Alphard could tell that the former heir didn't really listen when he gave Sato his name. When asked about the Saniwa, a grimace came over his face. [b]"I stopped thinking about that shit years ago. I don't want any part of that bullshit anymore and I don't change my mind."[/b] Sato spoke more when asked about about the wolf. [b]"What are you, deaf? What part of wolf says 'human'."[/b] Sato unceremonious snapped back at Al. He sighed as he recollected himself. Whatever would get them out of his hair without any trouble. [b]"It's a brown wolf or dog or something--she's a demon. Parts of black. Some bullshit nu-tattoo without any meaning. Large scar on her eye. A few scars on her body--didn't wear much."[/b] He paused to recollect more. [b]"She had a huge rack."[/b] With his memories now spent, he took another sip of his drink. He didn't react to the drawing of the eye that Alphard had made earlier that morning. [b]"What, it's an eye?"[/b] The two detectives could tell that the complete non-reaction and slight befuddlement that neither Caretaker--the sheep-like demon--or Sato recognized the drawing beyond it being an eye. [b]"She cleans up this place,"[/b] Sato answered for Caretaker. [b]"Rarely misses a spot. Except for the high shelves."[/b] His stool jostled as Caretaker weakly kicked one of the legs. Caretaker simply shrugged when asked about something not leaving a trace. Neither Kelly or Al could sense any deception. She probably didn't know anything it.