Also, a draft rule set we could use in Esty's absence during the Aid Crisis arc, the point being to freeze Wealth and Personnel at the moment without leaving people with nothing to do game play wise. Let me know what peoples thoughts are and I'll adjust/reword accordingly. I'll introduce 6 world factions that are simply there as a tool for me to expand world building that players would be welcome to attack, work with or ignore. If players have any alterations or ideas for the very brief descriptions I've posted let me know~. They'll also add their own quests to a quest board for players looking for direction during rounds. Background factions are: - [b]Gendarme[/b]: Nocturnian locals recruited and supported by the Military to keep their city alive. A stop gap to ensure that Aid continues to flow into the city without direct Military assistance. - [b]Spelunkers[/b]: Engineers, Scientists and Adventurers trying to unveil the mysteries of the under city catacombs while trying to maintain and improve Nocturnia's infrastructure. - [b]Datenkorsaren[/b]: A conglomerate spanning globally trying to harness Nocturnia's secrets for themselves. They operate in secret as cell based organizations. - [b]Lunatics[/b]: Punks, Radicals and Revolutionaries seeking the best for Nocturnia despite the risks so they can have larger parties and better trash it in their shenanigans. - [b]Cultists[/b]: Seekers of the Gyft and worshipers of mythical things. Secret societies that have made the underground their home and learned to co exist with the horrors below. - [b]Corporate[/b]: The status Quo of Nocturnia, an allegory for royalty in the modern age. Those who rule the common Nocturnian seek to maintain the city as it is for their own reasons. [b][u]Supply[/u][/b] will be required to keep districts at their current upgrade level (upkeep costs below in [u]Supply Costs[/u] hider). Not having enough supply for all your districts will mean downgrading a district OR completing a quest to subvert the lack of supplies. There is a finite amount of supply points to be won per round (initially there is only 30 supply, enough to maintain all districts as Comfortable). Each quest a player wins earns victory points(VP), supplies being handed out according to (player's_VP/round_total_VP) x supply_pool (I'll do all the tracking math for this). Players can perform up to 1 quest a round, Quest types being the following: - Solo quests: d6 VP - Collab quests: Minor victory = 4VP to winners, 3VP to losers. Major Victory = 5VP to winners, 2VP to losers. Total Victory = 6VP to winners, 1VP to losers Note: World factions cannot gain VP. [hider=supply costs] [b]Supply Upkeep rules[/b] Upkeep Poor/Industrial District 0 Supply per turn Upkeep Comfortable District 1 Supply per turn Upkeep Rich District 2 Supply per turn Upkeep Aristocrat District 3 Supply per turn [b]Supply upgrade rules[/b] Upgrade Poor -> Comfortable 3 Supply Upgrade Comfortable -> Rich 7 Supply Upgrade Rich -> Aristocrat 15 Supply [b]Supply combat rules[/b] Overthrow Poor District 1 Supply Overthrow Comfortable District 2 Supply Overthrow Industrial District 5 Supply Overthrow Rich District 5 Supply Overthrow Aristocrat District 10 Supply [b]Supply attack prevention rules[/b] Protect District for 3 Turns 10 Supply [/hider] Also to keep the game evolving, players can put VP to game modifiers that put more supply in the supply pool to win through different rules. The highest voted for modifier goes up a level, the lowest voted modifier with points loses a level. Supply modifiers below:[table][row][cell]Tier 1[/cell][cell]Tier 2[/cell][cell]Tier 3[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Total supply available = 35[/cell][cell]Total supply available = 45[/cell][cell]Total supply available = 60[/cell][/row] [row][cell]1 Comfortable District Supplied[/cell][cell]1 Rich District Supplied[/cell][cell]1 Aristocrat District Supplied[/cell][/row] [row][cell]6 Supply x Aristocrat owned/Aristocrat total[/cell][cell]15 Supply x Aristocrat owned/Aristocrat total[/cell][cell]30 Supply x Aristocrat owned/Aristocrat total[/cell][/row] [row][cell]1 Free supply per round[/cell][cell]15/Players Free supply per round[/cell][cell]30/Players Free supply per round[/cell][/row] [row][cell]1Poor District Supplies 1 Comfortable[/cell][cell]1 Poor District Supplies 1 Rich[/cell][cell]1Poor District Supplies 1 Aristocratic[/cell][/row] [row][cell]2 Free supply per Industrial District[/cell][cell]5 Free supply per Industrial District[/cell][cell]10 Free supply per Industrial District[/cell][/row][/table] Again, I'm keen to hear any and all feedback. I apologize if the notes are a little rough at the moment but I'll try clean them up and formalize a proper rule set for continued IC play that preserves Wealth and Personnel when I'm not as sick~.