[center][h1][color=ff5000][b]Renar Hagen[/b][/color][/h1][/center] The moment was here, at last. Renar hefted his poleaxe up as he surveyed the menagerie of fey horrors before the knights, his cloak billowing behind him. The only victory condition was ensuring Rozenalt died. Everything else was secondary. Whatever foe was before him, he didn't have to [i]win[/i]. He simply had to [i]not lose[/i]. But then again, Renar would be damned if he let himself be defeated by any of these upjumped children's tales. And speaking of... Besides Rozenalt, there were four figures that stood out from the horde. Elites, if he would hazard a guess. And by the looks of it, each had their own little tricks and gimmicks. But that was fine. So did he. [color=ff5000][b]"I'll deal with the one holding the bear trap."[/b][/color] Renar declared, hefting his poleaxe up onto his shoulder with one hand as a brief flash of steel glinted in his left. [color=ff5000][b]"Remember, we only need to ensure they can't help Rozenalt. Ensuring their leader falls is our [i]only[/i] priority. That means no fool risks to claim a victory that won't last."[/b][/color] Gerard. Likely Fleuri too, if he lost his head. Not that Renar would care overmuch if that happened. The Bastard of Brias stepped forward, giving a brief nod towards the Huntsman with the charred cloak and armor. [color=ff5000][b]"I don't suppose you accept reserved slots, say, fifty, sixty years from now? One could have worse afterlives."[/b][/color] He said lightly, as if having a casual conversation. What? Renar was destined for nothing but the long dark when he died, with all he had done and was planning to do. Why not explore his options somewhat? The steel in his left hand shot forward, a knife hurled straight towards the burnt knight. Only this one was attached to a rope. A flick of Renar's wrist sent the rope dart jerking upward, aiming to wrap around and bind the arm holding the length of rope. Fortunate that he had a method to assail the wretch with its own plan of attack. If that didn't draw its attention, nothing would.