[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/5ILCycx.png[/img][/center] [hr] Éliane remained blissfully unaware of Esben’s thoughts as the small Ospreyan woman was revealed. Still fresh off the earlier talk, she deeply shared Miina’s sentiments at being denied a chance at having a go at removing the rot from the top of Drana Asneau. Nonetheless, the fact that they had been followed all the way here was hardly lost on her. Despite the hospitality they had received from the resistance there, the divided loyalties and the continued occupation of Osprey meant that this Chisato could still be anyone. Of course, Éliane’s uniform made finding her very easy, but it was among the principals that she would not give up, no matter what Esben said. No matter what the small woman’s allegiances were though, it was obvious what she was. The brightly-uniformed woman groaned, running her fingers through her pink hair. [b]“Another spook? Why in the seven hells does it feel like half the people I encounter on this journey are godsdamned spies…”[/b] Like the rest of the kirins, Éliane turned towards the Osprean women in the party, waiting for them to pass judgment on this newest ninja that had appeared before them.