[@mattmanganon] [color=00aeef][b][h2][center]Taivas[/center] [/h2][/b][/color] Taivas looked quite annoyed that the wizard's attack burned his clothing off. The rage was building, which made him attack with more ferocity. Taking off the jacket as it crumpled on the ground. Readying up for another attack with his keyblade at the ready. He didn’t seem to care for Terk and her well-being; he seemed more focused on regaining his pride. His method of attacking was less tactical than Zen’s. Taivas charged towards the wizard heartless, using his abilities to make a shield out of the shadows from before. The fireballs from the wizards seemed to dissipate as they hit Tavias’ shield. The blonde smacks the wizards with the end of his keyblade. “[color=00aeef]Ha, too easy.[/color]” Taivas turned his attention towards the spherical heartless. Seeing Taivas approaching them, these heartless people teleported a few feet from the blonde. Firing similar fireballs to the wizards at Taivas. But Taivas swung his keyblade, bouncing the fireballs back at the heartless. The first heartless disappeared into a puff of smoke while the other teleported between the other heartless. “[color=00aeef]Tsk, where do you think you're going.[/color]” Taivas raised his hand out, summoning a few shadowy spears. Firing out the spears at the fleeing heartless and those around them. Taivas focused on the others who remained. He was glad to have someone like Zen backing him up. He wanted to finish the battle, so he ran toward the remaining heartless. Bobbing and waving out of the incoming attacks from the monkey heartless. Focusing his efforts on them because they seemed to be going after Zen. Slicing them in half afterwards, take a deep breath. “[color=00aeef]Tsk why would you think it was me?[/color]” He told Zen that although he did feel the strong gust of wind, “[color=00aeef]Yeah, let’s go. I wanna make sure Dotty isn't doing anything stupid.[/color]” He said, putting away his keyblade. He assumed Tarzan had gotten the ship part from someone from Destiny Island. Or perhaps one of his friends had given it to him to give to Taivas. “[color=00aeef]Hi, Tarzan do you mind if I look at that ship piece?Where did you get it anyway?[/color]” Asking Tarzan while walking back to camp. Meanwhile, Clayton listens to Dotty and Jane’s conversation. His interest peaked when he overheard Dotty saying she could speak to animals. This ability would be useful in trying to convince the gorillas to come willingly. Persuading Dotty would be easy since Jane could not do much to stop him. However, Tarzan would be a different issue. He would try to play hero and rescue Dotty. His attention turned towards a voice calling his name. Turning around, he saw a figure wearing a long black robe. A raven was perched on the figure’s shoulder. Clayton had his gun at the ready. “[b]Who are you? What are you doing here?[/b]” He said while the gun was pointed at the figure’s head. However, the figure didn’t seem fazed by the rifle being pointed at their face. “[i]You must be Clayton, which I have heard about. It is a pleasure to meet you.[/i]” The figure said with a smile. “[i]Please, I do not mean you any harm.[/i]” The figure said while leaning slightly on their staff. Clayton lowered his gun, curious about what the figure would say next. “[i]You are looking for the gorillas, correct? Well, I know where you can find them and how to collect them easily.[/i]” The figure raised their staff high above in the air. And was being pointed towards Clayton, with the figure now walking towards him. “[b]Who are you? What do you want?[/b]” He said with panic in his voice. Again, he raised his gun towards the figure. The figure smiled, stopping right in front of Clayton. “[i]My name is Maleficent, and what I can give you is the power to fulfill your deepest desires. Getting those apes, getting rid of Tarzan, and getting Jane to love you.[/i]” Maleficent moved her staff to near Clayton’s heart. A strange shadow seemed to envelop Clayton, who felt paralyzed. His gun was hanging to his side. The shadow disappeared around Clayton’s heart. “[b]What did you do to me?[/b]” He asked again, pointing the gun at her. “[i]I gave you the ability to control the heartless or the shadowy creatures you have been seeing in this world. For this ability, I will need something from you. I need you to find someone here who has the Power of Authority. Doing so and I will help with your goals. However, if you fail me in your task. I can easily remove your new powers and send you to a dark place you will never escape.[/i]” And with this, she disappeared in a huge puff of smoke, leaving Clayton dumbfounded. As he was left alone, he noticed a heartless monkey, curiously watching him. Clayton held out his hand and was surprised to see it approaching him. It climbed on his arm and rubbed its head on his cheek. Clayton smiled to himself, laughing manically while walking out of the camp.