[color=c5d1ae][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SKJAogh.png[/img] and case studies one and two[/center][/color] The witch didn't have much to say about the others who stepped forwards. The ardent one lost in confusion that seemed to find a fragment of direction as their feet curled into the ash. She was uninteresting. The witch had little interest in the thoughts of others. Though she would be interested if it was a condition of the mind. The unresponsive one that stood at a distance was also uninteresting at this moment. Perhaps if she did a little jig or her arms fell off instead of standing slack-jawed would the witch deign a moment of thought towards her. Well, catatonia was also interesting. Of course, had the witch been facing the construction of faux-flesh and bone, she would have been considerably interested in such a marvel. The one with two blades and closed-eyes was of more interest to the witch. Very obviously, he had some kind of ailment towards his eyes. She was at least thankful this one wasn't deep into theatrics like the one she had insulted. Then came the bald girl. This one was manic beyond all belief. That was of some level of interest to the witch. Though, the witch knew that ailments of the mind weren't her domain. While she thought it would be interesting to look into this mania, it was only to sate some level of curiosity. The short one in an ill-suited outfit was of little note beyond the strange noise she made. The pale, less-human looking man didn't do much to grab the witch's attention either. Though his question did spark a few thoughts. Obviously, she couldn't remember her name. She knew what a name was yet nothing came to mind as to what she would refer herself as. She had the briefest inkling of something--a title that others would call her--but she could not yet recollect the word. [i]Shaman[/i], like how the blonde spearman said, felt similar but was too distant. The noble-looking man wasn't of much interest. Even as he approached the spearmen armed with little more than a dagger and prose, the witch didn't pay much mind to him. Now who was of interest? None other than the man with cavernous skull, a lack of lips, and burning flame. By all means, it didn't make much sense. Presuming he was human and not some flame possessing a corpse, his existence was already of intense interest to the witch. [color=c5d1ae]"Some more broken than others,"[/color] the witch mused as she rose to walk towards the man who seemed born to a woman and lantern. [color=c5d1ae]"Were you born like that?"[/color] She asked the ironic question. [color=c5d1ae]"Not to mention, how did you make such a sound without lips?"[/color] She then extended her hand to the side of the man's head--still in the field of view of people who didn't typically have portions of their head replaced by cinders. [color=c5d1ae]"Can you tell me which two fingers are touching?"[/color] Her impromptu session was cut short as the scaled spearman demanded silence, only to observe--rather, to not observe--how he shifted and moved to place the bald girl under threat of spear-tip. The witch was tempted to dare either one of them to walk forward, though such planned incites were interrupted by the reappearance of the blonde alongside someone who could only be the shaman. Her admonishments were ignored as the witch hadn't touched the spears. She was too comfortable sitting on the ground to do so. The announcement of their location was noted. She didn't recognize the name. Of course, why would she? Beyond her sole memory of the bogs, she couldn't recollect anything besides concepts. Though, the shaman's entrance was overshadowed by what the witch had noticed in the corner of her eye. [color=c5d1ae]"Now [i]that[/i] is curious."[/color] The witch's attention was focused on the short one as she observed the spear in her hand corrupt and alter her arm. Suddenly, the least interesting out of all of the strangers had become second only to a man missing half of his head. [color=c5d1ae]"A phage or parasite? But that wouldn't progress as quickly. Magic? Possible, but I would hate to waive off such an event with a convenient explanation."[/color] She continued to mumble to herself. [color=c5d1ae]"But that does mean..."[/color] She turned to face the man who had shoved multiple spears into his skull.