[center][h1][color=#035E7B]Thea[/color] & [color=9AF781]Leo[/color][/h1][/center] [b]Date:[/b] Sola 28th [b]Time:[/b] Morning [b]Location:[/b] Oasis Tea Cafe [hr] Thea sat alone at the small round table, the soft hum of conversation from the other patrons in the Oasis Tea Cafe fading into the background as she absentmindedly adjusted the lace trim of her dress. Her fingers traced the edge of her teacup, the delicate porcelain offering little comfort compared to the swirling thoughts in her head. The humid air of Sorian had settled into her skin, but the coolness of the cafe’s private room was a welcome relief. It was almost too quiet–too still–as she waited for her brother. Her mind kept returning to Charlotte’s message, the cryptic warning about Leo needing her. The weight of that simple statement hung over her, pressing down on her chest as her concern for him deepened. He was always so strong, so steady. Leo never showed weakness, and for him to need anyone felt strange. She couldn’t help but wonder if he had been struggling all this time, hidden behind his usual bravado. Her heart twisted at the thought. There was also the thought that perhaps he didn't need her and that's just how Charlotte perceived things. Maybe he'd find this whole thing a nuisance? And then there was the matter of the engagement. Her stomach turned slightly at the memory of the prince breaking off the arrangement, leaving her a letter, of all things. It felt like a lifetime ago, but the shame of it still lingered, like an unpleasant taste in the back of her mouth. She hadn’t had the chance to speak to Leo about it, hadn't even seen him properly since arriving in Sorian for the courting season. And yet, it seemed like something she couldn’t avoid any longer. There were too many unsaid things between them, things she had hoped would settle with time but now knew they couldn’t be ignored. The engagement was a thing of the past, but the silence between her and Leo was too loud to continue. Thea pushed the thought away, focusing instead on the soft click of her heels against the floor as she crossed her legs beneath the table. The door to the private room creaked open, and for a moment, her breath caught in her throat as she looked up. No Leo yet. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed. He’d be here soon enough, she knew…or she hoped he would be, at least. What if he decided not to come? The thought oddly made her sick and relieved at the same time. But it felt important. This moment with him, the chance to talk to him about everything–the engagement, their mother deciding to send her home, their father’s disappearance, and whatever Leo had been up to. She had no idea how he would react to any of it, but she couldn’t keep putting it off. She had been avoiding so many things in her life recently, but she couldn’t run from this conversation. Not any longer. Taking another steadying breath, Thea glanced at the door again, hoping that Leo would walk through it soon–just as she had hoped for so many things over the years, with little to no result. [color=9AF781]“Thea!”[/color] Leo’s voice betrayed none of his disappointment that she was still in Sorian as he approached the table. [color=9AF781]“Happy Birthday!”[/color] Things would be simpler if she did as their mother instructed and returned to Stravy. Then again, maybe that would’ve been worse. A sudden look of dread flashed across his face as he considered the possibility of Thea disappearing while traveling the same way his father had. With men like Calbert and Black Rose threatening him, that suddenly felt like a terrifying possibility. Maybe this was the best-case scenario. Thea offered a faint smile at his birthday wishes, though the tension in her chest only grew as she watched him. [color=#035E7B]“Thank you, Leo. And thank you for coming.”[/color] Her voice was soft, her concern evident as she studied him more closely. Something was off, and it was impossible to ignore. [color=9AF781]“I’m so glad to see you’re well,”[/color] He added, only to second-guess his words. Did that imply too heavily that she might be in danger? [color=9AF781]“Not that you wouldn’t be.”[/color] He added, unconvincingly, as he took the chair across from her. Unable to be still, he fidgeted with his mint-colored suit. He glanced around at the other patrons, searching for signs of danger. Fritz had been lucky enough to receive a warning that someone would try to assassinate him. Leo doubted he, nor Charlotte, and possibly even Thea, would be so fortunate. [color=9AF781]“I suppose by now you’ve heard all about my..”