[hider=Kohaku] [b]Name:[/b] Kohaku [b]Titles:[/b] The Royal Extra [b]Gender:[/b] !!? [b]Age:[/b] 0 [b]Affiliation:[/b] Fire Nation Royal Family [b]Physical Description:[/b] Blue eyes with dark-brown hair that seems to have a bright, reddish hue to it when viewed from certain angles. They have a slender build, with delicate features, however they're taller than the majority of their peers. This gives them an ambiguous, yet at times imposing figure. [hider=] [img]https://i.imgur.com/mBWgrbL.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Kohaku is polite, but not exactly magnanimous. Shrewd and objective, but not quite cold. Kohaku long ago lost any sense of shame. The end goal is all that matters, no matter how degrading the means or what faces they have to wear. What that goal is... is for Kohaku to know and you to fret about. They're sick of not getting what they want. [list] [*]Likes: Bees. Cooking. [*]Dislikes: The willfully ignorant, the ungrateful, and just generally senseless behavior such as swatting at bees. [*]Fears: The existential dread of bees going extinct. [*]Dream: An apology. [/list] [b]Short Biography:[/b] In their previous life, they worked various jobs. Debt collection, call centers, and delivery work. Often all at the same time. None of them made a lot of money, but they all did wonders for eroding one's faith in humanity. They had two escapes from reality: bee-keeping, and ATLA... until they were removed from that reality altogether. While well-verse with the original show, they were less enthused with the following comics and Korra, though they'd at least fully seen the latter. As for their new life, it seems they're the questionably legitimate child of Lady Ursa and now a member of the Fire Nation Royal Family, and thus sibling of Zuko and the not yet born Azula. That's... going to be interesting. [b]Inventory:[/b] [list] [*]Nothin' yet [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Saying almost anything with a straight face [*]Conversely can read most people like a book [*]Bees [/list] [b]Tropes:[/b] [list] [*][b]Annoyingly Cute[/b] - If they were any more endearing they could probably get away with murder. As is, barring other reincarnates, almost any petty crime or trespass can be forgiven with a simple apology. [*][b]Reborn as the Villain[/b] - They were born into the royal family of the show's antagonist, with all the pitfalls and opportunities that entails. [*][b]Series Encyclopedia[/b] - They're like a walking wiki of the universe. [/list] Bending/Crossover Power: [list] [*][b]Firebending[/b] - It's lit, yo. [/list] Current Goals: [list] [*][b]Short Term[/b] - Find their place in their new family. Find bees. [*][b]Long Term[/b] - Maybe some more bees. Figure out fire and lightning. More bees? Figure out Azula. Make sure Zuko still gets exiled. Furthermore, bees? [/list] Extra: [hider=Theme:] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weqK155M_4o[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider]