[center][h3]Hashing Things Out[/h3] Ganondorf & Primrose [color=797979][u]Level[/u]: [b]7[/b] - [u]Total Exp[/u]: 47/70[/color] [color=D34C25][u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 243/110[/color] Word Count: 1,542 Exp: +3 Rapport: +3[/center] Once Primrose's immediate plans to clean off and change were done she still deigned not to eat in the mess hall when everyone else gravitated toward it. Or even after that. Instead she went to make her way to the Avenger's Spirit Chamber, finding that though she'd tried to get some rest... it did not come to her easily in the quarters she once shared with Midna. There were spoils of victory to sort through, and the princess would not have let the spirits go to waste - although Primrose didn't intend to use them purely in the other woman's memory or anything quite so sappy as that. Now dressed in a more simple, casual outfit that consisted of a loose gray sundress and matching slip-on shoes borrowed from the spare clothes on the Avenger, Primrose walked through the ship’s halls with a plain sand colored bag hung over one shoulder. Inside were many little motes of light that she'd figured out what to do with once she arrived. On her route she passed by many rooms where people came and went, and eventually found that ahead of her was the large silhouette of the Great King of Evil. Primrose did not call out to him at first. She wasn't exactly wary around Ganondorf, at least not anymore so than some of the other men in the Seekers, but ever since he'd joined the campaign there had been people more familiar with the man warning them of what he was capable of. One of those people had been the Twilight Princess, whose disdain for Ganondorf she'd made all too clear. Primrose herself had fought together with Ganondorf a handful of times already, and had even accompanied him in his meeting with Gerudo Town's leadership, and though she still considered Ganondorf to be an ally (if one with both a political tongue [i]and[/i] violent temper), now that Midna was gone she couldn't help but recall her friend's words more clearly. Ultimately though, she would be hard pressed to learn anything more about him from mere observation at this point. After a few more moments Primrose quickened her pace, her footsteps signaling her presence. [color=D34C25]"Good timing,"[/color] the dancer murmured to the man once she caught up with him. She opened her bag, gesturing to the trio of juggernaut spirits she'd taken after their battle together against them in one of the Qliphoth's hollows, among other spirits. [color=D34C25]"I was headed to the Spirit Chamber with these, but you're entitled to them as well."[/color] The warlord in question slowed his pace a bit when he heard the approaching dancer. [color=797979]”Ah, those.”[/color] he replied, [color=797979]”I believe the Gravemind gave me more than my fill of spirits for now.”[/color] He gave a waving gesture, [color=797979]”Do with them as you will.”[/color] After this he held her gaze a moment longer. Ganondorf wasn’t blind, of course. He knew quite well how wary of him some of the other Seekers were. Due in part to the circumstances in which they found him down in the Under, but also no doubt due to what the Twilight Princess had told them about him as well. [color=797979]”Midna told you more of my history, didn’t she?”[/color] He guessed aloud. Primrose did not look surprised at Ganondorf's intuition. She merely closed her bag back up, regarding him plainly. Her face was perfectly cordial, betraying none of her thoughts on her face. [color=D34C25]"Actually, I never got to speak with her in depth about her issues with you,"[/color] she told the man. And it was true, she only knew what most others on the team knew. Like her countenance, her voice was mildly pleasant. [color=D34C25]"Speaking of the Guardian... I'm sure that some may take issue with your taking such power. Those who know you better, or the [i]other[/i] yous."[/color] Whether Primrose was one of those people was impossible to tell. She raised a hand casually as she spoke. [color=D34C25]"I'll judge for myself, though."[/color] This elicited a nod of acknowledgement from the Gerudo in return. [color=797979]”She claimed I usurped the throne of her kingdom.”[/color] Ganondorf said offhandedly. [color=797979]”She didn’t seem to be lying when she said it. And yet…”[/color] he paused in brief thought, [color=797979]”...I have no memory of those actions. Perplexing, isn’t it?”[/color] [color=D34C25]"Maybe so. If we weren't trapped in a cycle of life and death in a patchwork world..."