[color=c5d1ae][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SKJAogh.png[/img] and the new world[/center][/color] It wasn't her sky. Or perhaps it was--her sole memory was of that moonlit night. It didn't take much to intuit why it was different. Despite not a single memory of it remaining, her body and mind could intuit the flame, smoke, and ash that littered the air. Flames that painted the sky an ominous sunrise. Perhaps it was the basal instincts born into all living beings that she knew what fire was. Perhaps her mind was deciphering base concepts on its own. Or perhaps she kept her knowledge but was simply unable to recollect concepts without proper impetus. Whatever the case was, she knew that this place was an ill tiding. No matter--she could remember to breath, move, think, and speak. For what use were the other things at this point in time? Though, she dare not move yet. She was quite comfortable sitting on the ground. Unfortunately, with the ability to think and speak, she also had the ability to listen. And she had to listen to the blithering of two spearmen and a man equally as strange as her. [color=c5d1ae]"Can you hear yourself speak?"[/color] Her voice rang though her sharp teeth as she targeted the esoteric speech of the equally strange man as he approached the spearmen. [color=c5d1ae]"Or do you just enjoy speaking in theatrics?"[/color] Her voice was unexpectedly melodic in spite of her stature. If she stood, she would be half a hand over the taller of the two soldiers, not including any hat or headgear. Despite this size, her voice was as sweet as a siren's. It was a shame that her first words were an insult.