[center][h3][color=gold]A gathering[/color][/h3][/center] [color=lightgray]They didn’t know their exact mission, but there were plenty of clues in the environment. The roar of flames, the hissing of embers, the susurration of murmurs coalescing into a cacophony of noise. They clamped their ears shut even as they approached the source, and discovered [i]others[/i]. There were other displaced beings, some human, some not. How [i]odd[/i]. They did not recall ever being in a place with these types of beings, though they had the sense they might have [i]observed[/i] such creatures. The group seemed to be facing a duo – or a trio? – of residents. The divide was clear: those who belonged here, and those who did not. But why all this noise? Oh, right, [i]words.[/i] A means of communication when one couldn’t intuit meaning without. How strange…It seemed foreign. But now that they were ruminating on the idea, they realized they’d already said something before. At the time, they’d thought it another cough. But no, there had been a [i]why[/i] produced from their very own vocal cords. Huh. So, even though they felt like they might not have done so before, [i]speech[/i] was inherent to this body. A Very Loud One greeted them with two words and a wave. Raising their hand in response, they mimicked moving it left to right. Gestures, yet another way of expression. A way which felt closer to them, perhaps. There was a Shy One the Very Loud One pointed out, and the angel gave a wave to her too, hoping their smile might soothe her anxious spirit. Something bordering on conflict was unfolding between some of the newcomers, and a mounting tension could be detected from the residents. They could easily understand both; the majority did not belong, and was confused, while the minority felt threatened. Posturing was not unusual for mortals… Mortals? They cocked their head to the side, watching the scene unfold as their own line of thought surprised them. Surely, with their human body, they too were mortal? A light sigh left them as no answers were forthcoming. Weapons were drawn, points were made, but they merely tracked the horned humanoid with passive interest. The term [i]demon[/i] did not once occur to them in relation to this person, for he was unlike any demon they knew. More unusual than the horned man’s intimidation tactic was the blonde one’s gaze on them and a couple of others. It was almost as if he recognized them, or thought he did. [color=gold]“Have you…seen us…before?”[/color] They sought to confirm. As those who belonged shared some information, they rolled the unknown names on their tongue, practicing speaking as much as they were becoming acquainted with the world they found themselves in. [color=gold]“Hail and prevail…Shalut. Meko. Illium…”[/color] If those were mere mutters, the last word had them whip their head to the alchemist. [color=gold]“Gods?”[/color] All else became secondary – the man seeking to learn of the gods, the girl affected by what was likely a curse, the flame-headed man offering to cleanse while the tall curious one demonstrated her ability to mend torn flesh. An uncontainable desire burgeoned within, an instinct screaming at them to go see for themselves. Canting their head up, they stared at the smog obscured skies. They were being [i]called[/i] up there. Not thinking much of why or how, the strong urge to ascend supplied them with the means to do so. Unaware, a reflexive ability was called upon. A shimmer of light blue appeared, sketching from their shoulder blades a set of extended wings, each longer than the length of their body. It was almost like an illusion, yet despite their immaterial nature, their corporeal body lifted into the air. They barely noticed how lighter, more natural they felt like this. A strong beat of their ethereal appendages had them shooting up. Up, higher and higher, until they broke through the chokehold of smoke, emerging into the open skies. Their mouth dropped open as they witnessed– Was this Chaos? Was it Order? It resonated with their mind, their essence. It felt like a part of them, like they might be a part of it, yet it was so, so very distant. Space, the very fabric of reality, was torn apart as if something had ripped through it. A yawning chasm, a wound in existence bleeding gold. It was as if a star had melted, its metallic yellow remains dripping down. They were on the verge of a revelation, but couldn’t quite grasp at it. Dazed by the sheer brilliance of the sight, it took a moment for the sense of [i]danger[/i] to shake them out of it. [i]Something[/i] was there. They did not sense it, yet they were sure of a presence beyond. Could it be what had brought ruin to the unknown land they found themselves in? No, no! This was no time for questions! Pumping their wings, they turned around, and took a nosedive towards the ground. Was it a moment too late or could they evade being marked by the mysterious presence?[/color]