Very cool. Very cute. Gonna ask here for fear of cluttering up the OOC: one post says [paraphrasing] "I'm gonna bump up the roster from six characters to eight" and another post from a similar time frame says "We're just waiting on Ryuuichi's sheet before we start." Is Ryuuichi the eighth, or is there still room here? I'm also interested in the [i]furyƍ[/i] archetype, though less "rich kiddo acting out" and more "if he doesn't mug other kids in the hallways for their lunch money then he [i]actually[/i] doesn't get to eat that day." The type of kid who, were it not for the Public Assistance Act, would be living in a tarp and cardboard tent in a park somewhere due to some combination of poverty, abuse, alcoholism, and gambling addiction all wreaking havoc on this family. Also, deeply confused about something. The "six years together, four years apart" motif from the OOC makes it sound like y'all play college-aged twenty-somethings who end up back returning to their home town due to various circumstances. But then everyone applied as high school-aged characters? What's up with that, and what's the actual age bracket for the cast? Anyway, good luck with this! [@Feyblue]