[center][h3][b][color=f7941d]Accursed Tropes: The Last Airbender (Isekai; Fanfic Cliches infiltrating Canon, Lewascan2 gave me Permission)[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [center][url=https://www.imgchest.com/p/pg73wvbno4r][img]https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/49zc2g93bey.png[/img][/url] [b][url=https://discord.gg/nPsTnvTGvV]OOC Discussion Discord[/url][/b][/center] You just died. It could be the cliche way of being hit by a truck, or you could have just fallen terminally ill. What is known is that you are a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and that’s why you were selected for this destiny. Avatar Aang appears before you just as you are to proceed to the afterlife. He says that he has been replaced by an impostor, one born and given power by bad stories that have been told about him and his friends from [i]your[/i] world, and thus he needs people from it to foil the impostor before the latter warps the world to his whims. He does not know what the Impostor is, only that [i]someone[/i] who knows what ‘Tropes’ are has unleashed him upon the world. Looking at your souls, the Avatar tells you that you can live again; while he does not understand the ‘narrative energies’ the Impostor uses to warp the laws of his world, he does understand reincarnation. So he offers you a deal: He has cracked his prison of hardened memes and materialized cliches long enough to reincarnate you to 12 to 14 years in the past, as infants with memories of your past lives and how ‘Canon’ was meant to go. Your souls will also carry shards of his ‘Trope Prison’ with you, allowing you a small portion of the power Fake Aang uses. This will allow you to grow up with various powers and abilities that break the laws of Aang’s universe, the universe of [i]Avatar: The Last Airbender[/i]; desperate times sometimes ask for equally desperate measures. When you accept this, you awaken as a newborn, but realize… Now that you have your powers and memories, Real Aang, Avatar Aang, [i]has no hold over you[/i] and saving the world is [i]optional[/i]. Should you still do it anyway? [hr] [center][h3][b][color=00aeef]What You need to Know[/color][/b][/h3][/center] You, the players, are looking at a Mass-Isekai RP, as a group of reincarnated people who may or may not have forgotten, or disregarded, what Avatar Aang’s spirit said; that his world is no longer the ‘Canon’ one but rather infected by ‘Bad Fanfics’ rife with ‘exploitable tropes and fanon’. The tone, despite the seemingly funny premise, is meant to be serious, maybe even dark and edgy at times, because a lot of bad fanfic is generally that. The cliches and tropes have realistic consequences, and even cringe can physically hurt you. So take the world seriously and assume logical consequences if you push too hard, too early. We are operating in a ‘partial sandbox’; you can treat it as an open world if you want, but you can also follow the main plot, which involves linking up with the others and foiling Impostor Aang. Like in Lewas’ original Accursed Tropes RP, you are given a lot more control over the world than you might expect. This means you can make and control NPCs and be the direct cause of major events (within a certain reason). Of course, there are limits; GMs control Fire Lord Ozai, other important villains, and most named characters, but you can ask for temporary permission to control them from all three GMs (me, Lewas, Danyel). If you do not know the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom, don't feel afraid to join anyway. Playing a reincarnate without metaknowledge or localized savvy is perfectly viable too and adds some extra flavor to the cast. This RP concept welcomes all comers, so don't be afraid to ask questions if you need any quick or dirty lore drops to help participate. If all that sounds like a good deal to you, here's some more details on how I hope for this to work. [hider=Rules lent by Lewas] 1.) Cooperative storytelling comes first. Above all else, in concept, this RP is preferably more of a collaborative story than it is a proper RP. Everyone has the freedom to do their own thing, but they should at least make it interesting and be aware of how their actions might affect other players' enjoyment. At least, that's how I'd like it to work, but only time will tell. 2.) I won't tell you not to power-game within the bounds of reason, as this setting's power system is rather... flexible at the upper levels. Powerful characters will be permitted. Of course, you need to justify the growth of that power sufficiently IC, but generally speaking "overpowered" isn't a taboo concept, given the party's primary enemy. You just have to work for it, and make sure it's interesting. Be aware that the world won't just roll over for the PCs by default the way it would for a normal "bad fanfic" protagonist; while the PCs have meta-knowledge advantages, they don't innately have fate on their side. