[color=lightgray][center][color=#F6CF8A][u][b][h1]Races of Eberron[/h1][/b][/u][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PaICsaA.png[/img] [i]From the bustling cities to hidden jungles, each race offers unique abilities and rich histories. In Eberron, the world is filled with a diverse array of races, many of which are unique or have different cultural roles compared to traditional Dungeons & Dragons settings. Below is a list of the primary races found in Eberron:[/i] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sEvyzXF.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#F6CF8A][u][b][h2]Common Races[/h2][/b][/u][/color][/center] These races are widespread and found in major cities, nations, and across the continent of Khorvaire. [color=#F6CF8A][b]Humans – Versatile[/b][/color] The dominant race of Khorvaire, founders of the Five Nations and major civilizations. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Pick one extra Boon of your choice[/color]. [color=#F6CF8A][b]Gnomes (Zilargo) – Subtle Magic[/b][/color] A gnome can produce small, subtle magical effects, such as making their voice seem to come from another place, causing an object to move slightly, or altering their appearance just enough to avoid recognition. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]A gnome can produce small, subtle magical effects, such as making their voice seem to come from another place, causing an object to move slightly, or altering their appearance just enough to avoid recognition. [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Half-Elves (Khoravar) – Social Chameleons[/b][/color] Descendants of humans and elves, many half-elves control House Lyrandar (airships) or House Medani (spies/detectives). [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Half-elves thrive in diverse societies and easily blend into any social group. Once per day, they can convince others they belong somewhere they technically shouldn’t or gain trust faster than expected. [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Half-Orcs – Relentless Fury[/b][/color] Often found among orc clans, some are part of House Tharashk, specializing in tracking and dragonshard mining. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Once a day, when they are cornered, wounded, or at their last breath, a half-orc can summon a final surge of strength, pushing past their limits for one last, decisive action. They also have Darkvision. [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Dwarves (Mror Clanholds) – Stonebound Resilience[/b][/color] Wealthy, industrious mountain folk, renowned for banking empire (House Kundarak). [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Used to harsh mountain life and financial dealings, dwarves have an unshakable resolve. Once per day, they can shrug off pain, fatigue, or intimidation, making them difficult to coerce or defeat mentally. They also have Darkvision. [/color] [center][h3][color=#F6CF8A][b]Elves[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Aereni Elves – Undying Wisdom[/b][/color] Ancient, long-lived elves from Aerenal, ruled by the Undying Court (powerful elven undead). [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Having lived among the undead sages of Aerenal, Aereni elves can call upon their deep ancestral knowledge. Once per scene, they can recall obscure historical or arcane information, even from long-lost civilizations..[/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Valenar Elves – Battle Trance[/b][/color] Nomadic warrior elves who revere ancestors through battle. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Once per day when engaged in battle, a Valenar elf can enter a heightened state of focus, allowing them to anticipate enemy movements, react with lightning speed, or execute a perfect counterattack.[/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Dark Elves – Umbral Step[/b][/color] A secretive and enigmatic offshoot of elvenkind, Dark Elves are often found in the depths of Khyber or hidden enclaves, mastering dark magics and ruthless survival. Shrouded in mystery, their culture values cunning, adaptability, and the power of secrecy. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a] Once per day, a Dark Elf can step between shadows, instantly teleporting a short distance (up to 30 ft) as long as both the starting and ending points are in dim light or darkness. Additionally they have Darkvision.[/color] [center][h3][color=#F6CF8A][b]Halflings[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Talenta Halflings – Beast Whisperers[/b][/color] Dinosaur-riding nomads from Talenta Plains. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Talenta halflings have a deep connection with dinosaurs and other beasts. Once per day they can calm, command, or befriend an animal in a tense situation. [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Urban Halflings – Lucky Opportunists[/b][/color] City dwellers, often merchants, rogues, politicians. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]City halflings have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. Once per scene, they can conveniently overhear useful information, stumble upon an opportunity, or escape unnoticed.[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sEvyzXF.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#F6CF8A][u][b][h2]Uncommon & Unique Races[/h2][/b][/u][/color][/center] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Changelings – Many Faces, One Soul[/b][/color] Changelings – Shapechangers who live among other races, often spies, thieves, or diplomats. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Changelings can subtly shift their features, but beyond mere disguise, they can impersonate a specific person’s voice, mannerisms, or presence so convincingly that even acquaintances may be fooled. [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Kalashtar – Whispers of the Dream[/b][/color] A race of psionic dreamers, spiritually linked to quori from the Plane of Dreams (Dal Quor). [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Kalashtar have an innate connection to dreams and emotions. Once a day, they can sense strong emotions or glimpses of prophetic dreams about people, places, or situations. [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Shifters – Unleashed Instincts[/b][/color] Descendants of lycanthropes with beast-like traits. