[center][hider=Scratch] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250322/51b6f87e52155d87972da42d68504edb.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/0QSv9QpP/alkalinestingray-Watercolour-portrait-of-a-dark-elf-engineer-H-da6849ff-5a83-4ce6-ba5e-f50eb87fb328.png[/img] [h3][b]Scaerthrynne Airresh [color=EBA536]||[/color] 450 (?) [color=EBA536]||[/color] Male [color=EBA536]||[/color] Dark Elf[/b][/h3][color=EBA536][i]“Whether I’m 450 or 150 or 10050 doesn’t make a difference. I’m still probably older than you, so that means I get to sit down and you get to piss off.”[/i][/color] [h2][b][color=EBA536]Appearance[/color][/b][/h2] [color=EBA536][b]Height:[/b][/color] 1.78 meters / 5’10 [color=EBA536][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 75 kilograms / 165 lbs [color=EBA536][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Greyish White [color=EBA536][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] Dark Red [color=EBA536][b]Skin Tone:[/b][/color] Ashen [color=EBA536][b]Distinguishing Features:[/b][/color] [color=EBA536]||[/color] Fingertips: Callouses and scarring on the left middle, index, and ring fingers [color=EBA536]||[/color] Forearms: Burn marks on both; abrasion scarring on left forearm [color=EBA536]||[/color] Left Cheek: Powder burn from cheekbone to eye [color=EBA536]||[/color] Torso: Faded scars from bladed weapons on chest; single bullet wound on abdomen [color=EBA536][b]Clothing Style:[/b][/color] Utilitarian; function over form. Most things he wears serves a practical purpose. [color=EBA536][i]“Yes, I[/i] could [i]dress better, but you hired me to be an engineer. Or a surgeon. Either way, if you wanted someone to stand around and make the place look pretty, then you should've hired a dancer. Or a prostitute. I hear they're cheaper. Less likely to complain, too."[/i][/color] [h2][b][color=EBA536]Psychology[/color][/b][/h2] [b][color=EBA536]Likes[/color][/b]: [color=EBA536]||[/color] Puzzles, problems, anything that requires logical deduction [color=EBA536]||[/color] Finding out what’s wrong with things or people and fixing them [color=EBA536]||[/color] Being allowed to work with his own methods and at his own pace [b][color=EBA536]Dislikes[/color][/b]: [color=EBA536]||[/color] People who think more with emotions than logic [color=EBA536]||[/color] Illogical actions and decisions [color=EBA536]||[/color] Being controlled or corralled in his actions [color=EBA536]||[/color] Anyone who treats Vallena poorly or unfairly [b][color=EBA536]Habits and Quirks[/color][/b]: [color=EBA536]||[/color] Usually tinkers with something or other when idle [color=EBA536]||[/color] Likes to 'test' others with regards to their own ethical and moral beliefs [color=EBA536]||[/color] Rather protective of Vallena [color=EBA536][i]"Yes, I'm mean to the girl sometimes. Yes, sometimes I teach her hard lessons. That doesn't mean[/i] you [i]get to. It's not a difficult concept. You have a wife, right? You make love to her, right? Do you let anyone who wants to have go stick it in her too? I thought not."[/i][/color] [color=EBA536]||[/color] Generally less abrasive to anyone who's not yet an adult [b][color=EBA536]Dreams and Motivations[/color][/b]: [color=EBA536]||[/color] Equip Vallena with everything she'll need for a life on her own [color=EBA536]||[/color] Lead a simple, quiet, and trouble-free life for the rest of his days [b][color=EBA536]Sexuality[/color][/b]: ??? [color=EBA536][i]"I'm not saying anything, but if they act like a woman and sound like a woman, then I've got nothing against treating them like one. I'm not picky."