[quote=@Blitz] I think I might've answered the first two questions with my own CS! I was envisioning modern, like 2010s or later. Additionally, I was thinking Redstone has a community college, but after reading Olive's CS (I'll DM you soon, Elmyra!), I think having a small four year college (à la Northern Arizona University vibes) is totally fine and I will edit Cian's CS. Regarding the formation of the neighborhood watch, I've been personally waffling on it. I was thinking a group has already been formed, but nothing has actually been done yet. The group doesn't even have its name yet. In other words, we have some time to do some investigations around town, and when some things happen down the line, the group can become more solidified. [/quote] I think post 2010 would work great for the setting and I like the idea of Redstone having its own community college! Having the group be loosely formed already but without having accomplished much yet would definitely work. I would imagine there's probably a lot of people who were just morbidly curious or looking for drama when they attended the first meeting, but as some of us investigate what is happening around town, we would eventually form an actual team. Also, should we keep this thread alive or start discussing everything else in the actual RP OOC?