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Shifters can briefly tap into their bestial heritage, enhancing their senses, reflexes, or physical power. They also have Darkvision [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Warforged – Living Construct[/b][/color] Sentient constructs built for war, now seeking purpose in the world. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Warforged do not need food, sleep, or air, and their bodies are naturally armored. They can also perform inhuman feats of endurance, such as traveling long distances without rest or resisting extreme conditions. [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Goblinoids (Dhakaan Empire)[/b][/color] The Dar, native to the fallen goblin empire of Dhakaan. [color=#CFE68E]Goblins:[/color] [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Goblins are quick and small, allowing them to hide, or squeeze into tight spaces others can’t. They also have Darkvision [/color] [color=#CFE68E]Hobgoblins:[/color] [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color][color=fff79a] Hobgoblins are disciplined warriors. Once per day, they can recognize flaws in enemy formations or tactics, gaining an edge in combat or strategy. They also have Darkvision [/color] [color=#CFE68E]Bugbears:[/color] [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Bugbears have monstrous grip strength, allowing them to hold onto enemies, weapons, or ledges with incredible force. They can keep hold of something even under extreme pressure. They also have Darkvision [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Orcs – Gatekeeper’s Fury[/b][/color] Primarily found in the Shadow Marches, many orcs are druidic warriors tied to the Gatekeepers. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a] Orcs can sense unnatural forces, like aberrations, undead, or extraplanar beings, and are resistant to their corruption. They also have Darkvision.[/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Lizardfolk – Cold-Blooded Pragmatism[/b][/color] Found in Q’barra’s jungles and the ruins of Xen’drik, some are allies, others hostile. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Lizardfolk think in pure logic and survival, making them immune to emotional manipulation. They can also hold their breath for extreme durations. [/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sEvyzXF.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#F6CF8A][u][b][h2]Rare & Exotic Races[/h2][/b][/u][/color][/center] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Dragonborn – Ancestral Breath[/b][/color] Rare in Khorvaire but found in Q’barra and the dragon-ruled lands of Argonnessen. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]A Dragonborn can unleash a breath attack once per scene, drawing upon their draconic lineage. The element and form of their breath depend on their ancestry:[/color] [list] [*][color=f7976a][b]Fire ([color=ed1c24]Red[/color], [color=B5A642]Brass[/color], [color=gold]Gold[/color])[/b] – A cone of searing flames that ignites flammable objects.[/color] [*][color=7ea7d8][b]Cold ([color=white]White[/color], [color=gray]Silver[/color])[/b] – A blast of freezing wind that coats surfaces in frost.[/color] [*][color=6ecff6][b]Lightning ([color=00aeef]Blue[/color], [color=CD7F32]Bronze[/color])[/b] – A crackling bolt of electricity that surges in a line.[/color] [*][color=82ca9d][b]Acid ([color=000000]Black[/color], [color=39b54a]Green[/color])[/b] – A spray of caustic acid that eats through armor and obstacles.[/color] [*][color=a2d39c][b]Poison[/b][color=39b54a](Green)[/color] – A cloud of toxic gas that lingers in the air.[/color][/list] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Tieflings – Infernal Tenacity[/b][/color] Often from Demon Wastes, Droaam, or Sarlona, with different origins than usual. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color][color=fff79a] Tieflings resist fire, fear, and manipulation, and once per day they can draw upon their heritage to produce eerie, supernatural effects, such as shadowy whispers or flickering flames. [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Aasimar – Celestial Blessing[/b][/color] Uncommon, often linked to angels, Silver Flame, or celestial patrons. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Once per day, Aasimar can emit a brief, divine glow that comforts allies, repels darkness, or unsettles evil creatures..[/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Goliaths – Mountain’s Might[/b][/color] Isolated mountain dwellers found in Xen’drik. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Goliaths are unmatched in strength and endurance, capable of feats of physical prowess, such as lifting massive objects or enduring extreme hardship. [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Yuan-Ti – Serpentine Mind[/b][/color] Found in Xen’drik, some serve forgotten gods or daelkyr. [color=#CFE68E]Ability:[/color] [color=fff79a]Yuan-Ti are immune to poison and mental domination, and once per day they can hypnotize or subtly manipulate others with their words. They also have Darkvision [/color] [color=#F6CF8A][b]Genasi (Elemental-Touched Wanderers)[/b][/color] Rare individuals born with a connection to the Elemental Planes, often found in Zilargo (Air Genasi), the Mournland (Earth Genasi), Sarlona (Fire Genasi), and the Thunder Sea (Water Genasi). Many are descendants of elemental-bound beings or experiments from House Cannith’s elemental research. [b][color=#CFE68E]Abilities:[/color][/b] [list] [*][color=#CFE68E]Air:[/color] [color=8882be]Air Genasi move effortlessly, able to leap great distances, balance on unstable surfaces, or momentarily glide. [/color] [*][color=#CFE68E]Earth:[/color] [color=a2d39c]Earth Genasi have unnatural durability, able to withstand falls, impacts, or environmental dangers that would harm others.[/color] [*][color=#CFE68E]Fire:[/color] [color=f7976a]Fire Genasi absorb heat and energy, making them immune to extreme temperatures and able to manipulate small flames. [/color] [*][color=#CFE68E]Water:[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Water Genasi can breathe underwater, move effortlessly through currents, and sense changes in the tides, making them natural navigators and survivors at sea.[/color] [/list] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sEvyzXF.png[/img][/center] [/color]