[hr][color=white][sup][h1] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FeK3DwIWAAIEG23?format=jpg&name=small[/img][/center] [b][center][color=ROYALBLUE]VENOM[/color][/center][/b][/h1][/sup][/color][indent][sub][COLOR=ROYALBLUE][I]THE ALCOVE, ALPHABET CITY[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=ROYALBLUE][b]...AND A PRAYER[/b][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][INDENT][hr][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][color=DARKGRAY]Admittedly, living off of freelancing was difficult, especially when it came to covering rent each month. Finding work as a former journalist was easy enough. The real struggle was persuading a landlord who would accept a tenant without a traditional, steady paycheck and not immediately reject their application. Fortunately, Eddie found someone willing to rent to him—with the condition of an extra month’s security deposit, of course. His new home was a cozy, semi-decent studio in East Village, ten minutes from First Avenue station and five from a nearby community garden. All things considered, it was a far better living arrangement than he had ever dared to hope for. Although, he did need to buy some furniture very soon. For tonight, though, a mattress on the hardwood floor was sufficient enough. A half-eaten chocolate cake rested in its plastic container atop the makeshift bed, while a duffle bag filled with clothes and cherished mementos leaned against the exposed brick wall. Eddie lay sprawled out, absorbed in his phone, scrolling through news articles about the city, intrigued to learn about all the changes that had unfolded during his absence. His companion, Venom, gazed contemplatively out the window, captivated by the vibrant nightlife unfolding in the neighborhood enough to break the silence. [color=ADD8E6][b]We want to go out in town,[/b][/color] their voice laced with excitement and eagerness. Eddie, still wrestling with fatigue, let out a long yawn. [color=WHITE]"It's 'going out on the town,'"[/color] he corrected lazily, his eyes half-closed. [color=WHITE]"I've had a long enough day; all I want is some rest. We can go out first thing tomorrow."[/color] [color=ADD8E6][b]Lazy ass,[/b][/color] Venom retorted with exaggerated disdain, their words sharp enough to narrowly cut through Eddie's drowsiness. With a dramatic flourish, they turned back to the window, casually munching on a rather large slice of chocolate cake. Eddie rolled his eyes at the childish jab but couldn't help but smile slightly. With the soft hum of the video playing in the background, it hit him—this new chapter in his life had truly begun, and he was utterly clueless about what to do next. [color=WHITE][i]Fuck[/i][/color]. [indent][color=FF0000]"Alright, let’s be straight for a moment,"[/color] the interviewer interjected after enduring what felt like a never-ending spiel during his podcast. [color=FF0000]"People listening to you talk might think you're some conspiracy-obsessed nutjob millionaire hoarding up supplies like it's an apocalypse clearance sale."[/color] [color=D4D5D7]"Actually, it's billionaire,"[/color] Carlton Drake shot back, a touch of irritation in his voice before he erupted into a hearty laugh. [color=D4D5D7]"But hey, I get it. My detractors might see it that way and paint me as some paranoid doomsday prepper. But with the way the world's been spiraling lately, who can really fault me for wanting a little peace of mind?"[/color] The interviewer leaned back in his chair, clearly still skeptical, and crossed his arms. [color=FF0000]"Sure, everyone craves security more than ever. But don't you think some folks might view your foundation as profiting from this anxiety?"[/color] Carlton shrugged, a flicker of amusement in his eyes as he retrieved a cigarette case from his coat pocket. He flicked it open with a smooth motion. [color=D4D5D7]"Look, Joe, we don’t twist someone's arm to make them donate. And trust me, that money isn't just sitting idle in some vault like Scrooge McDuck's gold. Every single dollar is strategically invested to secure our future amid these unpredictable times—something our so-called heroes fail to even provide. Frankly, I'd even argue they exacerbate the very issues we're facing today."[/color] Joe leaned forward, his interest piqued. [color=FF0000]“What do you mean?”[/color] Carlton lit a cigarette, tossing the case casually aside and exhaling smoke before he spoke. [color=D4D5D7]"Well, think about it. How long before we're faced with yet another alien invasion? Or to keep it closer to home—how soon will our city plunge into turmoil again because of another villain with some kind of vendetta against, I don't know, Spider-Man? Each showdown doesn't just leave us with debris to clean up; it inflicts devastating ripple effects. We're talking soaring insurance premiums, crippling medical bills that can devastate families, and a surge in homelessness driven by rampant price gouging. It feels like we're caught in this vicious cycle of greed and devastation, barely keeping our heads above the water, always on the edge for the next disaster. This can't last forever. And when it all finally unravels, society will crumble soon enough, and I want to be ready for that."[/color] Joe nodded, clearly captivated by the fervor behind the words. [color=FF0000]"So, this is the vision fueling the Life Foundation?"[/color] [color=D4D5D7]"Exactly,"[/color] Carlton affirmed, a spark igniting in his eyes. [color=D4D5D7]"I'm all about building a community—a coalition of the willing ready to stand together in solidarity. A strong, united front is a must if we're going to tackle the challenges of rebuilding society after it all came crashing down,"[/color] he replied, flicking the glowing tip of his cigarette into the ashtray with a thoughtful pause. [color=D4D5D7]"But rallying together? Rebuilding a society? That doesn't come cheap, even for someone with my resources. So if someone is keen to contribute with their own money, why wouldn’t I welcome their support?"[/color] [color=D4D5D7]"And let's face it: the Avengers aren't exactly rolling up their sleeves or [b]footing the bill[/b] after 'defending' New York from whatever threats they bring forth to the city,"[/color] he added with a wry grin, taking another puff of his cigarette. Joe chuckled, now more convinced than earlier. [color=FF0000]"Sounds like you're taking a jab at a certain tin man."[/color] [color=D4D5D7]"Oh, don't even get me started on him..."[/color][/indent][/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] [hr]