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. 3.) Due to the interesting way I want to run this, I actually intend to give players a lot more freedom than the usual fair, even to the point of allowing limited control of NPCs. As long as they are unimportant, no-name or original entities, you largely have free reign as long as you give us a heads up first before introducing a new notable NPC. Allowing players this sort of control takes much of the burden off me having to run such a massive/expansive world. Beyond that, however, leave the results of actions open ended unless given the go-ahead otherwise. Basically, (if it comes up) no auto-hits/dodges against other players or powerful NPCs unless it's already been hashed out OOC. While you can't just go out and control or kill important figures (like Ozai, for example), to random civilians on the street or nameless OC soldier, you have permission to do whatever... within reason. I'll generally try to leave this up to participants' best judgement, but don't abuse the privilege; the power of hard retcon can and will be used to retroactively nullify anything that steps over the line. 4.) Meta-gaming is discouraged. While the OCs are (unless you choose otherwise) assumed to have at least some level of meta awareness of the Avatar: The Last Airbender setting, they shouldn't be magical mind-readers (unless they have a Trope that permits that), able to adjust themselves to dialogue they shouldn't be aware of, like thoughts or events they didn't personally witness/experience. 5.) Keep it cordial OOC. Nothing complicated. 6.) I generally expect a certain level of writing to help with immersion and legibility for fellow participants. As such, preferred post length is 2-3 multi-sentence paragraphs, but longer posts are encouraged and welcome. That said, a shorter post is better than no post at all, just as long as it moves your character along and responds appropriately to the most critical IC stimuli. At absolute minimum, however, a single multi-paragraph post should be expected to respond sufficiently. In short, avoid one-liner posts or long walls of text. 7.) GM's ruling is final, but that goes without saying. I hope to not need to exercise that much, but the biggest thing I will control wholly is what tropes and world-building the setting has been warped by. Anything that would have major or disruptive setting implications needs to go through me first before being approved. 8.) I won't make any particular posting speed requirements, as in my personal experience, the "obligation factor" can damage motivation severely. I'll simply ask participants to try to respect their fellow writers by not leaving them hanging where possible or finding a way to narratively disengage the interaction so things aren't deadlocked if you need to take a hiatus. In short, at least trying to wrap up an existing interaction, no matter how abruptly, before dipping. 9.) We, the GM Group, will accept only 9 players with one OC each; that’s our limit. [/hider] [hider=Tropes] A trope as is relevant to this RP is a specific common narrative theme or occurrence, identified and isolated from the story itself. What is defined as a trope is determined by its presence in the relevant media. It's a replication of a narrative tool or warp slotted into other stories. Tropes are effectively storytelling tools, defined by how commonly they appear, sort of like a meme but in a narrative sense. It's like "this isn't even my final form" is a trope across ridiculous amounts of fiction, expressed any time the seemingly defeated final boss (or protagonist) reveals another power/transformation under their sleeve. That's a trope. If you read a ton of Avatar: The Last Airbender (or any fandom's) fanfics and then sat down and listed out several things you read that remained present across all -or many- of those stories, those things would likely be tropes. Like for example, Aang being a possessive, psychopathic manchild, Sokka being stupid, Katara being whiny, annoying, and hypocritical; those are tropes. Same for Multiple Avatars, Fifth Elements (and Fifth Nations), and being Zuko and Azula’s brother or sister who isn’t in canon. You can create your own tropes, of course, but if you're struggling to understand the concept, we have examples. These have [i]requirements[/i] and can't just be chosen like picking a new spell in a video game. Also, unlike in Lewas’ past game, you only have a limited number of slots for Tropes in Character Creation; 2 or 3. Not just that, but some Tropes have a limited number of [i]players[/i] who can use them for their OCs (only one