[color=lightgray][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/S98vWKh.png[/img][/center][/cell][cell] [color=#50b0f1][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220311/27efd277073263c7d99ebe605d1cfab8.png[/img][/center][/color] [indent][hr][/indent][hr] [indent][sup][color=ab274f][b]Attire:[/b][/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/sTIjTiA.jpg]Banquet fit[/url], a simple princely crown [color=ab274f][b]Date and Time:[/b][/color] Sola 28th, 6pm [color=ab274f][b]Location:[/b][/color] Castle dining hall [color=ab274f][b]Mention(s):[/b][/color] All those who've gathered at the banquet so far. [color=ab274f][b]Interaction(s):[/b][/color] [/sup][/indent][/cell][/row][/table]Wulfric observed those gathered at the banquet as he strolled in to the herald’s announcement of, [color=gold]“Presenting the crown prince, His Royal Highness Wulfric Danrose!”[/color] Besides the proclamation, one of the first voices he heard was the newly minted [i]royal advisor’s[/i], and his obsequious attempts to ingratiate himself. [color=ab274f][i]How the little bird sings…[/i][/color] He stifled any thoughts of violence, no matter how fleeting, no matter how pleasing it might be to make him [i]sing[/i] in a different set of circumstances. In the dungeons, for example, with Deacon termed a traitor. Alas, such a pastime would have to wait. [color=ab274f]“Your Majesties, Your Excellency, good evening,”[/color] he sketched a bow that with just the right degree of respectful. Having known the seating order in advance, he had arrived from the direction closest to his chair, so he did not need to walk behind any of the esteemed company's backs. It would have been uncouth for one. For another, this way, those present would have the best view of him as he leisurely paced from the entrance to his seat. He met Auguste’s and Anastasia’s gaze in turn, offering them a collective nod. He did the same for Callum once he took a seat next to him. He made no mention of his brother’s strange demeanour, nor did he remark upon the never-before-seen crown upon his brow. His gaze did not linger on Callum at all, but unbidden, a part of the conversation he had had with Hendrix the previous evening regarding curses occurred to him. As the count had noted, one could not detect such magical influences [color=9354FF][i]without careful observation and comparison to prior behaviors[/i][/color] or [color=9354FF][i]any curse-sensitive artifacts.[/i][/color] He did have that spyglass, though just for this occasion, he had handed it off to a trusted person who’d make notes on those who’d gathered here today. Would the spy think to observe his brother, though? The prince was unsure, and besides, if he had the chance, he’d prefer to confirm it with his own eyes. Even without such a device on his hands, observation was very much in the cards. Not an especially difficult prospect given they were seated next to each other. Regardless of the exact cause of his transformation, Callum was but one of the people to keep an eye on. He greeted the other dignitaries in turn, the acoustics ensuring he did not need to raise his voice to reach even those seated at the other end of the table. [color=ab274f]“Duke Laurent, Duchess Petit, Duke Vikena, Lords Adrien and Alain, Lady Vikena, welcome.”[/color] He glanced at the woman going by Olivia, though did not name her. [color=ab274f]“Mr. Deacon,”[/color] he addressed the man last with a cooly amused smirk. Without further comment, he sampled a selection of the hors d’oeuvres. Though one could walk around from table to table and take one’s pick of food, it was equally possible to order to have something brought over from one of the numerous servants. Wulfric was not averse to the former, but at the moment, barely anyone worthwhile mingled at the food tables. Thus, he remained seated, lazily watching the guests. Lorenzo’s outburst caused but a mocking arch of the brow. Though, the mushroom he skewered upon his fork with a tad more enthusiasm than was required might have been a warning, if the duke cared to notice.[/color]