[hider=Menzai isanami][color=gray] [b][color=ee82ed][center][h1]Guardian Wolf[/h1] [/center][/color][/b] [center][img] https://i.ibb.co/W22Xdbr/0dfca3962f3af34fe4c0a18c0e024a701403114178-full.jpg[ [/img] [/center] [center][h2][b]Menzai Isanami ⋆ 26 ⋆ Male ⋆ Silver-Wolf Shifter[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] [b][color=ee82ed][center][h2][u]Appearance[/u][/h2][/center] [/color][/b] [b]Height:[/b] 6’2 [b]Weight:[/b] 175 [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark Violet [b]Eye Color:[/b] Dark Aqua with cat’s eye crimson glints at their center [b]Skin Tone:[/b] Slightly tanned white on the paler side compared to typical shifters [b]Distinguishing Features:[/b] Canine claws/fangs and Fluffy white canine ears [b]Clothing Style:[/b] A loose-fitting enchanted snow-white haori (It’s enchanted nature allows its resilience and self-regulating makes for single-set use and ease of cleaning) [hr] [color=ee82ed][center][h2][u]Psychology[/u][/h2][/center] [/color] [b]Likes[/b]: ⋆ Tea ⋆ Sewing ⋆ Magical-related artefacts/topics * Meditation * Reading books/scriptures [b]Dislikes[/b]: ⋆ Obnoxious scents/sounds/people ⋆ Bullies/bullying/troublemaker tomfoolery ⋆ Plums * Disrespectful talk/foul language (particularly around Phia) * Damaging/mishandling books and delicate objects [b]Habits/Quirks:[/b] ⋆ He tends to appear as if constantly faintly fidgeting from suppressed energy ⋆ Often stares at things or specimens that have caught his intrigue which appears as harsh glaring ⋆ Prefers to sleep in high places and trees finding it more comfortable as well as offering a better view for a hunter. [b]Dreams/Motivations:[/b] ⋆ Charged and oathed to help Phia in her unknown quest, keeping her safety as a priority often to the point of forsaking his personal goals if needed. ⋆ Aims to further his studies and research to help shifters gain mastery over their ancestorial half. ⋆ ??? [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Willingness to make friends(1-5):[/b] 2 [b]Willingness toward romance(1-5):[/b] 1 [center] [h3][b]Personality:[/b][/h3][/center] -Quiet Reserved Solitary Appears cold and off-putting due to their tendency to stare and the glints of his eyes Highly respectful and polite Has a calm yet formal demeanor to most others, it makes him appear cold, preferring professional allies to friends Can be overcaring when it comes to injuries and patching up to the point of a stubborn mother, after a history with his deceased sister, and Phia’s antics Always in an alert/cautious state even when he appears to sleep in the trees Has a great love and respect for animals and nature Highly respects and admires magical concepts, structures, mysteries, etc, and enjoys seeking/studying when able Oath and duty bound with loyalty and trust driven, like the primal ancestors of yore Restrains a constant battle of his shifter’s more bestial instinct; a part of his form of sleeping. Has little care for goofing and tomfoolery, time-wasting generally seeing little point in risking the effort and more deep-seated reason. He fights like a hunting wolf, though only kills if necessary or if pushed to an uncontrolled state, otherwise seeks to disable if possible. Keeps his personal opinions and thoughts to himself staying true to his neutral stance, preferring to be an observer than judging unless signs show reasons otherwise. [u]Engaging With Others[/u] [b]Extroversion(1-5)[/b]: 2 [b]Kindness(1-5)[/b]: 4 [b]Chattiness(1-5)[/b]:2 [b]Trustfulness (1-5):[/b] 2 ( 5 with Phia) [b]Sense of Humor (1-5):[/b] 2 [b]Loyalty (1-5): [/b] 5 [b]Selflessness (1-5): [/b] 4 [b]Flirtatiousness(1-5): [/b] 1 [b]Arrogance(1-5):[/b]: 2 (4-5 if loss sense of self) [u]Handling Conflict and Decisions[/u] [b]Patience (1-5):[/b] 3 [b]Temperance (1-5): [/b] 3 (4-5 if lose sense of self) [b]Forgiveness (1-5): [/b] 2 [b]Courage (1-5): [/b] 5 [b]Stubbornness (1-5):[/b] 4 (5 in certain cases) [b]Pacifism(1-5):[/b] 3 (1 if loss sense of self) [b]Impulsiveness (1-5):[/b] 2 ( increases with loss of self) [b]Creativity (1-5):[/b] 4 [b]Mercy (1-5):[/b] 3 [b]Charisma(1-5)[/b] 2 [hr] [color=ee82ed][center][h2][u]Background[/u][/h2] [/center] [/color] [color=3686a0]-[h3][b][center] Oruna Tribe [/center][/b][/h3]-[/color] Born to the Isanami family within the Oruna Tribe. A small tribal community of wolf shifters consisting of ten gathered families that had since hidden and secluded themselves from the days of the great cataclysmic shift. With opinions on shifters already low and tensions made worse since the day of mourning, they seldom saw little need to remain in open or exposed areas. Seeking a place where they may be able to hide and recover when their travels brought them to the jungles of Xendrik. Wounded and exhausted, the first few years of recovery were difficult and rife with challenges due to the jungle’s countless natural predators and vicious plants. Most dangerous was the unseen curse where no source had been found. While tricky and cumbersome, the shifters through the use of their hunting skills and senses and working as a pack unit enabled them to circumvent its effect to a more manageable misdirection. The years passed since and the tribe; now the Oruna tribe well established and known for expert guiding skills and hunting craft. Often sought out by travelers unsure of their skills or experienced individuals preferring minimalized risk. As they don’t handle dealings like most other races hold little care or value for money, choosing trades in special/rare goods or a piece of outside knowledge that can help the village in some way. Often seen outright wary and cold to strangers for various reasons, their risky shifter nature the main reason. Yet, around