[color=lightgray][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/clIHoiY.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/3wGoS7n.png[/img][/center] [color=DDB775]Time:[/color] 6pm [color=a187be]Location:[/color] The Castle Dining Hall [color=DDB775]Interaction:[/color] [@Helo] Callum [@Silverpaw] Wulfric [hr] King Edin Danrose sat comfortably upon his ornate throne-like chair at the heart of the grand banquet hall, his royal robes pooling around him in dramatic fashion. He reclined, one leg casually crossed over the other, a smug, self-satisfied smirk plastered across his face. In stark contrast to the dignified composure expected of royalty, his plate was piled high—comically overflowing with succulent slices of roasted turkey, buttery mashed potatoes, braised short ribs drowning in rich red wine sauce, and several precariously stacked biscuits that wobbled dangerously with every movement. With gusto, he stabbed enthusiastically at a generous portion of duck à l’orange, barely pausing to chew before reaching for another mouthful, clearly delighting in the indulgence of his feast. With each passing guest who caught his eye, he gave a casual, almost teasing wave of his fork, bits of food occasionally dropping onto his robe unnoticed. He glanced briefly at the empty seats nearby, reserved for his offspring. He expected them to arrive any moment. In the meantime, he seemed determined to set a new personal record for consumption, completely indifferent to the bemused glances and quiet giggles. After all, he was the king—who could possibly object? Beside him, Queen Alibeth sat with impeccable poise, her expression calm but increasingly exasperated, subtle sighs escaping her as she eyed Edin's enthusiastic gorging with thinly veiled irritation. Her eyes flicked toward her husband occasionally, her brows twitching with restrained disapproval. However, she seemed to be taking more time to glance about the room as the guests arrived, her gaze lingering on certain individuals every so often, The herald announced suddenly in a resonant voice, [color=gold]"Presenting Duke Laurent Petit and Duchess Antoinette Petit of Montauppe, accompanied by their esteemed family!"[/color] Duke Laurent strode in, looking somewhat aloof, nodding politely yet distractedly to those he passed. His wife, Antoinette, wore a warm, radiant smile, her brown hair cascading elegantly as she waved cheerfully at acquaintances, her gentle demeanor immediately softening Laurent's stern appearance. Behind them, their two eldest sons Adrien and Alain followed. Edin surprisingly turned his attention from his food, then grumbled to himself, [color=DDB775] "There's the wrinkly old hag."[/color] [/color]