[center][h2]Blind in a New World[/h2][/center] On the outside, his eyes are open but have the clear sign of being useless. Blind and yet moving with purpose like they still worked. Is this... what the world looks like? The first thought that entered his mind. The reddish sky and the smoke, the outlines of everything. Of figures both ahead and beside them with features, he can barely discern. Yet he can easily tell them apart, and some are different from the rest for reasons he does not know. An attempt to focus more on them just leads to quiet frustration. Is this how everyone looks looks? Another question he posed to himself. Knowing he had no answer to it but maybe this is how the world looks. The more he tries to remember for answers, the more he comes to realize. He has no recollection of anything except for one memory and a seemly better time. At least when compared to the scene before him. One of bitter resolve to survive despite the odds and circumstance. But why the conflict in memory? Is it a memory of what happened before, or does it take place elsewhere? Nothing makes sens, nothing feels familiar except for the two swords that are in each of his hands. Tightly gripping each one in annoyance. Where and who am I? He will find a way to remember what he has lost but for now. He must focus on the present and that present being dealing with these survivors and ones near him. Putting his swords away, he slowly approached the two pikemen and spoke in a calm tone. "I am not a threat to you or your charges. I am just someone seeking answers. Answers you may or may not have that is."