I'm really loving the brainstorming and flexibility from everyone! Out of curiosity, how would y'all feel about [b]young adults[/b] as our age group—like around college age (18-mid 20s)? Obviously characters wouldn't have to [i]be[/i] in college. They'd be old enough for autonomy and freedom, but young enough that there's plenty of edginess and drama, and still of course room for there to be one's family involved as well. I've played college age folks before and there's certainly potential for some good ole messiness there. Also, a couple quick announcements:[list] [*] I will try to put up a character sheet soon for y'all to play around with. Not a 100% guarantee it'll be the final version, but you most likely won't have to discard anything if the format changes. I had one yesterday but forgot to save it, ugh. [*] Today and tomorrow are exceptionally busy for me as I'm hosting a friend who I need to keep entertained, lol. I should be back to the usual by Sunday.[/list] To that end, I may have enough free time today to hop back on and eke out the character sheet skeleton, so stay tuned! UPDATE: I added the skeleton to the first post. I [i]think[/i] I have the formatting down. Feel free to let me know if not - I'll debug later!