[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PLyfcLV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7CEeryv.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][color=E77298]Time:[/color] 6pm [color=E77298]Location:[/color] The Castle Dining Hall [color=E77298]Interactions:[/color] None [color=E77298]Attire:[/color][url=i.imgur.com/DpgJnCV.jpeg]Dress[/url], [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mHzPrAOiRuw/maxresdefault.jpg]Hair[/url] [/color] [hr] [color=lightgray]Princess Anastasia Danrose sat amidst the splendor, draped in an ethereal gown of champagne and rose gold. A matching gold tiara sat upon her head catching the glow of the chandeliers above, and her hair was pulled into an elegant yet messy updo. Her dress shimmered with the ambiance around her, yet, for all the finery around her, Anastasia was preoccupied with something far more important—her drink. She twirled the stem of her wine glass between slender fingers, watching the amber liquid swirl with fascination before taking another sip. The warmth of the alcohol unfurled in her chest. As she pondered how many more sips it would take before the room felt even funnier, her free hand drifted absently toward a pastry on her plate. A soft, flaky bite of something sweet met her lips as she chewed. [color=#EEDC5B]"Anastasia,"[/color] suddenly came a warm greeting from behind. Her head whirled around to find her darling brother pulling out his chair beside her. [color=E77298]"Auguste!"[/color] she chirped, instantly brightening as she set down her wine glass. Without hesitation, she reached out and gently squeezed his arm. Auguste chuckled and asked,[color=#EEDC5B] "Enjoying yourself?" [/color] Her expression turned sheepish as she cast a glance at the half-finished pastry and the very refilled glass of wine before her. [color=E77298]"Mm, well… let's just say I’m thriving." [/color] She giggled, shifting slightly so she could nudge a plate toward him. [color=E77298]"But! I was thinking about you," [/color] she declared proudly, gesturing to the carefully arranged selection of meats and roasted vegetables in front of him. [color=E77298]"I know how you are about eating healthy stuff, so I already gathered some of the best cuts and greens for you! Everything here is good—no weird sauces or suspiciously buttery things. Only Auguste-approved foods!"[/color] She beamed at him, clearly expecting some sort of big-brotherly praise for her effort. [color=E77298]"See? I can be responsible." [/color] She gave a playful toss of her hair, though the effect was somewhat undercut by the way she nearly knocked over her wine glass in the process. She gasped, staring at the spill as if it had personally betrayed her. [color=E77298]"Oops."[/color] Auguste exhaled through his nose, an amused smirk barely hidden beneath his more composed demeanor. He reached for a napkin, clearly prepared to clean up after her, when suddenly— CLANK. There was an abrupt weight behind them and the unmistakable sound of silverware against the table. The Grand Vizier of Alidasht swept into the seat on Anastasia’s other side with all the force of a storm. His movements were graceful on paper, but there was a distinct edge to them. The kind of restrained power that did not need to announce itself to be felt. The utensils before him trembled slightly from the force of his arrival, though his face remained composed, save for the unsettling gleam in his eyes. His expression was controlled, but his aura was unmistakable—he had come from something unpleasant, something that had stirred his temper, but he had emerged victorious. The flicker of self-satisfaction curled at the corners of his mouth, though it did little to soften those eyes. Then, in a calculated shift, he smiled. Not quite forced, yet not entirely natural, like a mask carefully placed back into position. [i][color=gold]"Your Highnesses,"[/color] [/i] he greeted smoothly, inclining his head toward both Anastasia and Auguste. Yet,his gaze did not settle on them for long. Instead, his eyes flickered, subtly, seemingly seeking something—or someone—else. It was brief, a mere flicker before he returned his attention forward, but it was there. Anastasia, still mildly distracted by her wine mishap, barely noticed. She brightened at his presence, oblivious to the undercurrents in his demeanor. [color=E77298]"Oh! Grand Vizier, you’re just in time!"[/color] she chirped, brushing away the minor catastrophe of her spilled drink as she gestured toward the plate. [color=E77298]"I was just telling Auguste how I saved him from the horrors of carbs!"[/color] [color=E77298]"Look! All healthy, all Auguste-approved!"[/COLOR] She lifted her goblet once more, nearly tipping it over again. She caught it at the last second with a triumphant little giggle. Hafiz’s fingers traced the rim of his goblet. He did not comment immediately, instead taking a long sip. Then, with a slow exhale, he spoke. [color=gold]"Ah, a thoughtful gesture, indeed."[/color] His fingers tapped lightly against the stem of his goblet as he regarded Anastasia with something unreadable behind his gaze. [/color]