[hider=Ezekiel] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZlZTMwMC5SWHBsYTJsbGJDQktiM0pwYjI0LjA/angel-bandit-demo.regular.webp[/img] [h3][color=green]The Aasimar of Cyre[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/VO4Oalf.jpeg[/img] [h3][color=green]The Cyran Scourge[/color][/h3] [h2][color=FEE300][b]Ezekiel Jorion ⋆ 54 ⋆ Male ⋆ Aasimar ⋆ Paladin[/b][/color][/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IStlBOX9F4o]God's Gonna Cut You Down[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xggRxWXdTng]I Won't Back Down[/url][/center] [hr] [color=silver][center][color=green][h2][u]Appearance[/u][/h2][/color] [color=FEE300]"There is but one path for me to walk; that of righteousness."[/color][/center] [hr] [color=FEE300][b]Height:[/b][/color] 6’5 [color=FEE300][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 235 lbs [color=FEE300][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Silver, with a metallic sheen and a feather-like texture. [color=FEE300][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] One golden, and one an empty socket, both faintly glowing with holy light. [color=FEE300][b]Skin Tone:[/b][/color] Pale, with a scattering of scars that hold an iridescent sheen. [color=FEE300][b]Distinguishing Features:[/b][/color] - Ezekiel has an unnatural stillness about him and he never fidgets. His movements are always graceful and made without hesitation. - His face is constantly stern, his skin lacks the wrinkles formed from smiling, and both his missing eye and collection of scars speak of a life impacted by violence. - There is a weariness to Ezekiel, seen mostly around his eye, the glow only highlighting the darkened skin beneath the eye. It is exhausting, to keep himself as calm and approachable as he can manage. - At dawn and dusk, if the sunlight hits him just right, a fiery halo is barely visible above his head. - He is generally soft-spoken, with a deep but calm and polite voice. When riled up, Ezekiel’s voice is notably different, speaking loudly with authority and echoing around him. When filled with righteous fury the sound of trumpets can faintly be heard in the distance, although no one can be sure exactly where that trumpeting is coming from. [color=FEE300][b]Clothing Style:[/b][/color] Ezekiel tends to dress in simple, modest clothing. Loose-fitting fabric, devoid of eye-catching colors or adornments, he prefers something he can almost disappear into. The one exception is his gloves. The finely decorated leather is a piece of home and the continuance of Cyran tradition, always worn around others. He wears a simple piece of black cloth around his missing eye. Although the socket is empty, it still glows, and most beings find this even more uncomfortable to look at than his remaining eye. [hider=basic outfit][img]https://i.imgur.com/cVUVpsf.jpeg[/img][/hider] [hider=gloves][img]https://i.imgur.com/pezKStD_d.jpeg?maxwidth=520&shape=thumb&fidelity=high[/img][/hider] [hr] [center][color=green][h2][u]Psychology[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [center][color=FEE300]“I am blessed to have been born into this world already knowing my purpose. It rings in my ears with every heartbeat. [i]Leave this world a better place than you’ve found it.[/i]”[/color][/center] [hr] [color=FEE300][b]Likes[/b][/color]: ⋆ Order, cleanliness, and organization ⋆ A hot cup of tea, his main form of indulgence ⋆ Art, music, dance, philosophy, and technology - anything that reminds him of what the Cyran people love and celebrate - Helping others, but especially in small ways that require little to no violence - Eradicating the truly evil, beings that cannot be saved, so that they can inflict no further suffering [color=FEE300][b]Dislikes[/b][/color]: ⋆ Tardiness, rude, crass, or salacious behavior - Dishonesty, both lies and the twisting of the truth to purposely mislead ⋆ Law-breaking; unless the law broken was inherently unjust ⋆ Greed, gluttony, and wastefulness - Those who enjoy the suffering of others, who inflict harm without just cause, and those who see it and do not intervene [color=FEE300][b]Habits/Quirks:[/b][/color] ⋆ An unnatural stillness; Ezekiel never fidgets, he can and will stand or sit perfectly still for hours and be completely comfortable doing so ⋆ He avoids looking people directly in the eye, mostly because his eye makes most people uncomfortable - He does not drink, smoke, swear, gamble, or engage in any vices he feels are unbecoming of his celestial heritage - In general, he doesn't like being touched, especially unexpectedly [color=FEE300][b]Dreams/Motivations:[/b][/color] ⋆ Dedicated to fighting evil and injustice ⋆ Protecting the innocent ⋆ To see the Cryan people thrive as they once did [color=FEE300][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Pansexual [color=FEE300][b]Willingness to make friends:[/b][/color] 4 [color=FEE300][b]Willingness toward romance:[/b][/color] 2 [hr] [center][h3][color=green][b]Personality:[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [center][color=FEE300]"What is strength for if not to lift the burdens of others?"