[hider=Alex Jensen]Name: Alex Jensen Age: 37 Occupation: Police Officer (formerly Chicago PD, now Havenwood PD) Appearance: Alex is a physically imposing man, standing at 6'0" with a broad build that hints at years of street work. He has close-cropped, Light brown hair. His face is weathered, etched with lines around his eyes that speak to exhaustion and a grim determination. He favors practical, functional clothing, even off-duty: dark jeans, plain t-shirts, and a Brown corduroy Sherpa lined jacket. A faded scar runs along his left forearm – a souvenir from the past Personality: Alex is pragmatic and cynical, a result of years spent witnessing the worst of humanity. He's weary, but still possesses a deeply ingrained sense of justice. He's reserved and slow to trust, preferring to observe before acting. He's loyal to those he considers friends, but struggles to form close relationships due to the emotional walls he's built. His strengths lie in his experience, his ability to remain calm under pressure, and his sharp observational skills. Background: Alex spent his entire career in the Chicago PD, working his way up to Lieutenant. He was good, maybe too good. He closed cases, put away bad guys, but the darkness he encountered left its mark. After a particularly brutal case involving a child abduction that shook him to his core, he started making mistakes. He began self-medicating with alcohol. A forced leave of absence turned into a transfer to Havenwood, a small, quiet town in the middle of nowhere. He hoped for a fresh start, a chance to escape the memories that haunted him. He's divorced, his relationship with his ex-wife strained. He has no children, a fact he both regrets and is relieved by. The Touch: Alex has always been plagued by vivid, visceral nightmares. These aren't just bad dreams; they're intensely real, often featuring places he's never been and people he's never met, all shrouded in an oppressive, unnatural darkness. Since arriving in Havenwood, the nightmares have intensified, and he sometimes feels a sense of déjà vu, a feeling that the places in his dreams are somehow connected to the town. Weaknesses: Alcohol, repressed trauma, emotional detachment, a deep-seated fear of failure. He's prone to isolating himself and pushing people away. His cynicism makes him resistant to seeking help, even when he desperately needs it. Motivations: Alex desperately wants to find peace, to atone for the things he couldn't prevent in Chicago. He wants to prove to himself that he's still a good cop, despite his flaws. He stays in Havenwood because, deep down, he suspects that running won't solve his problems. He also feels a growing sense of responsibility for the town and its residents, a feeling he's hesitant to admit but can't ignore. Theme: [Youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tYqZnsUbZ_E[/Youtube] [/hider]