[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3An0JHH.png[/img] [color=skyblue]Location[/color]: Tony's Residence, Miami, FL [color=skyblue]Skills[/color]: N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Sipping on his coffee, Tony watched the sun rising over the ocean. Although there was a lot of things he missed from New York, this perk of living in Miami never got old. Closing his eyes, Tony listened to the waves crashing against the beach as he thought again of the letter he'd received yesterday, congratulating him on his nomination for the Vorace La Lune Award of Achievement. It was about time Tony received some recognition, he thought, even if it's an award he'd never heard of until now. The million dollar prize would be a welcome bonus too, putting him [i]way[/i] ahead on his mortgage. Yes, he would definitely be accepting the invitation. Even if he loses to a more experienced surgeon, the vacation would be a nice change of pace. [color=skyblue]I just hope this goes nothing like the [i]last[/i] awards ceremony I attended,[/color] he thought darkly as he went back inside. [hr] [center][color=skyblue]Location: Château de La Lune: Foyer[/color][/center] [hr] Sitting down inside the limo, Tony got his first look at the other nominees. He was a bit surprised; he did not recognize any of them, and none of them seemed to [i]act[/i] like any of the doctors he'd met. Maybe they were Europeans? He decided to focus on listening to try to solve the mystery, only speaking himself when directly addressed, but he wasn't able to gather much from the trip's small talk. The private jet had been quite nice, at least. Way more spacious than even first class, and much better meal options. The limo and ferry rides were pretty comfortable in their own rights, and before long they arrived at the chateau. The estate was undeniably impressive and as they entered, Tony observed that the foyer was equally so. After listening to Elenore's short speech, he followed a few of the other nominees to the notice board, began skimming through the room assignments, and... Tony scowled. Ghost hunter? Preschool teacher? Drag queen? [i]These[/i] are the people I'm competing against? How the hell could this award possibly be so prestigious if these are their idea of ideal candidates? After a few moments of further consideration, Tony composed himself, smirking. [color=skyblue]Well, at least it's a foregone conclusion that I'll be the winner,[/color] he thought, pleased. Finding his name on the list, he saw that he'd been assigned the [color=#B57EDC]Lavender Room.[/color] Following some of the other nominees, he headed upstairs to find his room. He had to walk all the way to the end of the hallway, but eventually he found his room and stepped inside. Looking around, he scowled once again. If he was asked to design his ideal bedroom, the result would be just about the exact opposite of what he saw in front of him. [color=skyblue]Is this whole thing some elaborate prank meant to embarrass me?[/color] Tony wondered incredulously. [color=skyblue]Well, if it is, then they expect a reaction out of me, but I'm sure as hell not going to give them what they want,[/color] he decided. Sighing, he flopped onto the bed, staring at the ridiculous lavender ceiling. At least the bed is comfortable. [color=skyblue]"This is going to be a long vacation."[/color]