friends and trusted allies show their softer puppy side while visitors are warned not to bring items or do activities to goad and rile them up. (some get greedy for pets and nuzzling..too much for the ill-prepared) A peaceful village of solitude surrounded by danger, where only those it views as worthy or a heart deserving. Why only a miracle could explain an injured stranger making their way without help, even more bafflingly with a child in tow. Whether the will of the heavens or the strange desire of the curse, it was undeniable and unanimous to take the precious child in. A grave in respectful memory for the brave soul that lost their life that perilous night, a hard earned victory wreathed in bitter loss. Regardless of how or why, none mattered for a bound duty to the ancestors and to keep to their kindly faith, took in little Phia happily, who was treated and cared for as one of their own. Perhaps too well, unable to help themselves from spoiling her save for one Menzai; cold and distant with her initially, would go on to become her closest friend, a brother, her guardian. [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Xendrik (relocated since day of mourning) [b]Current Occupation:[/b] Loreguard/bodyguard [b]Living Family Members:[/b] Father- Josiah Isanami Mother- Annabelle Isanami Sister (deceased)- Trinity Isanami Grandfather (deceased?)- Isiah Isanami [b]Companions on the Airship:[/b] Phia [b]Why are you traveling to Khorvaire?[/b] Charged as the tribe recently gained loreguard title to watch over and help Phia in her unknown quest. [b]Non-Combative Skills:[/b] -Darkvision - Sewing - expert Wolf tracking skills - Skilled claw whittling/hand precision handling [b]History(Optional if you want to share)[/b] A wolf who keeps his heart enclosed deeply, a history locked away. A poem scribbled upon the first page of his journal: [A lone wolf stalks the shadows, anguishing Bloodied claws splash puddles of regretful snarls, languishing Each step heavier than the last fleeing his thorny past The red moon glowers ever reminding it’s loss, the wolf trudges on its path To and fro the bloodied predator seeks its cherished treasure, a fractured heart stuck howling Wounded yet ever determined he pushes on, a new glowing gem her laughter ever calling Wary and scarred it battles on while his tender soul aches, the building sins feed the inner beast A bound promise keeps its oath unending, ripples of bloody sea where every new drop adds to its feast] [hr] [color=ee82ed][center][h2][u]Combat & Magic Potential[/u][/h2] [/center] [/color] [center][b]Class Concept / Role:[/b] Arcane Mystic [/center] [b]Signature Abilities (3):[/b] -Blink Step: Instantly teleport a short distance, avoiding attacks or repositioning yourself strategically. -Arcane Weapon: Temporarily imbue a weapon with pure magical energy, allowing it to strike with enhanced power and bypass magical defenses. (Imbues into his claws) -(custom)Arcane Beast Avatar (Shifter Arcane Ability) -Milestone level 1- The user channels their animal instinct and magic to summon a linked magical beast for up to 10 minutes. The beast shares senses with the user and can track, scout, or fight, but has a limited range (100 feet) and reduced attack power. Damage is partially shared between the user and the beast. Once dismissed, it cannot be summoned again for 1 hour. ( Other Arcane skills Unusable when active) [b]Major Weaknesses (3):[/b] - A constant inner instinct suppression due to the shifter's intense emotional capabilities -Has difficulty in appearing friendly/kind and communicating openly - Single-minded focused and determined in his duties he forgoes wasteful activities such as fun and joking, etc (slowly improving from Phia’s help easing with playing games) -Hyper senses that act as a double-edged sword leaving him sensitive to potent scents/sounds and other vices. [b]Racial Trait(s) (If Applicable):[/b] -Shifters can briefly tap into their bestial heritage, enhancing their senses, reflexes, or physical power. -Darkvision [b]Boons & Banes:[/b] -Boon 1: Twinfang Howling Dance- Due to Menzai’s lighter build and use of focus and precision as well as his hunting skills has learned to wield both hands like blades. Able to appear as if dancing with each strike only aimed to strike true that one might mistake for a skilled duelist. -Boon 2: Eye of Artemis: Utilizing his years of training built up along with his hyper wolf senses honed within the harsh jungle life. With his eyes, the sharpest honed through observing when focusing can read the target to better accurately pinpoint weaknesses or where an attack may be coming from. Bane: A wolf’s once tender soul shaken to its core from a deep loss uncertain to recover. An ever-internal battle raging within, twisting and snarling as the kindness buried and scared howls in unending grief, never again risk a love loss, his life gone else wise. A wolf howls its mourning to the moon. [b]Combat Equipment and Gear:[/b] - Special Magic Item: A magically enchanted Haori garb of snow-white fabric made of a mix of various creature materials and what few rare magic crystals scrounged. It enables the haori’s internal temperature to be adjusted to keep the user at the optimal temperature within feasible degree and minor elemental resistance of the basic 4 elements imbued. -Oruna tribal moon bracelet: a charm bracelet made in pairs sharing a deep bond. Those of the tribe share them with a close friend, cherished family member, or lifemate that holds a fanged tooth, one for each of those most trusted and loved. -Small pouch holding emergency dried meat and any fresh fruit picked -Small pouch of freshwater -Sewing kit -Small tool kit [/color][/hider]