[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjE0Mi41ZjllYTAuUTJ4aGNtVnVZMlUsLjA,/rawuh.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SEOQvLX.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=5F9EA0]Time: 6 pm Location: Castle Dinning Hall Attire: [url=https://i.imgur.com/R61caal.jpeg]Winners wear red & black![/url] Interactions: Alexander [/color] [hr] [color=9FA1A4] [color=black][i][/i][/color] Clarence gave little warning before the monkey dissolved into a billowing cloud of smoke. The smoke entered through the nose, eyes, ears, and mouth of the vessel that submitted to possession. In a matter of seconds, all that was Callum Danrose was locked away in a dream. And it could’ve been a good dream too. Had Callum shown proper loyalty and respect to the familiar, Clarence would’ve rewarded his mortal with an inspiring dream. But it was petty spirit, even the slightest fault would earn the mortal a long nightmare that would feel like an eternity. Clarence stretched out what were now his arms and legs, and paced around the prince’s room until he got a sense of balance in his new form. He felt the weariness, the dull ache of old injuries, and the softly fading drunkenness. The urge to open the bottle of whiskey that sat on the prince’s desk called to him. [color=5F9EA0]“This body abhors sobriety.”[/color] He whispered. The voice came out strained, the spirit practiced talking to itself in a hushed whisper until he had gotten the hang of speaking. He poured himself a glass of whiskey, and clumsy hands slowly lifted and swirled the glass. [color=5F9EA0]“Only right. That my first taste. In this vessel. Is of whiskey.”[/color] Clarence savored the sharp burn, caught hints of the barrel the liquid had aged in, and smiled at the warmth. He felt a hunger so different from its own. Simpler. A desire for mortal food. He looked around the room, softly talking to himself as acclimated to a human body. [color=5F9EA0]“I must prepare for the banquet.”[/color] He said to himself, speech slowly becoming natural. Clarence took his time getting ready for the event. He indulged in a long hot bath, savoring the sensation of water and scrubbing against skin that could actually [i]feel[/i]. He inhaled the scents of soap and cologne with delight, no longer did the scents of energies and emotions overwhelm him. It had been too long since he could enjoy as mortals enjoyed and everything felt new and fresh. He studied himself in a mirror as he dressed. He looked almost exactly like Callum with a handful of subtle differences. His eyes, still a brilliant blue, were a few shades darker. His posture was entirely relaxed and comfortable in ways Callum could never achieve. His smile was nothing like the prince’s, a show of teeth and a glint of dark mischief. Few would notice, and fewer would care about such minor changes. Clarence found the simple golden crown that the prince never wore, a placed it top his head with glee. Dressed in a black and crimson suit, white shirt, and gold bowtie, Clarence made his way to the dining hall. His gait, confident and carefree, his stomach occasionally growled as the scents from the feast wafted through the palace. [color=gold][b]“Presenting...Prince Callum Danrose?!”[/b][/color] The herald seemed unable to contain the surprise in his tone; not only was the youngest royal punctual but arrived completely dignified and poised. No antics, no drunken stumble, and not a hair out of place. Clarence flashed a wide smile and nodded to those whose heads turned to look at him. He helped himself in the dining hall, a plate stacked with rich appetizers, decadent meats, and savory sides. He balanced his plate, nowhere near as comically piled high as Edin’s, with grace in one hand, and a glass of rich red wine in the other. He took his seat at the banquet table. He glanced at Alexander as the new advisor spoke. [Color=gold]“I can assume the food is delectable,”[/color] [color=5F9EA0]“Of course. We would never present our guests with anything less than perfection. Tonight you have the honor of dining as royalty.”[/color] He commented. [/color]