[quote=@Kronshi] [hider=Electrocution] [hider=Sorry, It's Huge: Character Physical Appearance][img]https://preview.redd.it/p7zuuvkcwop41.jpg?auto=webp&s=4265726b3290a2a39c4047d99b7bda433f785fd6[/img][/hider] [hider=Sorry, It's Huge 2: Character Attire and General Vibes][img]https://preview.redd.it/8e5i4aur13241.jpg?auto=webp&s=2c9834974635ba8cf598f5e24f72af5b5b676974[/img][/hider] [u]Age of Death:[/u] — [b]26[/b] [u]Gender:[/u] — [b]Male[/b] [u]Race:[/u] — [b]Half-Elemental[/b] [u]Psychology:[/u] — [b]There is a time and a place for words and a time and place for action. He believes in no such distinction and is likely to be found lecturing someone as he kicks their ass or running into trouble while relaying his plans as opposed to before. He is quick-witted, brash, and temperamental but inside of that is a naivety that the right words can change anyone's mind.[/b] [i]⑇⑉What You Remember⑉⑈[/i] [sup]{Heat, Wind, And The Favor Of A Mentor}[/sup] [b]The Eiraenn University of Arcana and Elementa was a prodigious magic academy located within the capital of his kingdom. It was during his first year of his enrollment and he had already found a teacher that he truly resonated with. Most assumed having elemental blood meant that your arcane focus would be limited to the nature of your heritage, but this teacher expected more and he wanted to be capable of more. So here he was, at a private tutoring session with his mentor, learning how to grasp at connection points between elements and arrive at complex expressions. The teacher reminded him that his heritage gave him a knack for the wind, but to start there would be to lock himself in to his core. Start with the element of the sun and flames, of rage and compassion, heat. Feel the heat that his body exuded and cloak his arms in its aura and then, once it is embodied, channel the wind through it and create something new. Electricity. ⑴ Conductive Magic - He is capable of channeling winds around himself that can at most kick of a dirt cloud and heating objects up that he touches to the point that wood ignites or metal can cause first degree burns, but most importantly he can generate an electric charge at a short range of about 5 feet that's about as strong as a low-grade taser. ⑵ Elemental Knowledge - He retains the knowledge of the elemental patterns and how they intermingle to create hybrids, but with no fundamental magical knowledge this only serves as an analysis tool of other's magic instead of means to design new spells.[/b] [i]⑇⑉What You [s]Don’t[/s] ⑉⑈[/i] [sup]{I Will Take All Of You With Me}[/sup] [b]Beheading is too good for him, he will suffer death by electrocution. That was the judgement given out by the king himself. His heritage and training made him highly resistant to electricity magic, so the message was clear. We will torture him until he breaks, and then continue until his body inevitably fails. A crime he did not commit, and worse, one that he was framed for by the man he trusted most. The princess's body was unrecognizable and his mentor had done more than just kill her. But the teacher was highly respected, and the jagged burned scars left on her body were similar to those he would have left on enemy soldier's during the war. On the day of his execution, he was sat in a chair that was connected through metallic fixtures to an arcane battery that had already been charge with electrical magic. Here to witness his death was the mentor, as well as a number of others that had played there roles in this situation. He hated them all for what they did but for once, he bit his tongue and waited for his torture to begin. It was agonizing, but he waited hours until the output was set high enough that he could just barely maintain consciousness through the pain. It was the best chance he was going to get for revenge. Through his body, he channeled the electricity inside of him and exponentially increased it's voltage causing it to discharge. Everyone in the room including himself was suddenly hit with more than lethal levels of energy, and not one of them would remain to tell tales about what he had done.[/b] [/hider] Pardon the two images, couldn't find one that got both his body, hair, and markings right while also getting his clothing and demeanor right. Despite both images having knives, he does not have any. [/quote] Revenge story battery man is good to go, that’ll be the last character I take until we have dropouts or inactivity.