[/color] his face flushed slightly, and his eyes traveled away from Thea’s. Leo cleared his throat. [color=9AF781]“..Outbursts. And my sincerest apologies for that. Certainly hasn’t helped our family image any.”[/color] Shame ruddied his complexion, and he quickly changed the subject. [color=9AF781]“How are you? Has anything…”[/color] He paused, searching for the right word, one that would not be too alarming. [color=9AF781]“...strange happened to you here, in Sorian?”[/color] Worry gripped at her chest as she watched her brother. He wasn’t himself. His flushed cheeks, the way he fidgeted with his suit, and his wandering gaze–it all spoke of a restlessness that she couldn’t reconcile with the brother she knew. Charlotte’s words echoed in her mind, heightening her unease. [color=#035E7B]“I’m fine,”[/color] she said carefully, her eyes never leaving him. [color=#035E7B]“Nothing strange has happened to me, unless you count sneaking back to Sorian after Mother tried to send me home.”[/color] Her attempt at humor barely lightened the air, her tone growing more serious. [color=#035E7B]“But you…you don’t seem fine, Leo. You’re avoiding my eyes, fidgeting. It’s like you’re waiting for something terrible to happen.”[/color] She leaned forward slightly, lowering her voice. [color=#035E7B]“Screw our family image right now, we can work to fix that later. Charlotte said you might need me, but she didn’t say why. Please, just tell me what’s going on. I want to help however I can, but I can’t help if you don’t let me in.”[/color] Her gaze searched his, steady and full of worry, waiting for him to respond. [color=9AF781]“Where to start…”[/color] Leo half whispered, more to himself than Thea. Black Rose? Being hexed? Magic? There was so much of it, all so dire, but keeping his sister in the dark about any of it would only make it harder for her to stay safe. He started with the small stuff; how Morrigan assigned a servant to him, one who had yelled at him and flung horse poop around, for no other reason than Morrigan wanted to mess with his head. He almost continued into all the trouble Riona had caused him, but that suddenly seemed too petty to care about compared to what else he had to share. He moved on to all the bizarre pranks that had been pulled on him: the shrill voice, the pink skin, the unearned drunkenness. How Lottie, Fritz, and he had formed a detective club to find out what happened after the memory loss party. How even Prince Wulfric had joined in on investigating once they uncovered a deeper conspiracy simmering in the shadows of Sorian. His voice dropped to a whisper. [color=9AF781]“The party’s host, Marek Delronzo, he’s some kind of crime lord here. He runs a corrupt company called Black Rose with Alexander Deacon, and Calbert Damien has partnered up with them. Calbert has also personally threatened Lottie on two occasions that I know of.”[/color] Leo paused, looked around again, and then intently stared into Thea’s eyes. [color=9AF781]“Count Hendrix was informed that someone would attempt to assassinate him on Drunkards Day. Someone left bones scattered about my room in the guest house. There was a human skull inside of a chest in my room, and this as well.”[/color] He withdrew the photograph of him and his father from the pocket at his chest, the back of which read [i]‘Don’t worry, you’ll reunite with him soon’[/i], and offered it to Thea to look at. [color=9AF781]“Thea, I want you to swear to me you will stay away from Calbert, his family, and anyone connected to Black Rose. This is dangerous; mishandling this situation puts multiple lives at risk.”[/color] He waited for Thea to agree. Thea’s face remained calm as Leo spoke, but her mind raced, clinging to every name and every detail. Marek Delronzo. The name wasn’t entirely unfamiliar, Anastasia had mentioned him before, speaking fondly of the lavish parties he threw. But she had never suspected he was anything more than an eccentric socialite. Alexander Deacon and Black Rose were entirely new, and Calbert Damien’s name brought a bitter taste to her tongue. He held King Edin’s ear and she thought he was just a snake of a man, but clearly there was a bit more to him than that. The connections Leo was weaving were terrifying, but her focus stayed firmly on him as he continued. When he produced the photograph, her breath hitched. Her eyes scanned it quickly, the sight of their father making her ill. She hadn't actually gazed into that face in over a year and she wasn't sure how it made her feel, but as her gaze reached the back of the photo, she went pale. All the blood seemed to drain from her face, leaving her as white as the porcelain teacup in her hand. The cryptic message scrawled on the back felt like a knife twisting in her gut, but she forced herself to look as calm as she could, even as her hands trembled. [color=#035E7B]“How…?”