[/color][/center] [hr] [u]Engaging With Others[/u] [color=FEE300][b]Extroversion[/b][/color]: 2 [color=FEE300][b]Kindness[/b][/color]: 5 [color=FEE300][b]Chattiness[/b][/color]: 2 [color=FEE300][b]Trustfulness:[/b][/color] 4 [color=FEE300][b]Sense of Humor:[/b][/color] 2 [color=FEE300][b]Loyalty:[/b][/color] 4 [color=FEE300][b]Selflessness:[/b][/color] 5 [color=FEE300][b]Flirtatiousness:[/b][/color] 1 (unless you’ve somehow managed to get him to dance the legendary Cyran [url=https://eberron.fandom.com/wiki/Tago]Tago[/url]) [color=FEE300][b]Arrogance:[/b][/color]: 4 [u]Handling Conflict and Decisions[/u] [color=FEE300][b]Patience:[/b][/color] 1 or 5, depending on the situation, very little in between [color=FEE300][b]Temperance:[/b][/color] 4 [color=FEE300][b]Forgiveness:[/b][/color] 3 [color=FEE300][b]Courage:[/b][/color] 5 [color=FEE300][b]Stubbornness: [/b][/color] 4 [color=FEE300][b]Pacifism:[/b][/color] 2 [color=FEE300][b]Impulsiveness:[/b][/color] 1 or 5, depending on the situation, very little in between [color=FEE300][b]Creativity:[/b][/color] 5 [color=FEE300][b]Mercy:[/b][/color] 2 [color=FEE300][b]Charisma:[/b][/color] 3 [hr] [center][color=green][h2][u]Background[/u][/h2][/color] [color=FEE300]“Each day is a new opportunity to do better.”[/color][/center] [hr] [color=FEE300][b]Place of Origin:[/b][/color] Totens, Cyne [color=FEE300][b]Current Occupation:[/b][/color] Bounty Hunter, Beast Slayer, and Adventurer [color=FEE300][b]Living Family Members:[/b][/color] None, all assumed to have perished during The Mourning [color=FEE300][b]Companions on the Airship:[/b][/color] None [color=FEE300][b]Why are you traveling to Khorvaire?[/b][/color] After a period of self-reflection and penance, Ezekiel is returning to Khorvaire with the hope that he might be able to do something good there. A redemption quest. [color=FEE300][b]Non-Combative Skills:[/b][/color] ⋆ Ezekiel, despite every hardship, never loses hope that good will prevail. He shares this sense of hope openly and willingly. ⋆ Gifted in music and dance; he can play any stringed instrument, sings [i]with the voice of an angel[/i], and dances with exquisite grace. These skills come from his Cyran heritage, and engaging with these skills not only brings him a sense of peace but is a powerful way to hold onto what is left of Cyre and what was beautiful about Cyre. - Medic; basic battlefield medical skills combined with some divine healing magic. [color=FEE300][b]History:[/b][/color] Born into conflict and uncertainty amid some of the darkest days of The Last War. He grew up hearing stories of how great and beautiful Cyre had once been, but around him, he saw only the devastation of a nation forever changed by decades of violence. He saw his people beaten down and brought to the brink of hopelessness, only to see them rise back up and strike back harder than before. Cyran ingenuity, courage, and resilience inspired him. For as long as he can remember, he wanted nothing more than to be a soldier. As an Aasimar, Ezekiel has always had a strong sense of morality, a faith in the general goodness of the world, and a need to thwart evil and injustice whenever it crossed his path. Occasionally, this got him into trouble as a young child, for any bully he came across would end up beaten into submission. His fury was difficult to control; it flared easily and burned hot, and more often than not, he went far beyond what was necessary to resolve the childhood wrongs he witnessed. Control over himself, over his temper, took a long time to reign in, and still takes a great deal of effort. Once he was old enough, he found his place in the army. Ezekiel liked the order and routine of things. Here, his dedication, loyalty, and even fury on the battlefield made him far more liked by those around him than he’d ever felt as a child. His fellow warriors knew they could count on him to have their backs, and all his strange qualities and intensity mattered less than that; he felt more comfortable here than he ever had before. No one feared him; they simply accepted him for what he was, and he felt no need to cast judgment on those around him. His lineage, one touched by a divine being long ago, filled him with a need to fight for a noble cause, for the benefit of those around him. A drive to serve was embedded deep within his bones, a need as strong as drawing breath. He was equally built and wired to be a warrior for Cyre, and for decades, he served his nation with unshakable loyalty. He treated his orders as divine commands and carried out violence with zealous pride. He became a highly respected knight, and throughout the other four kingdoms, he was known as The Cyran Scourge, infamous for his brutality. What some might call war crimes were simply the righteous retribution against his nation's enemies. Cyre could not fail, could not fall, because their cause was just and good, and everything done for Cyre was equally just and good. Ezekiel believed in this, with every fiber of his being; he placed all his faith in Cyre. Then, Cyre fell. Ezekiel watched from a foreign border as his home was completely and utterly destroyed. Watched as countless people, his people, died just a stone's throw from where he stood as they