[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=6373fa][center]Juniper Mayfield[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50300845558_4fa1a8609f.jpg[/img] [i]Location: Beyond the Veil Skills: N/A[/i] Juniper felt a weird relief when he heard Waverly declare that the beings were zombies. Then he felt a little weird at the fact it brought him comfort. Probably it was just that having a label for something makes it easier. Plus, Juniper knew about zombies, though his thoughts felt a little scrambled right now, he was having difficulty recalling everything he'd spent all that time studying about zombies. Faintly he could hear Stacy talking about how the bar had some supplies that could be useful. Juniper tuned back in more as he was told that it would be safe to stay in the bar, even if for only an hour or two. He didn't want to cause commotion while everyone was trying to rest, but his anxious thoughts were building. Eventually he did say something, [color=6373fa]"What about after that? We have to like, figure out where else is safe....if anywhere? Or is the whole world zombie'd?"[/color]