[hider=Phia][color=BC16A1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yY5YX4l.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/HRmCvzg.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=FA7AE4]Phia[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] 24 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Female [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Half-Elf [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Druidic Mystic[/h3] [/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foTmGIHV8Yg]Theme Song: Can't Catch Me Now[/url][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/q2yupWq.png[/img][/center] [center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SLY3u3z.png[/img] [/cell][cell] [b][color=FA7AE4]Height:[/color][/b] [indent]5'4"[/indent] [b][color=AE8CCB]Weight:[/color][/b] [indent]120 lbs[/indent] [b][color=AE8CCB]Build:[/color][/b] [indent]Pear-shaped body, lean and agile[/indent] [b][color=FA7AE4]Hair Color:[/color][/b] [indent]Magenta[/indent] [b][color=AE8CCB]Hair Length[/color][/b][indent]Thigh-length[/indent] [b][color=FA7AE4]Eye Color:[/color][/b] [indent]Amber[/indent] [b][color=AE8CCB]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] [indent]Light with sun-kissed undertones[/indent] [b][color=FA7AE4]Distinguishing Features:[/color][/b][indent] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Freckles [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Scars on her back and arms from her childhood injuries [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Smells faintly of wildflowers and earth [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Wears an ancient amulet with an unknown crest[/indent] [b][color=FA7AE4]Clothing Style:[/color][/b][indent]Handmade garments—stitched from furs, feathers, and natural fabrics. She collects trinkets to adorn her outfits. Usually barefoot or in light leather boots. She loves to put lots of accessories into her head pieces including antlers, flowers, and jewels. Everything she wears has an overage of accessories.[/indent] [/cell][cell] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Go10VyM.png[/img] [/cell][/row][/table][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HRmCvzg.png[/img][/center] [center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [b][color=FA7AE4]Likes[/color][/b]: [indent] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] The flora and fauna (including bugs!) [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Climbing and swinging through trees [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Honey [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Hoarding trinkets (especially shiny ones) [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Making her own clothing items [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Collecting bones, flowers, rocks, anything SHINY [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Hugs (she holds them for an awkward amount of time) [/indent] [b][color=AE8CCB]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [indent] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Following orders [color=FFD351]✦[/color] When people disrespect nature, the natural order and the dead [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Being in tight spaces and feeling confined [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Getting hangry [color=FFD351]✦[/color] People touching her trinkets without asking [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Menzai’s life being in danger [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Cruelty; seeing other people and animals hurt [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Wearing too many clothes [/indent] [/cell][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fXTwC4D.png[/img][/center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/C3RmF3F.png[/img] [/cell][cell] [b][color=FA7AE4]Habits/Quirks:[/color][/b] [indent] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Finding something to swing or hang on mid-conversation [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Flowers sometimes grow in grass behind her steps [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Staring at pretty objects and people for awkward amounts of time [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Paying people in shiny rocks instead of real money [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Collects bones, feathers, and shiny things as “gifts” for her friends [/indent] [b][color=AE8CCB]Dreams/Motivations:[/color][/b] [indent] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] To find out where she came from and what her father meant by her “destiny” [color=FFD351]✦[/color] To experience all the wonders of Khorvaire firsthand [color=FFD351]✦[/color] To keep Menzai safe (even though he's supposed to protect her) [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][/center] [center][b][color=FA7AE4]Sexuality:[/color][/b]Demisexual [b][color=AE8CCB]Willingness to make friends (1-5):[/color][/b] 5 [b][color=AE8CCB]Willingness toward romance (1-5):[/color][/b] 3 [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HRmCvzg.png[/img][/center] [center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [b][u]Engaging With Others[/u][/b] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Extroversion (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Kindness (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB] Chattiness (1-5):[/color] 3 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Trustfulness (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB] Sense of Humor (1-5): [/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Loyalty (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Selflessness (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Flirtatiousness (1-5):[/color] 2 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Arrogance (1-5):[/color] 2 [img]https://i.imgur.com/SLY3u3z.png[/img] [/cell][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/THDwqK2.png[/img][/center] [/cell][cell] [b][u]Handling Conflict and Decisions[/u][/b] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Patience (1-5):[/color] 2 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Temperance (1-5):[/color] 3 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Forgiveness (1-5):[/color] 1 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Courage (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Stubbornness (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Pacifism (1-5):[/color] 2 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Impulsiveness (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Creativity (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Mercy (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Charisma (1-5):[/color] 3 [img]https://i.imgur.com/Go10VyM.png[/img] [/cell][/row][/table][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HRmCvzg.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1u1t44C.png[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=FA7AE4]Place of Origin:[/color][/b] Unknown (somewhere in Khorvaire), but she lived much of her life with a shifter tribe in Xen'drik [b][color=FA7AE4]Current Occupation:[/color][/b] Traveler [b][color=AE8CCB]Living Family Members:[/color][/b] Unknown [b][color=FA7AE4]Companions on the Airship:[/color][/b] Menzai [b][color=AE8CCB]Why are you traveling to Khorvaire?[/color][/b] To uncover her origins and fulfill her unknown destiny. [b][color=FA7AE4]Non-Combative Skills:[/color][/b] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Climbing [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Foraging & Survival [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Herbalism [color=FFD351]✦[/color] Mediocre Sewing [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/eNXnoHn.png[/img][/center] [h3][b][color=AE8CCB]History[/color][/b][/h3] Phia was never meant to grow up in the wilds. She was born far from the shifter tribe she grew up with, but fate and blood led her there. One night, a wounded man stumbled into the heart of the shifter village, carrying a small child in his arms. He was bloody, barely standing, but his grip on the girl never faltered. The elders of the tribe stepped forward warily as the man fell to his knees before them and spoke to them for a brief time. Through ragged breaths, he uttered his last words: [b][color=FFD351]“She must be protected. When she is ready, her destiny… lies in Khorvaire.”[/color][/b] The tribe rushed to aid him, but it was too late. He succumbed to his wounds, leaving behind only his child and the mysterious amulet she wore. His words became sacred law among the tribe. They took the child in without hesitation, vowing to protect and prepare her until the day she was ready to leave. They were known as the Oruna Tribe, composed entirely of shifters who lived according to their ancient traditions. Following widespread discrimination after the war, they retreated into isolation, settling deep within untamed wilds where few outsiders dared venture. They lived in harmony with nature, believing in the spirits of the forest, sky, and ancestors. Phia was raised as one of them—but she was always different. While the other children learned to master their shifting forms, she had no beast to call her own. But she learned other things—how to move silently through the trees, how to read the wind, how to understand the way of predators and prey. But no matter how much she belonged, Phia always knew she was meant to leave. As she grew older, the tribe elders made a decision. If Phia was to leave one day, she would need a protector, as she was young and inexperienced. That was when they assigned her Menzai. Menzai was one of the most disciplined warriors in the tribe—a shifter who had completely mastered his animal instincts. He had once lost someone dear to him, and through that pain, he had learned to control himself in ways few others could. The elders believed he was the only one who could both protect and guide her. Menzai took his duty seriously, but Phia saw him as a friend before a guardian. They trained together, hunted together, and watched over each other. When Phia came of age, the tribe did not try to stop her from leaving. They knew this moment had been coming. They gathered around her in a parting ceremony, placing their hands on her shoulders, her arms, her back, whispering blessings for protection and wisdom. The elders gave her one final message: [b][color=FFD351]“Your ancestors will guide you. Your past will find you.”