OC per player, btw!), for example, ‘Another Avatar’ is very limited). [list] [*][b]Crystal Memory:[/b] Flexible and subjective to the series being used for the insert, this is the trope of the reincarnate/insert somehow always retaining perfect -or at least nearly so- memory of their metaknowledge and past life, unaffected by time and what should be the natural degradation of memories. [*][b]Fandom Omniscience:[/b] A specialized version of Crystal Memory that covers only Fandom stuff, not your past life memories and past skills. Rather than the author setting the insert's knowledge at a certain level and leaving it there regardless of developments outside the story to the lore, this plays out almost like the character can effectively just read/watch the manga/series/wiki in their head. If you want your OC to know about new facts revealed about the A:TLA Canon after they died, this is the Trope. [*][b]Prodigy:[/b] Pick only one Bending or Non-Bending Skill (including tech) and you are an immediate genius at it. (Unlimited, but cannot stack with Another Avatar, Daytime Bloodbender/Insert Special Bending Art Here, Fifth Element and some flavors of Crossover Powerset; Dual Element Users have to pick only one Element, and no, you cannot take this twice). [*][b]Another Avatar:[/b] [s]You break the rule that there should only be one Avatar worse than Unalaq from the sequel series has. You can bend all Four Elements and Energybending (if taught by a Lion Turtle), the ability to enter the Avatar State, and can communicate to Spirits, who refer to you as [i]an[/i] Avatar, implying they know something you do not. (Limited to 2 players, assuming 6 overall players, or 4 players, assuming an overall number of 9)[/s] After GM Review, we've decided not to let players apply for Another Avatar, and instead, we're giving it to someone who does not want it at first. [*][b]Airbender:[/b] You can Airbend despite not being an Air Nomad or being spiritual. (Unlimited) [*][b][s]Daytime Bloodbender before Korra Season 1[/s]/Combustionbending without an Eye/Lavabending before Korra Season 3/Insert Special Bending Art Here:[/b] You can bloodbend and you can do this in the daytime or combustionbend without a third eye or lavabend/metalbend/glassbend. Or if you’re an Airbender, you can fly without casting aside all attachments (Limited to 2 Players, and you cannot start with Another Avatar or Dual Element User at Character Creation. However, you can teach people with those Tropes how to use those Special Bending Arts.) After GM Review, we've decided that Real Aang will not give people bloodbending at character creation, but they can get it afterwards as an addition Trope. [*][b]Dual Element User:[/b] You can bend [i]two[/i] of the Four Elements of your own choice. (Unlimited, Prodigy Trope only applies to one Element). [*][b]Canon Character’s Sibling:[/b] You are Zuko and Azula’s brother or sister and you are not canon. You are Sokka and Katara’s sibling, either older or younger. You are Toph’s twin or some other sibling and not blind. This gives you limited NPC control over your new family, but they will still try and keep to their canon selves. (Player Slots are dictated by the number of Canon Characters, but you can only use 1 Trope Slot for this so you can’t make yourself related to both Zuko and Toph) [*][b]Crossover Powerset:[/b] You have a powerset from another franchise entirely [s]like Naruto[/s]. Use with caution, and we will crack down if this is too powerful. (Unlimited Player Slots depending on the power, but uses up 2 Trope Slots at Character Creation and can only be taken one more time during the RP itself). [*][b]Fifth Element:[/b] You can bend a Fifth, Uncanonical Element such as Death, Light, Darkness, Animals, or Human Minds. (One Trope Slot per player, also, you cannot have Prodigy, Another Avatar, Crossover Powerset, or any other Trope that affects powers) [*][b]Fifth Nation before Korra S1:[/b] Your very existence has made a Fifth Nation appear in the world. Avatar Aang is shocked that he has accidentally given you such power. However, you do [i]not[/i] get a leadership position in this nation; you are a commoner. (Limited to 1 Player; uses up all 3 Trope Slots. Subject to GM Veto, as well as the Veto of [i]Other Players[/i].) [*][b]Existing Nation History Rewrite:[/b] You can rewrite an existing nation’s History. Completely. Avatar Aang is shocked that he has accidentally given you such power. However, you do [i]not[/i] get a leadership position in this nation; you are a commoner. (Limited to 1 Player; uses up all 3 Trope Slots. Subject to GM Veto, as well as the Veto of [i]Other Players[/i].) [/list] [/hider] As far as character sheets go, these may start off fairly basic, but they should be expected to be updated many times as