[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250318/ec91975a6f0adcead43b7f5c639c1141.png[/img][/center] [hr] The first thing that struck Antonius when he woke up was the smell, a kind of staleness in the air mixing with sweat and a hint of blood. He picked himself up off the ground slowly, a string of saliva dangling from his mouth only to be wiped away by his sleeve a moment later. Sitting up now and leaning against the wall, he took in his surroundings and the people in the cell with him. A mountain of a Khajiit, two Argonians, a Bosmer, a Dunmer, a few Nords and Bretons and Orcs - quite a lot of people crammed into one tiny cell. He tried his best to get his bearings again, reaching up to rub the welt on his forehead only to wince and hiss in pain at the touch. Antonius was only awake for a minute or two when an entourage arrived at the cell, a group of Blades escorting... Oh Talos, that's the [i]Emperor[/i]. He had to be dreaming. But the headache reminded him that no, this was not a dream, and he began to feel like he was in way over his head. One of the Blades told them that they were pardoned for their crimes, Antonius wondering for a moment just exactly what crime he had committed considering he got knocked out as soon as the fight began, and that they were free to head up the stairs or follow them through the tunnel that had been opened within their cell. Either way, they'd be facing opposition. Quickly, people began to pile through the tunnel, the Blades leading the Emperor up front and followed close behind by the rest of this ragtag group of lowlifes. The group traveled through the tunnel which gave way to a cistern with different tunnels stretching below the Imperial City. The Captain of the Blades went to speak to the giant Khajiit and Antonius couldn't quite pick up the details of their conversation. What he did pick up as the rest followed in behind them was that their belongings had arrived, and he quickly made his way over to secure his sword and bow. He fastened the quiver to his hip and stored the bow and sword on his back, giving a sigh of relief that his gear was unharmed. Antonius looked around for a moment before speaking to himself out loud for anyone nearby to hear: [color=seagreen][b]"Not exactly how I pictured my day going..."[/b][/color]