[/color] Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she cleared her throat, forcing strength into her tone. [color=#035E7B]“Leo, where did this photograph come from? How could someone even have it?”[/color] Her heart pounded. The thought of someone possessing such a deeply personal item, something that should have been safe in Stravy, sent chills down her spine. The implications were as terrifying as everything else he’d shared. She handed the photograph back to him carefully, her expression troubled. [color=#035E7B]“This is…this is madness, Leo. You shouldn’t be in the middle of this, none of you should. Lottie, Fritz, even Wulfric? What kind of conspiracy is this?”[/color] She pressed her hands flat against the table to steady herself. [color=#035E7B]“I promise. I’ll stay away from Marek, Alexander, and Calbert. But you and Lottie–”[/color] Her voice cracked slightly, and she swallowed hard before continuing. [color=#035E7B]“How am I supposed to just sit here and do nothing while you’re risking your life? I can’t lose you too, Leo.”[/color] Her words hung in the air, heavy with a desperation she couldn’t entirely mask. Her hands tightened into fists as she stared at him, worry etched into her features. [color=#035E7B]“If Calbert has already threatened Lottie and now this…”[/color] Her voice faltered, and she shook her head. [color=#035E7B]“You can’t face this alone, Leo. Please. Tell me what I can do to help.”[/color] Leo found his resolve as he looked into Thea’s wide eyes and paling skin. His hand did not tremble as he took the photograph back, folded it up, and returned it to his pocket. He would be strong for Thea’s sake, and so his hand slid across the table; open, and he waited for her to take his hand. Thea hesitated only a moment before reaching across the table, clasping Leo’s offered hand tightly. Relief washed over her—not just at his reassurance, but at the fact that he wasn’t shutting her out. If he was letting her in, then she could do something. She could keep him safe. [color=9AF781]“Thea, you will not lose me. Or Lottie. Or anyone else.”[/color] He forced himself to fully believe that, even if his belief only lasted for a moment. [color=9AF781]“I’m not here to shut you out of this.”[/color] He continued; he didn’t have much choice in the matter. Telling Thea to stay out of it would almost guarantee she’d do something recklessly bold. Leo couldn’t begrudge her that, he’d react the same. [color=9AF781]“I want to bring you in, have you working with us on finding ways to take down these villains.”[/color] If Thea was part of the team, then he or someone he trusted could keep eyes on her. Could keep her safe. [color=9AF781]“And we must not confront them directly, for they employ the use of dark and unnatural forces. [i]Magic[/i].”[/color] A healthy amount of fear crept back into his tone as he whispered the foul word. [color=9AF781]“I believe that is how they acquired that photo and how they robbed so many of their memories the night of that party. There’s no telling what they are capable of.”[/color] [color=#035E7B]“Thank you,”[/color] she murmured, her grip firm as if anchoring herself to him. [color=#035E7B]“If I can help, then of course I will. I’d rather be by your side in this than sitting in the dark, worrying.”[/color] She met his gaze, determination hardening her features. If she was involved, she could watch over him, keep him from doing something reckless. He had Lottie and Fritz, but they weren’t his sister. The thought of magic made her stomach twist into a knot. It was a thing of myths, of whispered fears and fairy tales meant to keep children awake at night. And yet, Leo spoke of it as if it were real, as if it was the very force working against them. The idea that magic had been used to steal memories, to conjure the photograph now seared into her mind, chilled her to the bone. [color=#035E7B]“I agree, we need to avoid direct confrontation. There's no room to be reckless. Magic is outlawed for a reason, right? But perhaps it's not a bad idea to learn what we can about it. Know your enemies and such, right? I wonder if there's any information hidden within the castle library?”