[center][h2]Sagamiyama - [color=f49ac2][i]Sakuhana Park[/i][/color][/h2] [h3]Saturday Night[/h3] [hider=Players]Tony:[@McNephelim] Bakuto: [@BladeSS4] Darius: [@LC] Enishi: [@Megatron][/hider][/center][hr] As Regalhorn left the field, and the presence of a Quincy was felt, all the Hollows present halted their advance. During this moment, Bakuto whose gusto rang through seeing an opportunity as he slew the dog hollow that stood before him. Hollow were powerful, tireless beings, but a moment of vulnerability was the end for most Hollow against a zanpakuto, and Bakuto first hand felt this truth. Moments after it fell and faded away, it's soul moving to the beyond, the other Hollow took their opportunity and left, not engaging the new emboldened and ready Shinigami that they had previously been pressuring. Ordinarily they would give chase to dispatch them, that was their job after all, but the tenseness of the atmosphere dissipated instantly, and a sense of weariness washed over them. [color=fff79a]"Good work you all, holding your ground... at the very least"[/color], Ouga had turned around to join them, his zanpakuto had changed back out of it's Shikai state. The way he looked at everyone, there was a mixture of sadness and relief, as if he was glad they were ok but they did not achieve as much as he expected. [color=7ea7d8]"It appears my work tonight is done"[/color], the old man that accompanied him put his sleeve back up, covering the glowing blue tattoos that had now dimmed. [color=7ea7d8]"Consider this my debt repaid..."[/color], he turned to the new Shinigami that had appeared, the lady, he gave it some thought as he looked at her, and seeing how in her element she appeared, he just sighed... [color=7ea7d8]"Just like your mother... Fine, Enishi you can go play Shinigami as you wanted... As long as you only use your Shinigami abilities"[/color], he then turned around and began to walk out of the park. He did not introduce himself to them, nor did it seem like he wanted to, as if he was distancing himself from all that transpired tonight. [color=fff79a]"Hm... Everyone head home, get some rest. We got more to discuss tomorrow, come to the candy shop. I'll drop you all the address in your phones. Spirit or physical form whatever works for ya"[/color], it seemed Ouga was tired too... Except, [color=fff79a]"ah right... I need to go check on Mitsuaki and Sara"[/color], he waved everyone to get going before he began to sprint off into the night. [hr] [center] [h2]Sagamiyama - Nearby Street[/h2] [h3]Saturday Night[/h3] [@LadyAnnaLee][/center][hr] When Sara began to cry, Shouko's elegant composure did not take long to bend, and she knelt beside her and consoled her, placing her arms around her. She sighed quietly and held her until she would stop. Back in Soul Society she was known as being quite dissociative, cold, and yet here with such an earnest girl all she could see was herself. Though such thoughts were not important to her right now and she tucked them away again. [color=9e0b0f]"There there, Sara, the night is over and you have done well. The situation in the park should be under control now"[/color], things transpired, while she was back out here stuck fighting the unusual Hollow. [color=9e0b0f]"I shall see you home myself, cry as you must, and we shall depart... And if you no longer wish to fight, let me know. I can see what can be done for you"[/color], the offer was... Well, hard of one to keep, due to a few other factors regarding Soul Society, but she did not feel good about making her fight, if she suffered like this so much. And yet as she turned to where the Hollow once was, the fact she was able to put out so much of her reiryoku out at once showed promise. [hr] [center] [h2]Sagamiyama - Small Park[/h2] [h3]Saturday Night[/h3] [@Morgannis][/center][hr] [color=fff79a]"Oh good, looks like you survived... I got worried, when I came to see this pipe shredded to all hell... Though you've definitely seen better days"[/color], Mitsuaki would look up to see a beat up looking Ouga. It was strange seeing him so battered, and yet despite that he didn't look like he was sweating at all. Yet for all he knew, Ouga was in fact pretty tired on the inside. Ouga knelt down and pulled out a little bit of ointment and just splashed it all over Mitsuaki's shoulder wound. The sting of it was immense, and he just poured it all over his open wound. Yet after a few moments, Mitsuaki would notice the bleeding had stopped completely. While the wound was still there, he wasn't going to bleed out or anything now. [color=fff79a]"Park's taken care of tonight, go home, rest. We're all meeting again tomorrow to talk about tonight. Don't worry, only your spirit body's cut up, once you go back into your physical body you'll just feel a little number in the shoulder for a couple days. You'll get a message tomorrow where to go, just show up. Physical or spirit form, whatever's convenient. Just be there"[/color], although he will fail to mention that he should still wrap it up later. [hr] [center][h1][color=0072bc][i]The Night Ends[/i][/color][/h1][/center] [hr]