[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NHixdpw.png[/img] [color=firebrick][b]"It's too late for tin foil hats, Suki. They're already among us."[/b][/color][/center] [hr] None of the "normies" at Hibusa High really knew why someone like Kiyo would choose to hang out with someone like Suki. She was someone who had the looks to become popular if she tried a little, but they knew her as a short-tempered person, too self-important to be friends with anyone outside of the Detention Club. So when Suki's impromptu juggling act drew lots of eyes onto the pair just in time to see a bowl of one of her foul concoctions land on Kiyo's head, their first thought must have been that surely, [i]this time[/i] Suki's antics had gone too far for Kiyo to keep putting up with her. Kiyo slowly removed the empty and slightly sticky bowl from her head and placed it aside—the calm before the storm if ever there was one. If there was a desire emanating from Kiyo in this moment, it was to skip her next class and take a shower, but to the rest of the room, she didn't seem bothered at all. [color=firebrick][b]"That so?"[/b][/color] she replied, as if what Suki just said and did weren't both completely absurd. [color=firebrick][b]"I don't really have any scandalous thoughts worth protecting though,"[/b][/color] she lied, casually. She took a sip of some apple juice, leering in the direction of Tsubomi and a new face she couldn't put a name to. [color=firebrick][b]"What about you? Hiding feelings from your unfeeling partner over there? Jealousy, perhaps?"[/b][/color] she tacked on at the end, half-sarcastically with a lighthearted smile. She asked with a tone somewhere between casual interest and disinterest, like someone asking "what's up" without expecting a real answer, but still leaving room for one to be received without being annoyed.