[/color] She mused, keeping her voice lower in case anyone were trying to eavesdrop on them. Only now did she realize how small her own problems seemed in comparison. The broken engagement, sneaking back to Sorian, even her newfound interest in Drake–none of it mattered right now. Not when Leo was tangled in something so much darker. [color=9AF781]“The castle library…”[/color] Leo withdrew his hand and repeated the suggestion as if it were a grand revelation. [color=9AF781]“An excellent idea! Thea, every day I’ve spent on palace grounds, I have found myself hexed! My voice…the pink skin…the drunkenness…”[/color] He filled in more details: the glasses Count Hendrix had that revealed magical auras and how he’d seen something dark and malevolent encroaching on him. The ease with which Thea had believed everything else he’d told her eased any reservations. [color=9AF781]“Here is what I am sure of; someone in that palace toys with sorcery. I think this hexing business is a separate issue, it lacks the gravity that Black Rose brings with their threats. And the castle is a much safer option to search for more information, maybe even find something we can also use against Black Rose.”[/color] Leo left out his suspicions about Lady Morrigan without proof; that was something he’d only keep in the back of his mind. [color=9AF781]“You know, given your close friendship with a certain princess that lives in that castle, I think you should be in charge of that front. You’d be able to snoop around just about anywhere without drawing much attention.”[/color] He suggested, and of course, the thought of how well-guarded Ana usually was made the idea sound like the safest way for Thea to be involved. [color=#035E7B]“If it’s separate from Black Rose, then that means someone else is playing games with you,”[/color] she mused, tapping her fingers lightly against the table. [color=#035E7B]“But why? If it were random I feel like they would target others too. So is it personal? Or are they testing something?”[/color] Her mind sifted through possibilities, but without more information, it was impossible to say. Still, someone casting spells under the royal family's roof was a dangerous prospect. She exhaled, pushing aside her unease to focus on what she could do. [color=#035E7B]“You’re right, being close with Ana gives me access most others don’t have. I’ll do what I can to look into the castle’s archives, see if there’s anything useful.”[/color] Thea’s lips pressed into a thin line. [color=#035E7B]“If someone’s using magic in the palace, there may be whispers about it. Servants always talk, perhaps I can befriend one and see if I can hear rumors. I'll play to my strengths of making friends and building relationships.”[/color] Was that really a strength of hers? She seemed to wholeheartedly think so. This led her to remember another budding relationship. Her gaze flickered back to Leo, an embarrassed and nervous blush creeping across her face. [color=#035E7B]“Oh, um, I-I have some news as well...”[/color] she began, taking a deep breath. [color=#035E7B]“I know my engagement with Prince Felix was supposed to be good for our family, for our status.”[/color] Thea’s fingers curled slightly against the table. [color=#035E7B]“And I’m sorry I royally screwed that up.”[/color] A dry, self-deprecating laugh escaped her. [color=#035E7B]“I scared him off by being honest, and I didn’t mean to.”[/color] She shook her head. [color=#035E7B]“I know it was an important match, and I hate that I ruined it.”[/color] Leo could neither stop the eye roll nor hide the annoyance that flashed across his face at the mention of Prince Felix. He had not forgotten how uncomfortable Thea had looked beside Felix, how the prince’s eyes held only judgment, and his hand had gripped her like a possession. He waved a hand dismissively, [color=9AF781]“You deserve better.”[/color] He simply stated. She hesitated before glancing up at Leo, a flicker of something hopeful in her expression. [color=#035E7B]“But… I may have found another match. It’s not as prestigious as marrying the Crown Prince, but he will be a duke, and it would provide ties to Caesonia.”[/color] She bit her lip. [color=#035E7B]“It’s a good match, politically speaking.”[/color] Realizing she was rambling, she inhaled sharply and let out a breath. [color=#035E7B]“That’s not really what I wanted to tell you though.”[/color] Her hands twisted in her lap, her voice softer now. [color=#035E7B]“I met Lord Drake Edwards.”[/color] She paused, the blush on her cheeks deepening. [color=#035E7B]“And I really like him, Leo. He seems to really like me too.”[/color] Thea’s gaze dropped for a moment, but when she lifted it again, there was a quiet certainty in her eyes. [color=#035E7B]“He makes my heart feel happy.”[/color] [color=9AF781]“And that’s what matters most; that you are happy. I’m certain not even mother could take issue here. Lord Edwards is an excellent choice, a fine man from a respected family.”