[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aFpVkw6.png[/img][/center] He didn’t have a sense, really, of whether or not this was something he was comfortable with or not. It was warm though, so that was a plus. But the soot was already dying his white shirt gray, so that was a minus. Plenty of freebies along the way though, another plus. A gathering of weirdos in the distance, that was a min- Wait, no, plus, plus, plus. [i]Goddamn.[/i] One of em looked actually angelic, a pale bloom that just begged to be plucked and preserved, while another looked like the type of person you wanted to get euthanized via sex with. There were a handful of others, a curious baldie with an interesting head-shape and a deranged but charming personality and a brat that seemed to have the same idea that he had, coming into this. He favored her with a smile, which was really just the narrowing of his amber eye and a wordless opening of his lipless mouth as a slender finger ‘tapped’ against the side of the fluorescent flame that made up perhaps a quarter of his head. She held her spear in her hand; he had salvaged three and stuck them into his head before making it halfway to join the others amongst the ruins of a pyrrhic resistance. Of course, now that he was looking over the men who gathered (a much more dour gang of fellows), perhaps he should’ve settled for two instead. That white-haired man’s swords looked like they’d fetch something nice on the market. If there was a market. What even was a market? [b]“Huh. [i]Shit.[/i]”[/b] Pain in the ass. Habit moved his actions and thoughts, but there was only a vague sense of understanding where those habits came from. And right now, such habits turned towards… [b]“C’mon, you didn’t scalp yourself while shaving, didja?”[/b] He spoke instead, a lax derision slathered over his tone as he turned to the bald woman. [b]“Ain’t no way I came from the same place as these frumpy bastards. Not from the same place as the darling princess over there either, that’s for sure.”[/b] The lanky man’s gaze turned to his surroundings once more, confirming what he already knew. Piles of burnt bodies, defenses in every direction, and yet no sign of what it was that pushed these people to the brink. They weren’t gonna survive a second attack, that was for sure. But hey. [b]“Now now, don’t be so harsh on the boy,”[/b] he said, shifting attentions to the statuesque witch-lady. [b]“I’m sure every kid’s wanted to say a line like that once in their life. Nevermind that since we’re here, we’ve definitely all been ‘broken’ at least once.”[/b]