I will add my two cents should anyone care. Post count doesn't mean anything, in the grand scheme. What matters is the content, the desire to want to add to a story, how well you can collaborate with everyone, and your willingness to work through and be respectful. That last one, I think, is important and one that I, myself, have struggled with in the past and still do. I haven't been here long but I have seen my fair share of RPs get up and running only to die slowly because people leave, for one reason or another. I do not discount people with real-life situations, but more often than not I see people just dip with no word, which is unfair to the others you are playing with. So as long as you are mindful in this, and if you do need to exit you inform others (mainly the GM), then I do not think anyone will have an issue. Ok hopping off my soapbox now. I welcome any and all who want to create fantastic stories!