Okay! Here he is; lemme know how he is: [hider=James Michael Estuert] [color=silver][center] [color=bca346][sup]N A M E[/sup][/color] James Michael Estuert[/center] [center] [color=bca346] [sup]A G E[/sup][/color] 21 [/center] [center] [color=bca346] [sup]O C C U P A T I O N[/sup] [/color] Barista [/center] [center] [color=bca346] [sup]A P P E A R A N C E[/sup] [/color] [/center][indent][indent] He’s considered tall only because he is above average height at 5 feet and 9 inches. He has brown hair that needs to be brushed a little better and green eyes with a little too much concentration in them. Light freckles are sprinkled across his nose and upper cheeks. Maybe he was born with them, or maybe he likes spending time outside a lot. His skin is pretty olive, for that matter, and his physique indicates he probably plays or did play a sport for a good while.[/indent][/indent] [center] [color=bca346] [sup]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sup] [/color] [/center][indent][indent] Most people would say James is too smart for his britches. Others might say he’s got a lot of personality but it sure is well-hidden. And then, there are those who may say that despite him being an ace of a striker on his soccer team, he is pretty directionless. In all, the guy has potential, but everyone seems to have a negative thought one way or another about him. It’s not like he made a star of himself in high school to get out of this small town and then make a large flop while in college or anything. Oh wait, that’s exactly what happened, and his sister (alongside whoever else she can bring with her) won’t ever let him forget. [/indent][/indent] [center] [color=bca346] [sup]B A C K G R O U N D[/sup] [/color] [/center][indent][indent]Born and raised in Havenwood, James was the perfect first born. He followed his mother’s instructions like a good little chickety, giving his parents the bragging rights and confidence to have a second child Lucy. Unfortunately, James and Lucy grew up with an incredibly competitive disposition towards each other and their parents’ approval. Somewhere along the way, the mounting stress and constant need to meet his parents’ expectations turned into a not-so light coke addiction (it started with Adderall, you know, for studying and taking tests, but the high was just never high enough). Of course, his parents found out, and because in a small town, your reputation is your everything, it was kept under wraps. James’ course was put back to straight and narrow until he made it to college, his supposed-to-be ticket outta town, for good. And, that’s where our story begins. He messed up his college scholarship and now attends the local community college, in hopes of scraping together a decent Associates Degree for another go. Until then, he’s trapped in a constant nightmare, and as much as he loathes his sister, she’s not his biggest concern.[/indent][/indent] [center] [color=bca346] [sup]T H E T O U C H[/sup] [/color] [/center][indent][indent] It has been happening for as long as James remembers. He has had the same re-occurring nightmare plaguing his sleep. The nightmare used to not happen often, but it did happen enough until he had every detail memorized. As James became older, the nightmare started feeling like it was a part of who he is, and most recently, the nightmare has turned lucid and feels more like a second reality. To make things worse, the nightmare has been reoccurring more-and-more. James secretly fears it will become his waking life, where there is no escaping it.[/indent][/indent] [center] [color=bca346] [sup]W E A K N E S S E S[/sup][/color] [/center][indent][indent]You can kick a drug addiction by staying sober, right? Right, but we all know the lingering effects last forever, just waiting to jump out of the shadows and resume that toxic relationship with its victims. At least, he’s got that soccer team to help keep him healthy. Too bad he’s 21, though. Oh, and that naughty sister of his. She’s just calculating and taking bets on when James’ house of cards is going to fall. If not now, soon, right? He’s been acting weirder lately, anyways. [/indent][/indent] [center] [color=bca346] [sup]M O T I V A T I O N S[/sup][/color][/center][indent][indent]He’s got to get out of here. He has to escape his parents, escape his sister, and escape this vortex of a town. Every day becomes more and more of a living nightmare — the one that plagues his sleep. And, it’s gotta be soon because the light at the end of the tunnel is dimming.[/indent][/indent] [/color] [/hider] Lowkey, his name was supposed to be Michael, and he was supposed to be 24. However, I noticed he wouldn’t be the only character with those facts on his sheet all while being a [i]barista![/i] So, I switched some things up. For the better, most likely. [b]Edit:[/b] Omgosh, I just realized he’s such a baby compared to everyone. Oh well.