[center][h2][b]Ophelia[/b][/h2][/center] Ophelia accepted the touch of the Lightbeast gratefully, having witnessed the growing power accumulating around them as they'd begun to pray--which, to her mind, was a still unmistakeably human sentiment and not something one without higher thought would be capable of. She felt the unfamiliar rush of knowledge and concepts that she could see the shape of but not determine the more specific qualities about, she tried vainly to understand the torrent of overwhelming information, and eventually came to a point of crystallised understanding as a Caryll Rune made itself known in her mind. "Oh, love, bless you--this is... this is exactly what we needed. Come, let's get the rest of this off of you." Ophelia almost-whispered, deeply moved by the outreach of this poor, tortured creature they'd been fortunate enough to come across and be able to help. She moved with redoubled effort, now actively joining in on the effort to remove the mess of chains and impaling stakes that kept the Lightbeast pinned. She briefly wished that the Dream could offer the poor creature sanctuary, that Mother Moon's light would reveal to them a path forward and hide the darkest corners of their torment away in silvery shadow--but she thought such a thing impossible. She took a quick second to lean down and beckon forth the messengers, quickly scribing a message to the Shopkeeper: "Darkbeast slain. Lightbeast freed. If we cannot offer the Dream as sanctuary, might you know somewhere the Lightbeast can live in peace?" Immediately thereafter, she called out to the others. "They taught me a rune, dears, and not just any rune--one capable of seeing through arcane illusions... and more than that, capable of resisting eldritch influences. No more 'nice old man'. I... I have to get back to the White Workshop--Dietrich needs to be branded with the rune and freed from the influences that befuddle him. Not immediately, but... it is next on my list of things to do. I'm certain I can get some more blood vials for us, too."