[/color] Leo spoke, and a smile crept up. He noted the unmistakable joy that mentioning Drake brought to his sister’s face. Maybe even the happiest he’d seen her look in a long time. [color=9AF781]“But, if mother has anything less than positive to say, I’d be happy to remind her that she went off and married whomever she pleased without any thought on how her choices reflect upon our family.”[/color] He offered as his smile turned more mischievous. Leo felt more relaxed than he had in days; knowing Thea was doing well had made everything else feel a little less hopeless. Thea’s heart warmed at Leo’s words, the weight of lingering doubts easing from her shoulders. She had worried–worried that she had disappointed him, worried that she was making choices that would only cause more trouble. But hearing his support, seeing the way he so easily dismissed Felix and embraced Drake, made her feel lighter. A small, grateful smile played on her lips. [color=#035E7B]“You have no idea how much that means to me, Leo.”[/color] The relief evident in her words. [color=#035E7B]“And if Mother does have anything to say, well… I think I’d quite enjoy watching you remind her of her own choices.”[/color] A spark of amusement danced in her eyes. [color=9AF781]“She can always return to Stravy, give you a break from her meddling.”[/color] He added. [color=9AF781]“I’m glad we’re talking, glad that…well that you’re exactly who you are. I was worried…everything I had to tell you was just so…it sounds crazy. But you believed me, and I’m thankful to have your help. I’m sure your support will mean the world to Lottie too.”[/color] Leo struggled to find the right words but got close enough to what he meant. The past year had been too much, too isolating, and he’d found not an ounce of support from his mother. There was a sense of guilt for never trusting that he could even ask Thea for support until now. A soft, affectionate smile spread across her face. [color=#035E7B]“Of course I believe you, Leo. You’re my brother, the first friend I ever had in this life. There’s nothing you could tell me that would make me turn away from you.”[/color] Her voice was steady, full of conviction. [color=#035E7B]“I will support you until the end, no matter what.”[/color] [color=9AF781]“Same.”[/color] He agreed without hesitation. She held his gaze for a moment longer, letting the weight of her promise settle between them. A small smile tugged at her lips. [color=#035E7B]“And as for Lottie, she also has my full support. But I have a feeling she’s stronger than both of us combined.”[/color] Then, as if suddenly remembering something, her eyes brightened. [color=#035E7B]“Oh! Before I forget—Annie is throwing a birthday party for me tonight after the banquet. You [i]are[/i] coming, right?”[/color] She arched a brow at him, feigning a stern look. [color=#035E7B]“I expect my favorite brother to be there.”[/color] [color=9AF781]“Thea, I wouldn’t miss your birthday party. It’s my favorite holiday!”[/color] Leo relaxed in his chair, perfect posture slipping away as comfort eased in. If there was one thing he could excel at, it should be this. Being the perfect brother, making sure Thea always had someone on her side, looking out for her the way family was meant to, everything else mattered less. As long as he kept doing that, he could figure out the rest of the mess he’d turned his life into. Thea beamed at Leo’s words, warmth filling her chest. [color=#035E7B]“Good,”[/color] she said with playful satisfaction. [color=#035E7B]“I’d hate to have to hunt you down and drag you there myself.”[/color] She let out a giggle and that's when she'd noticed a server approaching their table. She'd almost forgotten they were supposed to be getting breakfast. Leo startled at the sudden intrusion, tension quickly coiling up as his stiff and guarded posture returned. [color=pink]“Good morning, my lord, my lady. Have you decided on your order?”[/color] He asked, giving them both a pleasant smile. Leo gave only a curt nod as he glanced at a menu. He was more than a little disappointed in himself for allowing somebody, even a nobody, the opportunity to sneak up on him like this. Thea glanced at the menu, then at Leo before grinning. [color=#035E7B]“I’ll have some of the Morning Mist tea, please. Oh! And an order of coconut macaroons!”[/color] She then tilted her head at Leo, letting him order. [color=9AF781]“Oolong tea, harvest quinoa salad.”[/color] He didn’t glance in the waiter's direction, but once the man had left, he smiled at Thea. [color=9AF781]“I’m a little worried about what exactly ‘Danrose dressing’ is.”