[/i][/color] [color=EBA536][b]Willingness to make friends (1-5):[/b][/color] 2 [color=EBA536][b]Willingness toward romance (1-5):[/b][/color] 2 [h2][b][color=EBA536]Personality[/color][/b][/h2] [b][color=EBA536]Engagement with Others[/color][/b] [color=EBA536]Extroversion (1-5):[/color] 1 [color=EBA536]Kindness (1-5):[/color] 2 - 4 (Situational) [color=EBA536]Chattiness (1-5):[/color] 2 [color=EBA536]Trustfulness (1-5):[/color] 1 [color=EBA536]Sense of Humor (1-5):[/color] 3 - 4 [color=EBA536]Loyalty (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=EBA536]Selflessness (1-5):[/color] 3 - 5 (Situational) [color=EBA536]Flirtatiousness (1-5):[/color] 2 [color=EBA536]Arrogance (1-5):[/color] 2 - 4 [b][color=EBA536]Conflict Resolution and Decision-making[/color][/b] [color=EBA536]Patience (1-5):[/color] 2 - 4 (Situational) [color=EBA536]Temperance (1-5):[/color] 2 [color=EBA536]Forgiveness (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=EBA536]Courage (1-5):[/color] 3 [color=EBA536]Stubbornness (1-5):[/color] 3 - 5 [color=EBA536]Pacifism (1-5):[/color] 3 [color=EBA536]Impulsiveness (1-5):[/color] 2 [color=EBA536]Creativity (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=EBA536]Mercy (1-5):[/color] 3 [color=EBA536]Charisma (1-5):[/color] 2 [h2][b][color=EBA536]Background[/color][/b][/h2] [color=EBA536][b]Place of Origin:[/b][/color] Khyber [color=EBA536][b]Current Occupation:[/b][/color] Airship Engineer and Airship Surgeon [color=EBA536][i]"With their budgeting, I'll be flying this damned thing myself by this time next year."[/i][/color] [color=EBA536][b]Living Family Members:[/b][/color] [color=EBA536][i]"Hey, my mother's happily married and I've no sisters, you perv- Oh, you're asking for a different reason? Well, that changes things. In that case...It's none of your damn business, it doesn't make me any better or worse of an engineer or surgeon, and so if you could stop asking and go away, that'd be great."[/i][/color] [color=EBA536][b]Companions on the Airship:[/b][/color] Vallena [color=EBA536][b]Why are you traveling to Khorvaire?[/b][/color] The airship that he works on is traveling to Khorvaire [color=EBA536][b]Non-Combative Skills:[/b][/color] [color=EBA536]||[/color] Experienced Engineer - knows the ins and outs of both arcane and non-arcane machinery [color=EBA536]||[/color] Seasoned Surgeon - can be counted upon to provide medical care, provided one is comfortable with unorthodox methods [color=EBA536]||[/color] Excellent metalworker, leatherworker, and blacksmith [color=EBA536]||[/color] Middling Alchemist - can make most potions and poisons if given the proper equipment [color=EBA536]||[/color] Slight experience in airship piloting - he won't crash the thing [color=EBA536][b]History[/b][/color] [color=EBA536][i]"Well, you know how we Dark Elves are. Watching glowing moss on a cave wall is fun for the first 50 years or so, but at around the hundredth you realise that it's really all just the same plot reworked over and over again. Boring stuff. I'm just one of those who decided to leave. See the world. Maybe find different mosses to stare at. What, did you want a story? Can't you go be curious somewhere else?"[/i][/color] [h2][b][color=EBA536]Combat and Magic Potential[/color][/b][/h2] [b][color=EBA536]Class:[/color][/b] Artificer [b][color=EBA536]Signature Abilities:[/color][/b] [color=EBA536]||[/color] Arcane Infusion [color=EBA536]||[/color] Field Repair [color=EBA536]||[/color] Analytical Edge [b][color=EBA536]Major Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [color=EBA536]||[/color] Apparent absolute disregard for social norms [color=EBA536]||[/color] Easy to despise, hard to tolerate [color=EBA536]||[/color] Obsessive about solving problems, even after it’s time to drop it [b][color=EBA536]Racial Traits:[/color][/b] Once per day, a Dark Elf can step between shadows, instantly teleporting a short distance (up to 30 ft) as long as both the starting and ending points are in dim light or darkness. Additionally they have Darkvision. [b][color=EBA536]Boons and Banes:[/color][/b] [color=EBA536]++[/color] Expert Gunner - He's good with a musket, rifle, pistol, cannon...Anything that uses powder and shot, really [color=EBA536]++[/color] Master-of-his-craft - He might be a prick, but he's a skilled prick. It's probably the only reason he still finds work. [color=EBA536]--[/color] No social skills - And he doesn't care much that he doesn't have any. [color=EBA536]--[/color] All at arm's reach - With the exception of Vallena, he doesn't let anyone get too close. [b][color=EBA536]Combat Equipment:[/color][/b] [color=EBA536]||[/color] Musket [color=EBA536]||[/color] Pistols [color=EBA536]||[/color] Hand axes [color=EBA536]||[/color] Tinker’s Tools [color=EBA536]||[/color] Arcane Battery [color=EBA536]||[/color] Surgeon's Tools [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Val] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250322/d22b7b45e4360bdb028a9a42202c487b.