desperately ran from the mists. Countless lives - gone in an instant. Helpless to do anything about it. An entire nation transformed into something unrecognizable. His worldview shattered. His reason to fight was gone. All he’d done in war, all he'd done for Cyre, meant nothing now. There was nothing left, and so he wandered. He left Khorvaire entirely; everything was just a painful reminder of what was lost, and he could not stomach the idea of living in any of the nations he’d spent most of his life fighting against. He journeyed to foreign continents and tried to find a new place to call home, but his heart only longed for Cyre. Alone with only his thoughts, Ezekiel was forced to reexamine all he’d done in the war. With a clearer mind, he saw the missteps on his path, actions that strayed from righteousness into cruelty, a line so thin it was hard to see. He tried to do better, corrected his path, and eventually came to the conclusion that atonement must be made in Khorvaire. To balance the scales, to make amends for the decades of blood he shed only for the love of his nation, he’d spend each day he had left trying to go right by all of Khorvaire. [hr] [center][color=green][h2][u]Combat & Magic Potential[/u][/h2][/color] [color=FEE300]“Perhaps evil is a foe that can never be fully defeated, but it can be beaten back.”[/color][/center] [hr] [color=FEE300][b]Class Concept / Role:[/b][/color] Paladin [hider=Baseline Capabilities] [quote][b][color=FEE300]• Righteous Devotion[/color][/b] [color=FEE300]–[/color] Paladins channel divine favor, granting unwavering resolve in battle and resistance to fear or mind-altering effects. [b][color=FEE300]• Consecrated Strikes[/color][/b] [color=#F6CF8A]–[/color] Their weapons carry a subtle divine blessing, making all your attacks deal minor additional damage to unholy foes (undead, fiends, etc.). [b][color=FEE300]• Protective Auras[/color][/b] [color=#F6CF8A]–[/color] Through faith or oath, Paladins radiate auras of courage and protection, bolstering allies' resolve, mitigating harmful effects, and repelling evil influences. [b][color=FEE300]• Battlefield Medic[/color][/b] [color=#F6CF8A]–[/color] Paladins possess practical medical knowledge, allowing them to stabilize the wounded, set broken bones, and apply effective battlefield first aid without the use of magic.[/quote][/hider] [color=FEE300][b]3 Signature Abilities:[/b][/color] [quote][color=FEE300]Lay on Hands[/color] – Channel divine healing energy to mend minor wounds or cleanse basic ailments with a simple touch. [color=FEE300]Avenger’s Strike[/color] – Deliver a punishing strike fueled by righteous wrath against foes who have harmed innocents or violated your oath. [color=FEE300]Holy Bulwark[/color] – Your shield or armor gleams with sacred light, briefly providing a protective barrier against attacks or spells.[/quote] [color=FEE300][b]3 Major Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Knight of Infamy - Ezekiel made a name for himself during The Last War, many have reason to dislike or hate him, and he is easily recognized. Man of Honor - His refusal to act in any way he finds dishonorable. Even if doing so could save him a lot of trouble. He obeys all just laws and rules. He helps those who need it, or ask for it, as long as it doesn’t conflict with what he feels is right. He will never break an oath. He will never turn a blind eye to another’s suffering. Aasimar Vibe - It’s not just the evil, wicked, or corrupted who find themselves uncomfortable in his presence, but benign criminals, beings who hold onto a lot of guilt, and those hiding dark secrets, more often than not, naturally dislike him. His self-righteousness doesn’t help either. [color=FEE300][b]Racial Trait:[/b][/color] Aasimar – Celestial Blessing Ability: Once per day, Aasimar can emit a brief, divine glow that comforts allies, repels darkness, or unsettles evil creatures. [color=FEE300][b]Boons:[/b][/color] Gifted Artist Gifted Swordsmen [color=FEE300][b]Banes:[/b][/color] Haunted Past - Ezekiel is haunted by the things he has seen, been through, and done during The Last War, but most of all, he is haunted by his relationship with violence. He enjoys slaying the wicked, being a source of divine retribution, and cleansing the world of evil one wretched being at a time. Paradoxically, he believes that enjoying violence is reprehensible. Compulsion - Ezekiel's sense of morality functions like an extreme compulsion. He has to do whatever he believes is right and act in a way that satisfies his divine spark. If he fails to do so, his soul and body are no longer harmonious. He believes it is wrong to lie and he experiences intense nausea if he is dishonest in any way. Wicked thoughts cause him horrible headaches. There are physical consequences to straying from his path. [color=FEE300][b]Combat Equipement & Gear:[/b][/color] Armor Longsword Knife Clothing Gloves Lute [/color] [hr] [center][h3][color=green]The Cyran Scourge[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qHSSJvQ_d.jpeg?maxwidth=520&shape=thumb&fidelity=high[/img] [h3][color=green]The Aasimar of Cyre[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [/hider]