[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aFpVkw6.png[/img][/center] Perhaps there was something to be concerned, when one of the spear-wielding soldiers revealed themselves to be clearly inhuman, at least on the outside. On the inside though? The fact that none were immediately skewered on the spot as a ‘proper’ show of strength was enough for the flame-headed one to take it easy. To pay some attention, briefly, to something that was more important to him. Despite the dry, seething heat all around him, his right hand felt cool. The hand he used to uproot the spears and seal them into his space was now something that didn’t seem to be drawing any heat at all. Surreptitiously, he rolled his fingers, tested his dexterity, confirmed that everything, beyond ‘temperature’ remained in good condition, and nodded. There were worse things that could happen than a cool hand. Especially when his fellow spear-stealer sported an arm that was a whole lot whackier. [b]“Well!”[/b] He nodded as if it weren’t his problem at all. [b]“That’s pretty fucking wild. And Witch-Lady, I’d be happy to answer those questions of yours, if you made it worth my while to.”[/b] The flame flickered briefly, almost as if the pale radiance itself was ‘winking’ at her before he sauntered over to the scale-armed girl. Perhaps the prune-ass shaman had a point. Perhaps any moment now, his head was going to turn into scales and shit. Something something, dead, something something gotta respect them. [b]“So, girlie.”[/b] He hunched his back, getting more on eye-level with the slightly-panicking, slightly-level-headed, definitely-confused brunette. His head tilted to the side, enough to further expose the opaque flames. [b]“I know it’s gonna sound a bit crazy, but how ‘bout you stick your whole scaly arm into this ol’ head of mine and, oh, I don’t know, close your hand after its inside? Best do it quick though. Who knows what’d happen next?”[/b]