[color=#1A1A3B][b][u][h1][sub][sub][sub]Farren[/sub][/sub][/sub][/h1][/u][/b][/color] glanced over at the Lightbeast briefly, before turning back to the Darkbeast’s still faintly crackling cadaver. Some part of him wanted to chop it into little pieces and bury them each some meters apart, but he didn’t. It would be a waste of time for if the creature could come back even from this then separating its remains would only prove to delay it. However, while taking the time to hack the darkbeast into numerous segments may have been too time consuming, taking some piece of it could be helpful. After all…surely someone could put something so durable, conductive, and with seemingly nigh limitless–if not rapid–regenerative potential to use. With that in mind, while he waited for Ophelia to weigh in on the situation with the Lightbeast–something he deliberately chose not to do for the moment–Farren hefted a foot a bit, found it too weighty, then moved to one of its forelegs. He was able to lift it…just barely, and only a few inches from the silt-coated ground. Perhaps half that weight would be manageable, he figured. That in mind, Farren positioned himself at one of the elbows after maneuvering the arm into an extended position that it would hold on account of gravity, and then he brought his Beastflayer down through the joint in a heavy swing. Severing it cleanly after two passes, Farren slung the weapon on his back and then knelt down by the forearm and its still-attached hand. He nodded to himself slightly and muttered for the Messengers, who showed up briefly after. Hefting the arm he handed it over to them, helping them lower it into the oblivion of the Nightmare realm they used to store things. When that was finished, Farren glanced back at the body. He could probably take more of it apart and store it…but he wasn’t sure if there was limited space in his ‘storage’ realm or if things could affect eachother at all while in it together. So he didn’t. After all, the beast’s still undead body did not seem to be going anywhere so if the initial part was of some use he figured that he could come retrieve more…and with an actual team to transport it. That done, Farren turned away from the felled beast.