Came up with my character concept! [hider=Olive B Gartner] [center][h2][b][color=1d9905]Name: Olive B. Gartner[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hider=Image Jumpscare] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider] [b]Age: 21[/b] [b]Gender: Female[/b] [b]Occupation: Student[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Olive is about 5,4ft tall and of slender build, with black shoulder-long hair and brown/greenish eyes. Her usual dressing style is pretty laid-back and skater inspired, preferring to wear graphic or flannel shirts, jeans and a pair of colourful vans, but she also likes putting on a dress every now and then during summer. Olive enjoys wearing a ridiculous amount of bracelets and has multiple piercings in both ears. Not many people know she needs glasses, as she usually wears contacts. She has a "secret", rather badly made little tattoo of a sunflower on her left hip. [b]Personality:[/b] Olive's personality can best be described as "loud". She is very cheerful and bubbly, loves to poke fun at anything and everything and tries to not take life too seriously. She usually spends all day outside: Skateboarding, although she is not especially good at it, as the drummer of an all-girls rock band (Echo of Obsession) or hanging out with friends. She is a loyal and trusting person, and will speak up when people are being bullied or mistreated in her presence. On the other hand, she enjoys being in the spotlight a little too much and hates feeling left out, which might lead to her injecting herself awkwardly in other people's conversations. She has trouble respecting and dealing with authority figures, and people might confuse her nonchalant attitude with a lack of interest in anything but herself. Might get physical if arguments really escalate. [b]Background:[/b] Olive is the daughter of Deborah and Mark and was born and has spent all her life so far in Redstone. Her childhood was fairly unremarkable as she was raised by very loving parents, her father worked as a cop while her mother stayed at home to take care of her. At 17 years old, things took a turn for the worse when she caught her dad cheating on mom in his cop car. At first she was too stunned to react, but that quickly turned to furious anger. She wanted to confront him then and there, but only held back because the thought of embarrassing her mother in public made her even angrier than what she just witnessed. So she went home and told her mother how she saw her own dad passionately kissing another police officer. In contrast to the anger Olive felt, her mother was too hurt by this to be angry. Deborah quietly embraced her daughter, crying, and told her everything would be ok. Olive knew her mother wasn't the type to get physical or shout, but what she expected even less was how her mom forgave her dad in just a few days. She did hear them arguing a few times, but it was always in hushed conversations she couldn't hear, and eventually it seemed her parents had decided to just never mention the topic out loud ever again. This made Olive incredibly angry, as she herself couldn't ever imagine forgiving him for what he had done. Her father tried talking to her during those days, saying the same excuses she had heard from her ex before: "I didn't mean to", "She came onto me, I promise"...Olive couldn't even look at him, scared she might go ballistic if she were to see his face. Her parents tried acting like before the incident, but Olive could tell everything had changed. It all felt fake and cold to her now. She tried to talk to her mother a few times again, but it was futile. Deborah had decided to "forgive and forget". Olive hated that phrase. The whole experience has soured romantic relationships for her, as she now finds it stupid to believe people can truly love each other so much, they would stay together forever. After finishing high school, she decided to study at the local college, unsure what to pick as a major, but considering music production or audio engineering as options. Long-term plans were leaving Redstone for a big city after college, but things would change when the paranormal starts. [b]Connections:[/b] Mother Deborah and Dad Mark. More or less on speaking terms with mom, almost no contact with dad. Childhood and Best Friend Rebecca. Play in the same band, hang out constantly. Good Friend Elliot. Friends since high school, reputation of being a bit crazy, sells weed on the side. [b]Emerging Power:[/b] She can emit sound waves according to the emotional state she is in. Anger for example would be stronger, high bpm frequencies, calm would send out soothing, low frequency waves. The waves would only cause very weak physical reactions at first, but could increase in strength over a period of time, or maybe be able to transmit emotions to others and vice versa. [b]Personal Motivations:[/b] Olive has always been interested in supernatural stories, be it in movies, anime or videogames. Being a bit of an airhead, she would imagine herself also possessing some sort of otherworldly ability, so as things would start to happen to her and the town, she would probably start to slowly obsess over those events. If she found out there is a group of like-minded individuals, she would probably try to seek them out and join them. [b]Personal Hex Code:[/b] #1d9905- [color=1d9905]Olive will talk in this color![/color] [/hider] Let me know if I need to change anything, especially when it comes to details I made up about the town. If anyone wants to have some sort of connection, I'm open to ideas! (an ex-boyfriend could be a fun dynamic maybe?) I also had a few questions come up as I created my character, which could be interesting to discuss as a group: - Is this modern as in today? Or what year/period do we want to play in? - Would it make sense for Redstone to have a college? If not we could be here for a break of some sorts. - Have the neighborhood watch already formed, or will we play that out?