[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250201/e59bd323b41254e9b1613da26ec73422.png[/img][/center][hr][right][i][color=90c0ce]Interactions:[/color] Kelly, Sato Kurodoji, the Caretaker [color=90c0ce]Setting:[/color] 11:10 AM, Ricky's[/i][/right][hr] Alphard stared back at Sato, nervously wringing his hands as a long silence stretched between them. Once the man spoke, he inhaled deeply, feeling like he could finally breathe again. Unfortunately, the mafioso’ answer was entirely unhelpful. He cast a glance at Kelly, who thankfully backed him up. As his fellow agent spoke, Al nodded along while also taking in the bar. For a building which from the outside appeared abandoned, the inside was unusually clean. It wasn’t just a matter of it being well-maintained, it was as if it had been stripped of the hallmarks of any self-respectable bar; there was no scent of alcohol, no smoke, no perfume of cologne, not even a hint that cleaning implements had been used. There was nothing to indicate this place was lived in, even though it very clearly [i]was[/i] being used. It was somewhat reminiscent of how the Saniwa estate had been. Aside from the blood and guts, there too had been very scant evidence indicating either abandonment or inhabitation. He determined he’d use his abilities here too, as subtly as he could. But first things first. [color=87ceeb]“Er, right, it’s like Kelly said, I’m investigating a case…”[/color] It was great the canine’s words were convincing enough for Sato to offer up more information. Alphard perked up right away when another lead was mentioned. [color=87ceeb]“Oh! A brown wolf…er, lady, you say?”[/color] He inched closer, yet held back from truly approaching, dissuaded by Kurodoji’s hostility. [color=87ceeb]“I guess I should tell you – I’m Alphard,”[/color] he held out a hand. [color=87ceeb]“I'm with the BPS,”[/color] he clarified, as if the badge or the holstered pistol he was allowed to open carry weren’t telling enough. [color=87ceeb]“I know [i]of[/i] you, Mr. Kurodoji, but I figured we should still introduce,”[/color] he smiled weakly, palm remaining extended. He waited patiently, though of course, neither of the other two moved to shake. Sato brusquely gave his name, while the sheep demon offered a moniker: The Caretaker. [color=87ceeb]“Right…Hm, well, I’d like to hear a bit more about this person who came in a month ago. What I’m looking into is related to the Saniwa, and the floating district too, I think. Mind if I join you?”[/color] A pointed look to the other side of the bar was a clear message. He could sit down if he wanted, as long as it was far away. With a nod, Al went to perch onto a barstool, a few seats remaining vacated between him and the human and demon duo. Sato, unfortunately, did not know the wolf lady’s name, but undeterred, Alphard took out his notebook. He took care with this action, so as to not startle either of the other two. [color=87ceeb]“It’s ok if-if you don’t know her name. I can make a sketch. Is she a demon, a human contracted to one, do you know?”[/color] He drew according to Sato’s description, showing the sketch to him and his demon companion when it was finished. [color=87ceeb]“Oh, by the by, does this eye look familiar to you?”[/color] He pointed out the previous drawing he’d made. Noting their reactions, he nodded at whatever responses was given. [color=87ceeb]“Right…right. Now, er, this might sound like a w-weird question, but Ms. Caretaker, did you clean this place?”[/color] He’d had time to channel his magic into the surroundings, only to come back with [i]nothing[/i]. The chair, the floor, the bar, the bottles, the glass, the ashtray; wherever he’d managed to reach, the feedback was the same. Nothing. A serene lack of sensations, feelings, and memories. As sterile as the bar was to the physical senses, so too it seemed to have been scrubbed clean psychically. [color=87ceeb]“Oh, I me-mean magically speaking,”[/color] he clarified. [color=87ceeb]“I can sense these kinds of things, so I was curious,”[/color] he regarded the Caretaker. Of course, it might have been Sato himself, but given her nickname, he figured it was likelier to be her if either of them was responsible in the first place. [color=87ceeb]“If it was you, it’s very well done. There’s nothing left at all!”[/color] He enthused, genuinely amazed. [color=87ceeb]“Any chance that you know anyone with, hm…Well, if I’m ri-right, I’m looking for someone or something which instead of [i]erasing[/i] what was there doesn’t leave a trace in the first place.”[/color] He hoped he had managed to be vague enough not to give away restricted intel on their investigation while still making sense.