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/wjccG83v/alkalinestingray-Watercolour-portrait-of-a-human-apprentice-eng-2d199717-d43a-41be-bf32-91ccff815e8c.png[/img] [h3][b]Vallena [color=E579FF]✷[/color] 12 [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Female [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Human[/b][/h3][color=E579FF][i]"Hi! I'm Vallena, but everyone calls me Val so I guess you can, too. I might only be twelve, but Scratch would be lost without me, that's for sure! He won't admit it, but we both know it's true."[/i][/color] [h2][b][color=E579FF]Appearance[/color][/b][/h2] [color=E579FF][b]Height:[/b][/color] 1.30 meters / 4’3 [color=E579FF][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 31 kilograms / 68 lbs [color=E579FF][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Dark brown [color=E579FF][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] Brown [color=E579FF][b]Skin Tone:[/b][/color] Tanned [color=E579FF][b]Distinguishing Features:[/b][/color] [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Fingertips: Developing callouses and fingernails that have been chewed [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Face: A canine that shows when she smiles; freckles on her cheeks and nose [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Upper Torso: Freckles on her arms [color=E579FF][b]Clothing style:[/b][/color] She takes after Scaerthrynne's utilitarian style, but she does add her own flair wherever she can, such as using coloured strips of cloth for highlights or simply attaching pins and other accessories. [color=E579FF][i]"Scratch says I should be more 'realistic', like him, but I don't know. 'Realistic' doesn't mean 'looking like days-old laundry', right? Please don't tell him I said that."[/i][/color] [h2][b][color=E579FF]Psychology[/color][/b][/h2] [b][color=E579FF]Likes[/color][/b]: [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Solving mysteries with Scaerthrynne and working with him in general [color=E579FF]✷[/color] The occasional spot of mostly-harmless mischief [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Exploring and experiencing new things and new places [b][color=E579FF]Dislikes[/color][/b]: [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Sitting still for too long and boredom [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Having to concentrate on a single task at a length [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Anyone who misunderstands Scaerthrynne and judges him unfairly [b][color=E579FF]Habits and Quirks[/color][/b]: [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Banters with Scaerthrynne when she has nothing to do, even if it's one-sided [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Has her own things to tinker on when idle, usually something given by Scaerthrynne for her to practice [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Will wander off if left to her own devices for too long [b][color=E579FF]Dreams and Motivations[/color][/b]: [color=E579FF]✷[/color] To have her own airship [color=E579FF]✷[/color] To see the world and go on adventures [b][color=E579FF]Sexuality[/color][/b]: ??? [color=E579FF][i]"I'm twelve, you pervert! Also, Scratch says it's okay to stick you with a knife if you ask me that."