[/color] He joked as he pointed at the description of the grilled chicken salad. Once their orders were placed, she decided to ask Leo something else. [color=#035E7B]"So, has anyone caught your eye yet this season? Anyone you find interesting?"[/color] [color=9AF781]“I’ve little time to get wrapped up in a summer fling, and I’ve met no one who I see the future Duchess of Stravy in,”[/color] Leo answered. He spoke as if he were being asked to go over a business proposal that he’d yet to begin working on. The topic filled him with dread, in the same way a cumbersome stack of paperwork would; a task filled with monotony whose payoff did not equate to the work required. [color=9AF781]“But, interesting people, sure. Laying the groundwork for useful alliances. Count Hendrix, Prince Wulfric, Shehzadi Nahir. Although, I’m not sure if the Shehzadi sees me as a worthy ally or regards me more like a cat does a mouse.”[/color] Pride showed through as he spoke of his ability to meet and converse with the right people. Lifting the scaffolding for his house and family, and by extension all of Stravy, to continue to grow and prosper. Thea rested her chin in her hand, watching Leo with a curious look. [color=#035E7B]“You know, Leo, for someone who claims to have little time for romance, you sure put a lot of effort into making connections.”[/color] Her tone was light, teasing, but her gaze softened with something more thoughtful. She reached out, gently nudging his arm. [color=#035E7B]“I know duty and alliances are important, but… you deserve to be happy too. Not just as the Duke of Stravy, but as Leo—the person, not just the title.”[/color] Her lips curled into a small smile. [color=#035E7B]“I’d like to see you with someone who challenges you, yes, but also someone who makes you laugh and actually [i]relax[/i] for once. Besides, I don't want to see you end up in a marriage like Mother and Father's.”[/color] She kept the last line quieter, even though she knew most people were likely aware of the issues the Duke and Duchess had when they were married. She then decided to focus on something else he said. Tilting her head, she asked with playful curiosity, [color=#035E7B]“As for Shehzadi Nahir—do you [i]want[/i] to be the mouse?”[/color] [color=9AF781]“Mice, do not make good Dukes.”[/color] Leo shrugged. [color=9AF781]“And a royal cat, is not a Duchess. Connections that can benefit Stravy are worth more than summer fun.”[/color] He pointed out, a small grin betraying how appealing the mouse option was, the undeniable appeal of danger. [color=9AF781]“For me, there is no separation from the title. It’s my future, just as much a part of who I am as anything else. But look at you, you are happy with a logical match that suits both your desires and your station.”[/color] He continued; there was no reason he couldn’t secure a union that worked similarly for him. But [i]relaxed[/i] was not an option; it was a state of laziness and complacency. It turned leaders into men who did not notice the wolves until they had broken down the door. [color=9AF781]“And if you see me with anyone that reminds you of our parents, feel free to slap some sense into me.”[/color] He offered. Thea listened carefully, her expression softening as Leo spoke. She knew he had a point and she couldn't fault him for it. Connections were always important, but she wasn't convinced they were the most important thing. [color=#035E7B]“Oh, I’d do more than slap some sense into you,”[/color] she replied lightly, though the warmth in her tone betrayed her true feelings. [color=#035E7B]“I’d find a way to lock you in a room until you promised to come to your senses. But I doubt I’ll ever have to because I know you're smarter than that, Leo.”[/color] She paused, her smile fading just slightly. [color=#035E7B]“I know the title is important, and I know you take your duties seriously. But I also know that the title alone doesn’t define you. You’re my brother, the man who always stood by me, who worked so hard to protect what we have. That’s who I see when I look at you, not just the future Duke of Stravy.”[/color] Leo nodded his agreement, despite not seeing Thea’s point there. Everything that Thea described was exactly who he thought the future Duke of Stravy ought to be: a man loyal to his family, duty, and homeland. It was an honor to do these things, to be trusted to do them, and to shoulder burdens without complaint. It all meant more than just a rank to Leo, it was a sense of identity constantly pruned and cultivated. Her gaze softened further as she added, [color=#035E7B]“I suppose that my point is, yes, connections and alliances are important. However, I think what's more important is finding someone who compliments you and supports you. Someone you can share the responsibility with, not someone who adds more weight to your shoulders. That will be more beneficial to Stravy in the long run.”