[/color] Primrose pointed out. Of course if it was about Midna's kingdom back in their own world, that was a different story. Even then, the World of Light seemed to make a lot of things seem less perplexing in general. At that point the pair's pace had slowed so they could talk. [color=D34C25]"I wouldn't put it past you though,"[/color] she told Ganondorf. [color=D34C25]"You've mentioned conquest before yourself, besides 'reclaiming' your own throne in Gerudo Town."[/color] Once again any personal feelings she had didn't show through in her words. She was merely stating facts. [color=D34C25]"Merely words so far, though."[/color] she said, turning a curious eye on the warlord. [color=797979]”I will not deny that I have waged my share of war.”[/color] Ganondorf said in response. [color=797979]”Her kingdom, from what I understood, was of the same world as my own homeland. Ergo.”[/color] Ganondorf said theorizing, [color=797979]”I suspect we may have been brought here from different eras. She, from my future. And I, from her past. Messy business, that.”[/color] Primrose hummed lightly. Messy indeed, but it made sense. If nothing else, Ganondorf had always been straight forward with the Seekers just like he was now. Normally he plainly stated his contempt and intentions both. If the dancer had to guess, the man most likely considered himself above mere deception and powerful enough to handle any repercussions should they arise. And perhaps he was. She chose her next words carefully, subtle in her study of the man's response. [color=D34C25]"Though I suppose you don't need to worry about it anymore."[/color] Ganondorf exhaled a long breath before he spoke again. [color=797979]”Perhaps not. But it does make me think harder on what that old goat in the Under told us before we departed…”[/color] Primrose thought back to that conversation. Asgore had been the first person to really give them answers about how the world in its current state worked. Although it wasn't that information she thought Ganondorf meant. [color=D34C25]"'The King of Evil, born to kill. To conquer, to destroy.'"[/color] Primrose quoted, her memory even more unfailing now after one of her more recent fusions. [color=D34C25]"Feeling remorse at the actions of your previous lives, or the future written in stone?"[/color] [color=797979]”Remorse is a strong word.”[/color] Ganondorf was quick to reply. [color=797979]”A more accurate offering might be… perspective, I think. At the time I wrote the old king off completely. Yet here we are, aboard a vessel crewed by individuals born in Galeem’s world. And they’ve told us the same thing he did. So now I can no longer simply write Asgore off. But at least I have the unique opportunity to learn from the mistakes of my previous lives and ensure I do not repeat them.”[/color] Primrose didn't respond immediately, letting the both of them sit with Ganondorf's thoughts. She found his choice of words interesting, and yet she again sensed no lies from the Gerudo. Was it the effect of his spirit fusions on his personality that made the man called the 'King of Evil' consider the heinous actions of his past lives 'mistakes'? And though built on the foundation of those previous Ganondorfs, was he even the same person now at all? Little did she know that the man had a very different definition for the word “mistake”. The question went for all of the Seekers, even all of the world's inhabitants save for the few Lost Numbers. It had been brought up by others, and Primrose herself had thought of it fleetingly from time to time. However, like she'd told Ms. Fortune down in the depths of the earth, just because someone had changed it didn't stop them from being the same person. Besides, she didn't really believe that Ganondorf had changed so much that he was no longer the kind of person that would lead armies and take territory, violently if necessary. Not that that was really any of her concern in the first place. Her only real question was if they could continue to put their trust in Ganondorf while they did battle against those that ruled over this world. And really, trust was a stronger word than remorse. [color=D34C25]"I'm sure many would be happy if you see that you didn't,"[/color] she began, raising her shoulders as if to shrug. [color=D34C25]"Though now that you're here, destoried and campaigning against Galeem, I doubt you would have much time to make those same mistakes regardless."[/color] Not to mention with the time limit on their souls in place. Who knew how long the warlord had been chained in the Under before they'd found him? After a moment Primrose continued. [color=D34C25]"As for myself... I find it a much more sure thing to deal with a villain who is forthright in his villainous ways rather than one who conceals and denies them."[/color] Which was as much of a vote of confidence the man was going to get, whether he grew to regret his other lives' choices or not.