a happy theme park thronging with people, much less some dank back alley behind yet another coffee shop, or at 3 A.M. when they knock down your door and drag you away? [/quote] I would say the reputation of safety officers can be anywhere between "friendly conversation" to people disappearing after they visit at times. It really depends on what level of risk the person was at and what they were doing. Pretty much think of men in black for the most part. The more Crystalline blue they have uniform wise, the more you want to be careful with what you are saying and why you are saying it type of deal. For example, Klay is in full Crystalline uniform. Lupton would only have a Crystalline blue undershirt dress shirt.