[/i][/color] [b][color=E579FF]Willingness to Make Friends:[/color][/b] 5 [b][color=E579FF]Willingness Towards Romance:[/color][/b] 2 [h2][b][color=E579FF]Personality[/color][/b][/h2] [b][color=E579FF]Engagement with Others[/color][/b] [color=E579FF]Extroversion (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=E579FF]Kindness (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=E579FF]Chattiness (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=E579FF]Trustfulness (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=E579FF]Sense of Humor (1-5):[/color] 3 [color=E579FF]Loyalty (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=E579FF]Selflessness (1-5):[/color] 3 [color=E579FF]Flirtatiousness (1-5):[/color] 2 [color=E579FF]Arrogance (1-5):[/color] 1 [b][color=E579FF]Conflict Resolution and Decision-making[/color][/b] [color=E579FF]Patience (1-5):[/color] 1 [color=E579FF]Temperance (1-5):[/color] 2 [color=E579FF]Forgiveness (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=E579FF]Courage (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=E579FF]Stubbornness (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=E579FF]Pacifism (1-5):[/color] 5 [color=E579FF]Impulsiveness (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=E579FF]Creativity (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=E579FF]Mercy (1-5):[/color] 4 [color=E579FF]Charisma (1-5):[/color] 4 [h2][b][color=E579FF]Background[/color][/b][/h2] [color=E579FF][b]Place of Origin:[/b][/color] Unknown [color=E579FF][b]Current Occupation:[/b][/color] Airship Engineer's Assistant and Airship Surgeon's Assistant [color=E579FF][i]"With their budgeting, Scratch will be flying this thing by next year and I can be his Captain!"[/i][/color] [color=E579FF][b]Living Family Members:[/b][/color] [color=E579FF][i]"I don't know, and Scratch doesn't either."[/i][/color] [color=E579FF][b]Companions on the Airship:[/b][/color] Scaerthrynne [color=E579FF][b]Why are you traveling to Khorvaire?[/b][/color] The airship that she works on is traveling to Khorvaire [color=E579FF][b]Non-Combative Skills:[/b][/color] [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Capable sneak - Vallena's hard to find if she doesn't want to be found [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Sticky fingers - can be counted upon to pinch small objects with little trouble [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Little thespian - adept in acting a role in order to sell a story [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Trained engineer - can perform minor engineering work on her own, but requires guidance for complex work [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Beginning surgeon - can assist in medical procedures and potion-brewing [color=E579FF][b]History:[/b][/color] [color=E579FF][i]"I lived on the streets for a while before meeting Scratch, but I don't remember much before that. Doesn't bother me, though! My old life was probably boring compared to this. I get to fly, see the world, explore new places, eat new stuff, and I get paid for it! I wouldn't change it for anything."[/i][/color] [h2][b][color=E579FF]Combat and Magic Potential[/color][/b][/h2] [b][color=E579FF]Class:[/color][/b] Rogue [b][color=E579FF]Signature Abilities:[/color][/b] [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Escape Artist [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Con Artist’s Charm [b][color=E579FF]Major Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Physically weak, even for a twelve year-old girl [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Picked up some of Scaerthrynne's poor social habits [b][color=E579FF]Racial Traits:[/color][/b] Pick one extra boon of your choice [b][color=E579FF]Boons and Banes:[/color][/b] [color=E579FF]++[/color] Gift of the Gab - Vallena has a good tongue and knows what to say to get her way [color=E579FF]++[/color] Streetwise - She knows her way around the less-glamorous parts of a city [color=E579FF]++[/color] Innocent appearance - Few would suspect her of even [i]lying[/i], let alone anything more illicit [color=E579FF]--[/color] Easily distracted - Left to her own devices, she'll wander off and do her own thing [color=E579FF]--[/color] Kleptomaniac - She sometimes steals out of habit, and not out of need [color=E579FF][i]"I'm not stealing! I'm just borrowing. I'll return it. Eventually. Maybe."[/i][/color] [b][color=E579FF]Combat Equipment:[/color][/b] [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Pistols [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Daggers [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Lockpicks [color=E579FF]✷[/color] Whatever else Scaerthrynne gives her [/hider][/center]