[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkbE032.png[/img] [h1][color=D2691E]Farim[/color][/h1] [color=D2691E][b]Location:[/b] Castle Dining Hall[/color] [color=D2691E][b]Time:[/b] Evening of the 28th[/color] [color=D2691E][center]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center][/color] [hider=Farim getting dressed] The night was mentally eventful for Farim. The thrill of the performances and the mental pacing that took place after his questionably fortuitous meeting with Count Fritz were enough to make his hair turn grey at the roots. But now it was time for some new trials. This royal banquet is full of several faces, old and new to Farim. Most of the attendees he had some familiarity with, but the thought of some new faces in this political quasi-romantic landscape did present some interesting opportunities. Standing in his bedroom in nothing but his smallclothes, he took a look at the foldable wardrobe with all his latest choices in outfits laid out before him on neatly filed clothes hooks. Farim tapped his foot in thought while his darling avian companion happily chewed on small bits of feed left at the bottom of her cage. The door was left open so she may explore as she wished, but right now roosting in her familiar spot was her top priority. Then he spotted it - a [url=https://imgur.com/a/7TVnV9j]familiar garb[/url] that he wore when he was feeling brazen. The deep green melding into the subtle black coloring with the typical Alidasht golden accents. It was a good blend of promiscuous yet stylish - it was exactly what Farim was looking for. He slid the form fitting silks over him and took a slight pose in front of the mirror before calling in his manservant. [color=D2691E]”What do we think? Too much? Not enough? Give it to me honestly.”[/color] The young man looked the Shehzadi up and down before offering a quick reflection. “Perhaps with such an audience as your potential in-laws…It might be best to show just a tinge less skin? I know your body is in excellent shape - but just a simple bit of covering may come across as modest while still letting people … admire that magnificent body of yours.” The man said with a growing smirk. There was a hint of playfulness in his tone - but this was merely flattery and nothing more. Farim nodded and quickly doffed his robes to wear a loose yet form fitting black and cotton undershirt. After donning his robes once more - he appreciated the hint of mystique hidden beneath the fabrics of his clothes. [color=D2691E]”Ever insightful as always, my good friend.”[/color] Farim flipped a coin towards the manservants way before heading to the banquet. [/hider] As those who had made their entrances already began to settle in their seats, and make their greetings. A sleek figure seemed to materialize in the shadows behind the Grand Vizier. A single hand reached over the man’s shoulder to grasp at his partially filled cup. The unseen figure’s fingers curled along the rim of the cup and picked it up to a familiar pair of lips. Farim smirked as he took a short sip from the cup and parted his lips with a light smack. The royal tilted his head in momentary thought, before gently placing the glass down with some added flair to his motions. A sideways glance at his father would reveal a few things to Farim. Firstly, he seems to have a mixture of bravado and adrenaline - almost like he just finished a debate. Second, this incursion that he was a part of definitely gave the Grand Vizier an aura of victory - yet another one of his little conquests seemed to play his way. And finally, he was far too absorbed in his personal politics to really notice his son's approach until it was too late. That is why Farim chose to play this harmless little show of faux-dominance over Hafiz. Almost as if to say, “What is yours is just as easily taken by me.” [color=D2691E]”My my, father. You have quite the taste. I must commend the sommeliers for their selection but you have a keen eye as always.”[/color] A fake tone of approval in his voice, Farim slid his hand back to remain hidden inside his sleeves, giving little to guess about his body language aside from his own facial expressions. Turning a more earnest gaze to the present company, Farim offered a bow towards Anastasia. [color=D2691E]”Princess. I am excited to be seeing you once again. Especially after such a riveting performance. You must tell me more of your art.”[/color] An immediate patter of wings signaled the emergence of the ever-present Thara, ready to introduce her glorious self to the patrons of the feast. She turned her head around and stopped at Anastasia, offering her feathery head towards her as if to say “I want this one to pet me, and no one else”. Farim smiled earnestly. [color=D2691E]”Thara says hi as well.”[/color] [/center]