[/color] She then tilted her head, a small grin playing on her lips. [color=#035E7B]“And if you ever do decide to be the mouse, I promise not to judge you too harshly.”[/color] [color=9AF781]“Sure, all agreeable points, but there’s no rush for any of this. More than enough to focus on right now, and I promise, I will not hold it against you if you are married long before I am.”[/color] He offered. Thea chuckled, shaking her head. [color=#035E7B]“Fair enough,”[/color] she conceded, though a light blush crept onto her cheeks at his mention of marriage. She hadn’t thought much about it before, not in a serious way even when engaged to Prince Felic, but now the idea settled in her mind—particularly with thoughts of Drake. What would it be like, truly? A life with him? She knew they weren't even remotely close to really be thinking of such things, but her daydreamer mind couldn't help it. The way he made her feel was unlike anything she had ever known—steady, safe, exhilarating all at once. But there was always that tiny, nagging fear in the back of her mind. What if she was too much? Too stubborn, too strong-willed, too ditzy, too eager for something real? What if, in the end, she scared him away before they even had the chance? What if her demons scared him away? She quickly pushed the thought aside as the server returned, setting their tea and food down in front of them. Thea straightened, smiling in thanks before glancing at Leo. [color=#035E7B]“Well, I suppose we should enjoy this before it gets cold.”[/color] [color=9AF781]“Any idea what the banquet tonight is about?”[/color] Leo asked in between bites of food. [color=9AF781]“Varian attendance is mandatory: doesn’t sound good.”[/color] He added, but at least this time, unlike the day after Marek’s party, Leo was certain he’d done nothing to earn the ire of the royal family here. Thea took a sip of her tea, humming thoughtfully as she considered Leo’s question. [color=#035E7B]“Hmm… honestly I'm not sure. Annie hasn't said much about it so I don't know if she even knows. But l could think up theories. Let's see…”[/color] She tapped a finger against her chin, then her eyes lit up with mischief. [color=#035E7B]“Oh! Maybe they’re planning to announce a new royal tradition where all noble families must participate in an elaborate scavenger hunt across the kingdom. Winner gets a golden goose, second place has to host next year’s banquet, and last place is exiled to a remote island.”[/color] She gasped dramatically. [color=9AF781]“Exiled to a remote island sounds more like fun than a punishment. More relaxing than a summer in Sorian. I do like the idea of a scavenger hunt.”[/color] It was too early in the day to worry about the night. Getting lost in Thea’s whimsical and farfetched ideas was just easier. [color=#035E7B]“Or—wait, I’ve got it. [i]A murder mystery party!”[/i][/color] She leaned in, eyes sparkling. [color=#035E7B]“Think about it! The royal family went all out on the theatrics, and they just wanted to make sure there were enough high-profile guests to make it a proper spectacle. Someone will ‘die’ dramatically mid-dinner, accusations will fly, and we’ll all have to solve the mystery before dessert is served.”[/color] She giggled as her imagination went wild. [color=9AF781]“No wonder they demanded Varian attendance - we have the best detectives. They’d have no hope of solving this future murder without us.”[/color] His unabashed confidence returned and clung to him like armor. She sat back, grinning. [color=#035E7B]“Or, you know… it’s just a terribly boring diplomatic dinner meant to make us all suffer equally. But I much prefer my ideas.”[/color] [color=9AF781]“And after such a terribly boring dinner, everyone will see you as the hero whose birthday party rescued their night from tedium.”[/color] Tonight was about Thea; not even a potentially boring and ominously threatening dinner was going to ruin that. [color=9AF781]“Then again, if Duke Lorenzo is going to be there, no way it will be boring.”[/color] He shifted the conversation to recounting the dinner he’d attended with the Sultan and his family and Lorenzo’s outlandishly out-of-pocket behavior that night. He smiled wide when he got to the part where he had impressed the Sultan, it was what made that story one of his new favorites to tell. [color=9AF781]“Whatever happens at dinner, we will handle it with unshakable grace, and the world will see how Smithwoods always persevere.”[/color]