It took some time for Lorelei's acquaintance to arrive. Quiet and weak footsteps could barely be heard if one was quiet--twice as many, if one counted their own steps on their way up. [b]"It's been a while."[/b] A hoarse voice announced, their tone quiet and slow. [url=]A small figure crested the stairway into the 2nd floor lounge.[/url] Someone of short stature, their loose clothing--though every detective knew that the figure's clothing wasn't meant to be loose--hid their figure beyond their surprisingly broad shoulders. Slowly, they continued moving up the stairs, both feet meeting on the same step before trying to ascend the next. Their skin and hair was nearly flawless; fragments of age spoiled perfection, however. Of course, this was no natural beauty. Both Dezzie and Lorelei knew that this beauty was the result of hours of care and enough product to start a retailer. Barbados? The man's idea of "exfoliate" was letting the wind kick beach sand into his face. Contrary to their appearance, they didn't possess an ounce of youthful vigor. In fact, a light breeze would blow them away. [b]"Congratulations on the promotions,"[/b] they said to Lorelei, [b]"or I suppose transfers? It's been quite a while since I last saw you. How have things been going with your life?"[/b] [b]"Though, it's a bit strange why you'd ask me to meet up with some..."[/b] they paused as to look up and down at Dezzie and Barbatos, [b]"swingers?"[/b] They chuckled to themselves a little, only stopping as a languidness took them over. Rather quickly, they took a seat. [b]"I'm Lev,"[/b] they introduced themselves, [b]"my mother wanted me to be like a lion, but you can see how that turned out."[/b]