[hider=Chanticleer Malloy] [b]Name:[/b] Chanticleer Malloy [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Half dwarf/Human [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://pics.craiyon.com/2023-10-12/05fe4e4fef754256ba28497d3917d0c5.webp[/img] [i]Height:[/i] 5'3 [i]Eye Color:[/i] Hazel with flecks of gold [i]Hair Color:[/i] Fiery red [b]Description:[/b] Chanticleer is a heavy-set individual who despite his pot belly has rather muscular arms and legs from his dwarf heritage. He is slightly taller than the average dwarf but not honestly by much. His hair is flaming red and goes past his shoulder blades. The strangest part though is amongst his red locks are equally red chicken feathers. He has a full unruly beard and mustache that matches his hair. His eyes are unique in that they are a mixture of hazel and gold in color, giving his gaze a rather striking look. He is most often seen traveling in a mud brown cloak that covers his clothing. On his left hip is a plain looking sword that has a red gem in its hilt. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Chanticleer could be considered fairly carefree most of the time. Some might even call him borderline dumb, but he is always worth a good laugh. As everything he does, he does for his own amusement sometimes to the chagrin of others. He is not a mean individual, and he tries to let these serve as teaching moments even if only to himself. His carefree nature makes him friendly and borderline lazy when he does not have a goal in mind. [b][i]Quirks:[/i][/b] - Tends to rub his pot belly regardless of the situation - Keeps the hood of his cloak on to avoid questions - Despite being half dwarf, can not hold his alcohol [b]Brief History:[/b] Chanticleer's mother always said her son was dropped on his head as a child. While most would be in a rush to achieve great things, Chanticleer never seems to be stressed about things. One day out of the blue he just up and left home without a word and began to wander. Sometimes things would go swell and other times he would be a beggar on the street. During one of those low moments, he came across an eccentric man who had many wonderous items for sale. Each of them life shattering and capable of changing the world for better or worse. The traveler would allow anyone who managed to see him one item and one item only. True to Chanticleer's brand he somehow managed to pick out the only item that the traveler had put in there as a joke. Instead of picking up an orb that contained wild lightening that could have made him an all-powerful lightening mage or picking up an enchanted heart that could have given him the strength of a dragon. Chanticleer picked up a small golden egg. When the Traveler tried to persuade him into picking something Chanticleer merely laughed and walked off. He was hungry and the egg looked delicious. When he discovered he could not break the shell and being rather desperate in the moment. He Swallowed the egg, shell and all he was granted the unique powers of a Chickenmancer this gave him the ability to summon normal chickens and even battle roosters, though they are laughable in strength for now. In his random wanderings adventures he stumbled upon a strange blue portal that left him in in the Springwood Forest. He noticed upon entering this new world that the air smelled differently here. Less smog and more nature scented, so he is quite thrilled to be here. Wherever here might be. [center][b][h3]-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---[/h3][/b][/center] [b]Occupation:[/b] Ye old Chicken Wizard [b]Social Status:[/b] Lost [b]Skills:[/b] - Swordsmanship (adept) He sure knows how to swing it. Not much skill involved though. - Fishermen (Expert) His lazy approach to life means he's great at this hobby. Just sit and wait. - [s]Begging [/s]Silver tongue (Apprentice) Being homeless and constantly wandering. He has gotten good at mooching off of others and getting supplies. [b]Equipment:[/b] - Mud brown hooded traveling cloak - Steel short sword with a red gem in it's hilt - Small knapsack with a canteen of water and several pieces of hardtack. [b]Spells:[/b] - Summon chickens (Adept) This spell allows him to summon up to four normal chickens at a time that lay regular eggs. If any harm befalls them even death, they will vanish upon the spot. They are not for eating. - Chickenmancer (Adept) This spell allows him to summon up two special battle roosters that are roughly the size of a medium sized dog that can battle for him. [b][h3][center]--- My House ---[/center][/h3][/b] [b]Location:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [/hider]