things progress, accounting for any developments to the characters brought about by the IC. I've done my best to cover what should be necessary without bogging things down, but if there's anything in this template you think I've missed that would be particularly important, let me know. I'm open to potential improvements. [hider=Character Sheet Template] [b]Name:[/b] The name they were given upon their rebirth (though, you can include their past name too). [b]Titles:[/b] Includes any nicknames they acquire due to their actions, along with their social rank (Royal, Noble, Commoner, etc). [b]Gender:[/b] Self-explanatory. [b]Age:[/b] Self-explanatory. Starts at 0. Update as needed. [b]Affiliation:[/b] List out any factions they might be a part of (Nation, Settlement, Organization). [b]Physical Description:[/b] You can stick with something basic if you like. An image header is an acceptable substitute for this section. There's no particular need to match an image to their age starting out; you can use a FC that depicts how they will most likely grow up too. [b]Personality:[/b] Self-explanatory, but as a guideline? Try the Kakashi method. Likes, dislikes and dreams for the future. It doesn't have to be in-depth, but at least provide a basic grasp of who the character is. Fair warning, Real Aang has seen everything about your lives before reincarnation, and in the pursuit of not actively making the world worse, he will not provide this rebirth opportunity to anyone that would abuse it and his world for unrepentant evil (although he has not anticipated that you would be able to create Fifth Nations or Rewrite Existing Ones. Basically, no effectively Chaotic Evil alignments. [b]Short Biography:[/b] This can be as basic as you like, but it should effectively be a short, clear summary of who the character was in their past mundane life. And it should mention what circumstances they've been reborn into in this new world and life. It should also mention briefly how familiar the PC was with the Avatar: The Last Airbender world/series prior to being reborn. [b]Inventory:[/b] What possessions are important to your character? This can include what they have on them and what they simply have available as an easy asset at home or the like. Most likely starts empty. This would include any weapons, bending scrolls, tools or other materials they have of particular note. [list] [*]Holder: [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] Both Bending and Non-Bending, update this growing arsenal as needed. You can include skills from your past life, which may potentially provide unique advantages; though, naturally, those skills should be entirely mundane, since your past life lacked any supernatural aspects. [list] [*]Holder: [/list] [b]Tropes:[/b] These are special advantages, unique to this world. They are notably distinct from regular skills and are more like "inherent advantages" or "cheats". It encompasses the act of taking advantage of the warps in reality known as "fanfic tropes". When you have successfully done so, a trope should be added to the list you have acquired. You have three tropes under your belt right out the gate, depending on your circumstances. [list] [*]None. [/list] [b]Bending/Crossover Power:[/b] Are you a Bender? If so, what Element(s)? If you have a Crossover Power, list it here too. [b]Current Goals:[/b] Pretty straight-forward. What sort of things are they planning to do with their new life? Optional, but a nice thing to have perhaps; it can help sort of plot out your character's path. Short Term: Long Term: [b]Extra:[/b] Any bonus trivia you feel it might be neat to include could go here in this totally optional section. If you have any music you used as inspiration for character creation or other tunes that serve as themes for them, feel free to include them too. [/hider] (This next section may be subject to change, as I'm still trying to strike a particular balance of progression that hopefully avoids any real focus on "stats" or anything really "gamer-adjacent". So, I might not be fully happy with this yet.) [hider=Power Progression] Unlike in the past RP, you guys can try and ‘game’ the Character Creation process to get an advantage, but you still start out as a baby for the first round. To avoid a long period of weakness, we will then skip to when you are all teenagers, but you will be allowed to write out how you influenced the world as you grew up. As newborn infants, lacking fine control of their bodies or speech, you have very little control in all aspects of your lives, unable to influence the world around you in any meaningful way. There's not much to do except focus inward for the first round of posts. After that, once you have all grown up… You can train and grow and acquire Tropes if needed. [/hider]