[/color][/b] With Menzai at her side, Phia stepped beyond the only home she had ever known. She had no idea what waited for her in Khorvaire, only that she had been prepared for this moment her entire life. [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HRmCvzg.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ts1Sdao.png[/img][/center] [center] [color=AE8CCB][b]Class Concept / Role:[/b]:[/color] Druidic Mystic [color=FA7AE4][b]Signature Abilities:[/b]:[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Beastial Aspect[/color] - Temporarily adopt traits (keen senses, claws, agility) of a chosen animal. [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Wild Communion[/color] - Extend your natural bond with animals, allowing detailed communication, deepening your connection, gleaning secrets, warnings, or rallying creatures to assist in critical moments. [color=FFD351]✦[/color][color=AE8CCB]"Cornered Animal" (Custom)[/color] - When Phia is severely wounded, surrounded, or pushed into a last stand, something inside her snaps—not into mindless rage, but into a feral, instinct-driven frenzy. Her movements become erratic yet purposeful, her strikes wild yet devastating, and her eyes burn with the unrelenting will to survive. She fights like a wounded predator: faster, stronger, and utterly relentless. Pain is ignored, fear is nonexistent, and hesitation is a foreign concept. [color=AE8CCB][b]Major Weaknesses (3):[/b]:[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Primal Instincts Over Logic[/color] – Phia acts first, thinks later. If something feels right, she does it, even if it's a terrible idea. [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Glass Claws[/color] – Phia is fragile and light and also refuses to wear armor. If she fails to evade, she takes on a full hit. [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Beast’s Burden[/color] - Phia’s connection to animals runs deep—too deep. If an animal near her is wounded or suffering, she is compelled to help, even if it puts her in danger. [color=FA7AE4][b]Racial Trait:[/b]:[/color] “Once per day, they can convince others they belong somewhere they technically shouldn’t or gain trust faster than expected.” [color=AE8CCB][b]Boons & Banes:[/b][/color] [color=FFD351]Boons[/color]: [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Oruna Tribe Martial Arts[/color] - Phia moves with the fluidity of a predator, using instinctual combat techniques. She is adept at dodging attacks, using her surroundings to her advantage, and striking fast before retreating into the shadows. [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Tarzan Mobility[/color] - Climbing, swinging, and moving through dense terrain is second nature to Phia. She can scale trees, leap between branches, and navigate the wilderness with ease, making it difficult for enemies to catch her in open terrain. [color=FFD351]Bane[/color]: [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Technologically Inept[/color] - Phia grew up in an isolated tribal setting and has no understanding of advanced technology, magical machinery, or complex devices. She struggles with airships, warforged, arcane locks, and other forms of "modern" civilization, often resorting to instinctual solutions (which usually involve breaking things). [color=FA7AE4][b]Combat Equipment and Gear:[/b]:[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Druidic Staff[/color] - A handcrafted druidic staff made of twisted wood, adorned with embedded gemstones, woven flowers, and vines. The staff serves as both a melee weapon and a focus for her magic. When she fights, the flowers bloom or wilt depending on her emotions. The lower end is sharpened to a lethal, spear-like point, its tip made of ironwood. This edge can stab through soft armor, pierce flesh, and be used for precise thrusting strikes. [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Stone-Carved Dagger[/color] - Strapped to her thigh for quick access. [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Poison-Tipped Blowgun Darts [/color] - Bone/Wood darts coated with a mild paralytic toxin extracted from jungle flora, stored in a small pouch, with a handmade straw blowgun to fire them silently. [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Her amulet[/color] ??? [img]https://i.imgur.com/cHawBNj.png[/img] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HRmCvzg.png[/img] [color=FA7AE4][b][h3]Full Equipment List[/h3][/b][/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Druidic Staff[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Stone-Carved Dagger[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Poison-Tipped Blowgun Darts [/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Her amulet[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Satchel[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Flint & dried tinder moss[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Waterskin[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Dried Medicinal Herbs[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Bag of pretty trinkets, marbles and rocks[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Sharpening river stone[/color] [color=FFD351]✦[/color] [color=AE8CCB]Oruna tribal moon bracelet[/color] [/center][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HRmCvzg.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yTSjVjP.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HRmCvzg.png[/img][/center][/hider]